You are probably a young man, slightly autistic and not well-versed in the subtle social cues you are giving off, so let me clue you in: The real world isn't an r/atheism battleground of wits. While you may think you are 'normalizing' non-believers, what you are in fact doing is giving off sociopathic vibes of a basement-dwelling adult virgin. Your passive-aggressive, combative behavior is indicative of an extremely low social value which women are bound to find extremely unattractive. Clearly your goal here isn't to attract women, but this is nonetheless a side-effect you might want to know about.
To them, you will not appear as a sympathetic stranger hitting them over the head with an epic epiphany about their innocuous use of words unbenknonst to them hurting and excluding a marginalized group, and them proceeding to want to blow you for this gift from the heavens. You will just read like a little weirdo, a fly they want to swat out pronto and be on their way. As a result, they will think less of you, and atheism.
No, what I think this is really about is sparring. Tell yourself all you want that this for some higher cause of exposing societal ills. But you just really like to get into logical arguments and defend your viewpoint; which is fine, there is a time and place for everything, but someone wishing you a good day (blessed, even) isn't it.