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How has your taste in food changed (and not changed) with age?

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This is something I've been really noticing as I've been getting older.

For example, I used to really hate all leafy greens, uncooked onions, pickles, etc. The texture was really off-putting for some reason. Especially uncooked onions really set off my 'ewww, gross!' reaction. Now, I regularly consume them if they are available. I still am not enamored with the texture but it's tolerable enough that it doesn't bother me so much, plus, you know, good for my health and all that.

Things I used to hate and still hate: Uncooked tomatoes (absolutely despise these, I will spit these out if you try to put them in my mouth). Bean sprouts. Squash. Cilantro.

Things I just kind of dislike and will avoid eating: Strawberries. Peaches. Watermelons. Most fruits with lots of seeds.

Curiously, I haven't really had any foods that I liked as a youth become actively disliked with age. My tastes have only become wider, which I understand is actually fairly common for people growing older, though obviously older folks have to watch what they eat more closely to stay in shape.

So what about you guys?
30+ year old here who is currently soaking his tater tots in a bunch of ketchup at lunch. Haven't changed a bit.

Only caveat is I like some more veggies.
As I've grown older, I've really started hating overly salty dishes, and have learned to appreciate the taste of vegetables without needing to dress them up in butter or a cheesy sauce.

Also Combos. Can't eat them anymore, at all.
I used to hate peas with a passion. Now they're just "meh."
I used to reject Brussel Sprouts since I had the flu when I ate them as a 10 year old. I tried them again a couple months ago and they were amazing. Strange how that works.


When I was young it was all sweets, candies, and deserts.

Now the three biggest parts of my diet are hot sauce, mustard, and coffee.
I fucking love caviar now.

Other than that, I pretty much loved everything as a kid and never had anything forced on to me, so I can't remember a food I hated :/

I guess it's pretty much stayed the same. Red meat and some veggies is pretty much my go to dinner.
Blood sausage is a big one. My grandfather and uncle would make it for every barbeque and I hated it. It wasn't until I had some when I visited Buenos Aires that I started to like it. Liver, foie gras especially , is something I wouldn't eat as a either, but now I can't get enough.


As a kid: "eww, avocados!"

As an adult: "oooh, avocados! why are you so expensive!"

As a kid and an adult: "eww, olives!"


When I first met my wife (she's Greek) I was a very picky eater...stuck mostly to my roots (lots of steak, chicken, pork, vegetables and starches). Within 2-3 months of dating, her dad forced me (not physically but with that psycho Greek dad intimidation) to eat a fish eye. You know what? It wasn't half bad - kind of like salty jelly - but I lived.

The point is, I figured if I tried that, I could try anything...and I'm SO thankful I changed. Now I love Thai, sushi, Indian food, lamb, goat, Ethiopian food, Vietnamese, rabbit, duck, liver, etc. I'll try anything twice, and 99.9% of the time, I'll enjoy it. I fish a lot, and making my own ceviche on the boat with a fish I caught is incredible.


I like spicier foods now, yeah. I used to loathe the idea of spicy hot pickles or gardenia mix but now those are some of my favorite snacks.

I used to hate brats or basically any sausage that wasn't a hot dog. I like brats now but I can't eat too many before feeling sick-ish. I do like to use italian sausage in spaghetti sauce now instead of regular meatballs or meatsauce.

I used to love coffee, even drank it black most all the time. Now I can't stomach it unless it has some pretty generous cream/sugar in it.

I have always disliked maple syrup and the cake-y things that typically go with it. Waffles, pancakes, etc.

As a kid and an adult: "eww, olives!"

Yeah, I never turned around on olives. Don't like them in any variety, I don't think. Though I think now it might be because I think they're too salty (generally) and can at least point to that reason.
i stay away from really sugary, greasy, and processed foods. my fridge looks like theres an alcoholic vegetarian stocking it. i was always decently healthy, but really pulled the plug on the stuff i previously mentioned.


I eat a lot of stuff I didn't as a kid. Broccoli and asparagus and the like. Lots more veggies that I turned my nose up to.

I find myself eating more seafood, particularly fish and shrimp. Less beef, although I do love me some beef.

I've stopped eating anything precooked and frozen with the exception of these breaded chicken tenderloins made by Publix that are pretty amazing. Otherwise it's fresh ingredients or raw meat that's frozen and then thawed, like shrimp or chicken breasts.

Oh, forgot the things I don't like: Mushrooms, olives, caviar/smelt roe, and most types of protein-heavy beans (kidney, lima, baked, etc).


I was EXTREMELY picky when I was younger.

Now I love pretty much all food. I even had a jellyfish salad recently and liked it well enough.


