Modern republican philosophy revolves around the belief that all problems can be solved if you have a strong, growing and relatively stable economy. They believe that it is in the best interest to empower and encourage those with money to invest as that will lead to more growth, jobs, and stability.
This works... if you live in a world with Scrooge McDuck. These principles of 'voodoo economics' are mostly based on wishful thinking and not on any hard and fast economic models. They are the height of logical fallacy, generally falling into the "Affirming the Consequent" view in propositional logic, i.e.:
suppose B
therefore A
This works... if you live in a world with Scrooge McDuck. These principles of 'voodoo economics' are mostly based on wishful thinking and not on any hard and fast economic models. They are the height of logical fallacy, generally falling into the "Affirming the Consequent" view in propositional logic, i.e.:
suppose B
therefore A