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How do you sneak back stage at a concert?

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I'm going to the most important concert of my life in a few months, and I need a way to get back stage. I remember reading somewhere (I thought it was on GAF) about someone who posed as a magazine editor or something and was able to get back there. So does anyone have ideas/experiences/etc?

The plan as of now is for my friend to grow out his beard. He's going to say he works at a radio station and I'm a fan who won a contest to meet the band. We'll have realistic-looking media badges and everything. But does anyone have a better idea? Or way to bribe the bodyguards? Anything?

And before anyone asks, I'm seeing the Pixies.


If there was a contest, I'm sure everyone there would know about it, etc.

I'd just sneak in as media in general, no contest or anything.


Neither of us really look old enough to pass as legitimate journalists. I guess I could say we write for some trendy webzine or music website or something.


Mason said:
I'm going to the most important concert of my life in a few months
And before anyone asks, I'm seeing the Pixies.

Hmmm is that an oxymoron??? A pixies concert is the most important concert in your life? I might want to rethink that.


Banstick Emeritus
If security is worth the air they breathe, they'll toss you so far on your ass you'll land in the Atlantic. The backstage pass list is set ahead of time at most professionally run shows.


You could always grow some tits.


bishoptl said:
If security is worth the air they breathe, they'll toss you so far on your ass you'll land in the Atlantic. The backstage pass list is set ahead of time at most professionally run shows.

This is a smaller venue and I'm hoping security will be mainly rent-a-cops.

Lost Weekend said:
Look like you belong there and fake a press pass (bring a good camera, too)

OK, will do.

And if we get beaten up and/or brutally raped, I will try my best to take pictures!


most small clubs have their own badges for backstage, outside of the tour badges that the band and roadies have.
It really depends on the club most of the time. Some clubs have wicked security, some have none.
Most bands, if you know what the band members look like are at the bar or around the show and most are pretty open to a fan saying hello. That is how i have gotten backstage and became friends with many bands.

Look like you belong there and fake a press pass (bring a good camera, too)
Press pass won't do shit for you, since most clubs dont even care if you are press or not to get backstage.

Doth Togo

Mason said:
I'm going to the most important concert of my life in a few months, and I need a way to get back stage. I remember reading somewhere (I thought it was on GAF) about someone who posed as a magazine editor or something and was able to get back there. So does anyone have ideas/experiences/etc?

The plan as of now is for my friend to grow out his beard. He's going to say he works at a radio station and I'm a fan who won a contest to meet the band. We'll have realistic-looking media badges and everything. But does anyone have a better idea? Or way to bribe the bodyguards? Anything?

And before anyone asks, I'm seeing the Pixies.

Bribe the bouncer $50 - $100. It works.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
If you want to get backstage, then the only way you can do that is by bringing a reaallly good looking chick with you. Once you see the manager, or a crew member working for the band, get the girl to ask him/her for backstage passes. The key is to make sure she sounds kinda' whiny and pouts, and she can't be wearing too much clothing either.

It works.

Trust me.


goddamit, Griese!
Actually, bribing security has worked for me once in the past. Only time I've tried it actually. Me and my friend asked if there was a guest list, the rent-a-cop said "yeah, what are your names?" My friend took out a $100 bill and said "it's cool, we're on there" and the guy let us in.

It was a small venue with a not so popular band, so it wasn't like it was a huge deal, but it did work....not so sure you wanna try it though.

Hot chick thing definitely works too. I've seen it happen to the person next to me at two consecutive concerts. pissed me off, because there's no way those bitches were as big fans as me =(


element said:
most small clubs have their own badges for backstage, outside of the tour badges that the band and roadies have.
It really depends on the club most of the time. Some clubs have wicked security, some have none.
Most bands, if you know what the band members look like are at the bar or around the show and most are pretty open to a fan saying hello. That is how i have gotten backstage and became friends with many bands.

Press pass won't do shit for you, since most clubs dont even care if you are press or not to get backstage.

The concert is at a theater, so I can't catch them at the bar. But thanks for the pass info.
Most of the concerts I go to are at small venues. Usually strike up conversation at the bar if it isn't an all age show, or at the band's merch table. I've got backstage a lot that way. Plus joing the street teams for bands you like helps out as well.

But anyway, no way in hell you'll sneak backstage at a Pixies concert short of giving some 300+ pound roadie some love in the bathroom. Have fun.


