take a mulligan and do better on the next one.
Take his bedroom door off the hinges.
Take his bed apart and leave mattress on floor.
Take the CPU in his PC out.
Wait for confirmation behaviour has improved, permanently. Put the CPU back.
wait for further improvements before putting back test.
the problem is my wife absolutely hates his game playing and has even threatened to leave me if I don't manage to bring him under control.
In fact, nothing you pick your battles and this one isn't it.
Do you remember being a teenager? Puberty, homones wild mood swings? This will pass and he'll come out the other side just fine. If he's moody, throws a strop or whatever, just let it go. What you don't do is to try and control further as it will just push him away more.
He's becoming a young adult and that should have more freedoms and responsibilities along with it. Some arbitrary number you've pulled from your ass about how long he's allowed to use his devices is overly controlling and is just driving you crazy trying to enforce a rule you've just made up, just because "That's what parents are supposed to do".
Are you on Covid lockdown? What's he supposed to do when he's not on his phone PC? Come and watch TV with his parents, the screen they can watch as much as they like and that's OK?
You do know everything is on his phone? His social life, his music, his videos and porn? Imagine your parents coming in and taking your phone away.
You're being overly controlling and in so doing you're teaching him these behaviors. My dad was the same, and I learned just to agree with him so he's shut up and leave me alone quicker. Again, it comes back to what is he supposed to to when he's not on his phone or PC? Stare at a wall?
If he's done all his schoolwork, chores and not getting in trouble then he should be able to spend his free time as he wants. If those things are being neglected because of gaming only then do you have a problem.
You don't get this reaction unless you've been really hounding the kid over this.
It will pass and he'll be just as good a kid as he's always been, sorry you're not getting your power trip of controlling him any more but he's becoming a young adult. Again, your enforcing an arbitrary number of hours just "Becuse".
How is it for his "Own good"? You've not made a good reasonable case for that at all.
Finally! This is what you should be focusing on, becuse there's a whole world of troubles he could be in and as he gets older you could still have to potentially deal with that would make you wish he was just sitting at home on his PC playing games.
Nope, you're butthurt you "Authority" has been undermined. Quite being so damn controlling and remember your sons going through puberty, soon enough he'll be out getting drunk and fucking girls (or guys, if that's his thing).