Most people know my opinion on the whole thing. This is likely going to influence the rest of your life pretty heavily. I almost compare it to buying a brand new car - if you're going to pay through the ass, you should make sure you're going to enjoy it.
My selection criteria was actually a little bit strange. My parents wanted me to go to school for engineering. At the time I had absolutely no idea what engineering majors did - when I was a LOT younger I used to think that engineers only worked on trains
Lets just say that my parents didn't communicate engineering to me very well.
What I really wanted to do was go into computer law, but that field was soooooo young at that point that I didn't have anyone who understood it enough to advide me on what to do. Just to give you some perspective, Microsoft wasn't even 1k employees at that point.
So I was really floating around. I knew I liked computers, I enjoyed programming, and I enjoyed graphics. My parents (being the anti-me when it comes to technology) weren't much help. I went with what I liked (Computer Science) and immediately went for an internship as soon as I was allowed to(went to Microsoft my Sophmore year). This helped me decide that this is what I really wanted to do.
My selection criteria was actually a little bit strange. My parents wanted me to go to school for engineering. At the time I had absolutely no idea what engineering majors did - when I was a LOT younger I used to think that engineers only worked on trains
What I really wanted to do was go into computer law, but that field was soooooo young at that point that I didn't have anyone who understood it enough to advide me on what to do. Just to give you some perspective, Microsoft wasn't even 1k employees at that point.
So I was really floating around. I knew I liked computers, I enjoyed programming, and I enjoyed graphics. My parents (being the anti-me when it comes to technology) weren't much help. I went with what I liked (Computer Science) and immediately went for an internship as soon as I was allowed to(went to Microsoft my Sophmore year). This helped me decide that this is what I really wanted to do.