Do what i did. Get thrown up on stage in the middle of Tenacious D's concert and start dancing with the robot, instant backstage pass. After that come back for a encore and your in the bus. I almost got my friend and i taken to LA from San Diego cause we were having such a blast. Oh and weezer talks to much shit and doesnt relax all that great in the green room. Jimmy eat world was cool though.

But Black is kick ass long live the D.


Two Concerts dont lie. They just arent a kick back kind of band they are really up tight and especially after they got the new bassist. Rivers was pretty cool though, he and i got to talk about all kinds of crap. And he really is just one sad lonely hopeless romantic.

But they just are too tense around each other. Kyle and Black on the other hand are like the greatest band in the world, and they will rock your socks off in the back of the bus. They cool like that, plus Kyle holds his booze down pretty damn good, its when pipes and trees that men become theives. They stole my damn socks.


B'z-chan said:
Do what i did. Get thrown up on stage in the middle of Tenacious D's concert and start dancing with the robot, instant backstage pass. After that come back for a encore and your in the bus. I almost got my friend and i taken to LA from San Diego cause we were having such a blast. Oh and weezer talks to much shit and doesnt relax all that great in the green room. Jimmy eat world was cool though.

How'd you get back there for Weezer and Jimmy Eat World? Was that the same concert?

Eminem said:
Actually, bribing security has worked for me once in the past. Only time I've tried it actually. Me and my friend asked if there was a guest list, the rent-a-cop said "yeah, what are your names?" My friend took out a $100 bill and said "it's cool, we're on there" and the guy let us in.

LOL, that is really smooth. What band did you pay $100 to meet?


heh the last backstage pass i got was for AFI (at universal ampitheater) and it was made out of fabric and professionally done.. kinda hard to fake..


Well I'm meeting the band, or I'll die trying. If nothing else, it should make for an interesting GAF story.


Mason said:
How'd you get back there for Weezer and Jimmy Eat World? Was that the same concert?

Same concert with Tenacious D at the Cox Arena. I got into the back from going to a previous concert and getting on stage when Tenacous D was doing there toy routine so i got up on stage and started doing the robot to the music. They laughed there asses off, great litlte show. I kindly walked off stage and Kyle and Black rushed off stage and got me a pass, black was telling me how ballsy i was for getting up there and doing that.

It was all fun. I snuck into Weezers green room before they performed got to talk to them for 10 minutes before they went up on stage. I got another pass for my friend and took it to him and we both got to talk with jimmy Eat World for 25 minutes or so why there were doing there ritualistic crap.

Best part was getting on the bus with the D though, playing up some PS2 and..... things i cant share with the GAF. I still want my socks though damnit. Damn you Kyle for taking them.


That's an awesome story. I wish I could chill with the D, they're probably the coolest two guys in the music industry to hang out with.

way more


Purchase and install.


So does this girl need to be really hot or just have some tits? Because any of the hot girls I know are not going to want to drive four hours and pay $50 to see a band they've never heard of, but I do have one friend with big boobs who is interested in going. Not the hottest thing ever, but she's got good-sized boobs.
I doubt it matters as long as you really accentuate those breasts... push em up high lol.

I can't wait for the Pixies. I've got my tickets sitting here :D Fucking November.


Mason said:
So does this girl need to be really hot or just have some tits? Because any of the hot girls I know are not going to want to drive four hours and pay $50 to see a band they've never heard of, but I do have one friend with big boobs who is interested in going. Not the hottest thing ever, but she's got good-sized boobs.

See if she'll give 5 minutes of heaven just to get backstage. I'm sure they'll apreciate that.


This thread kind of rocks. Don't know if the press pass thing would work (Oxy doesn't seem to think so and he would know better than I) but I'm rooting for ya. Pixies kick ass.


B'z-chan said:
See if she'll give 5 minutes of heaven just to get backstage. I'm sure they'll apreciate that.

She's supposed to call me when she gets off work in a while. I'll ask her then, lol.


crawlingpeter said:
just be happy theyre coming to your town.. they still havent announced a date for st fucking louis.

One of my good friends goes to college in St. Louis. He's coming to visit me and we're going together to the KC show.


Dont feel bad be thankful your not in fresno cali we dont get shit here. I wish they were coming here cause i would go see them. But i'm thinking about Ozzfest this year in SanJose for a concert, that is if the lineup is good enough.

Pixies rock though. My first experiance with them was on the way home from one of those concerts actually. Great band.
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