evil solrac v3.0
so i was watching C-SPAN today (well somebody has to know what's goin on) and they were discussing H.R 810 the stem cell bill.
and almost every republican except one kept using religion and false facts to basically, in my opinion, to halt progress. how can they get up on that podium and argue about the sanctity of life when they so gleefully vote to use nearly 300 billion for some adventure in the middle east that's killed so many?
how can they say to be patient with the results in iraq and not want to hear about the possibilites that embryonic stem cells research can bring to the world of medicine if only they are given a little time and money?
why do they wilfully ignore the fact that these embryos are going to be discarded and can benefit people who are alive right now? if only they are given a little support? hell, were does it say in the bible to be selective with life? discuss among yourselves if you want.
and almost every republican except one kept using religion and false facts to basically, in my opinion, to halt progress. how can they get up on that podium and argue about the sanctity of life when they so gleefully vote to use nearly 300 billion for some adventure in the middle east that's killed so many?
how can they say to be patient with the results in iraq and not want to hear about the possibilites that embryonic stem cells research can bring to the world of medicine if only they are given a little time and money?
why do they wilfully ignore the fact that these embryos are going to be discarded and can benefit people who are alive right now? if only they are given a little support? hell, were does it say in the bible to be selective with life? discuss among yourselves if you want.