As a kid I barely ate vegetables, despite being a Vegetarian. As an adult I'm getting through 5 - 7 portions a day; especially love my greens which I hated as a kid (even sprouts which I had to be forced to eat at Christmas).

I've also developed a taste for Nutritional Yeast; 9 years ago when I became Vegan I thought it tasted foul. Now it goes on/in most of my meals.
Nothing has changed really. I grew up eating Indian / Greek / Sushi / Mexican / EVERYTHING and I still do. Hated ketchup as a kid and I still do as well. I hope if I ever have kids they never end up like some people here (well done steaks soaked in A1). I'm glad my uncles girlfriend took me out to eat so much as a kid. Gave me a great appreciation for food and flavor.


It hasn't much, except that I'm more about quality and freshness these days, mostly on account of the BF's influence. No more frozen crap, higher quality ingredients, etc.

Always loved fruits and vegetables growing up, and I thank my mom for that influence. Salads, rich greens, spinach stews, etc. loved it all. Still do.

All the 'adults' in my life waiting for me to 'grow up' and 'get over' my dislike of seafood, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus are all sorely disappointed. People who keep dismissing my need for meat that's actually cooked (read: not rare) as some kind of holdover from a child's palate can eat shit, too. I don't like my food tasting like blood.


I enjoy spicy foods a lot more now.

I eat a ton of vegtables and fruits. Not something I started to do until I was in my 20s. I feel weird if I go more than 2 days without eating some sort of greens.

And I have almost totally abandoned coke. I drink maybe 2 or 3 glasses a month. When I was in high school probably drank it one or two times a day. I will say that for the few times I drink it it tastes amazing.

Also not really into sweet things the way I used to be.

And now I have to drink coffee every morning.
Kale, goat cheese and roasted beet salad with balsamic vinegar reduction drizzled on top. When I was younger I probably would've said "barf" but now, it's one of the best things I've ever had.
I wasn't too picky about ingredients, but I did rebel against Korean food when I was younger. Also, I did not indulge in many sweets when I was younger which probably sounds strange.

Now that I'm older, I do find myself enjoying some things more. I have more affinity towards bitter flavours like brussel and alfalfa sprouts, I love licorice now (thanks to copious amounts of sambucca imbibing), so stuff like anise, carraway seeds serve to flavour my better recipes. I've embraced Korean food as well. I am now in the process of adding some more sweet elements to my day to day life (maybe a slice of pie in the morning, a cookie with my coffee?...). I still like garbage food however, so the more things change...
Couldn't stand spicy foods as a kid and loved sweets. Like, the sweetest sweets that ever sweeted. Now I enjoy spicy foods and don't like overly sweet food. I also never ate fish when young because my dad is allergic so I was afraid if I had fish it would somehow kill me. I eat seafood daily now.

Still hate green bell peppers and mushrooms. Starting to warm up a little to mushrooms, but I will NEVER like green bell peppers.
Eating way less Italian food and more Asian and spicy food. Don't like sweet stuff as much. Access to beer has made it a new part of my taste as well. Abandoned soda for the most part. Also I got over disliking raw tomatoes as long as they're paired with something. Otherwise, still bland and watery to me.
After around 11 my tastes became pretty diverse thanks to my parents exposing me to a lot of different foods in the city. Pretty much everything has been the same since then. Though as I grow older I find myself moving more and more away from snacks. Also everyday I like tea more and more. Tea is the best thing ever.


Some pretty interesting responses in here.

That's because your taste buds are dying, y'know. They need spicer foods to taste the same levels of intensity.

Now that's just properly terrifying.

[...]I hope if I ever have kids they never end up like some people here (well done steaks soaked in A1). [...]
Wow, yeah, that's pretty bad. After experiencing the glory of a properly prepared, seasoned, and medium-rare steak it's really hard to accept people eating rubber (and liking it?!).


People who keep dismissing my need for meat that's actually cooked (read: not rare) as some kind of holdover from a child's palate can eat shit, too. I don't like my food tasting like blood.
...The contrast between this post and the above post entertains me greatly.

Though if you're actually talking rare and not medium-rare, then yeah, I can understand that.

I used to love coffee, even drank it black most all the time. Now I can't stomach it unless it has some pretty generous cream/sugar in it.

I have always disliked maple syrup and the cake-y things that typically go with it. Waffles, pancakes, etc.
Heh. I'm the same way with coffee, but... goodness, not liking waffles and pancakes is almost unimaginable for me. I am in love with that stuff, pancakes especially. Curious now - what is it you dislike about them?


My tastes have changed considerably.

Most worth mentioning is my new love of some stanky cheeses.

It started with Delice De Bourgogne, After that my dad brought me another cheese and was all "try this, you'll probably like it." And I did. It was Limburger. Which as a child he would laugh as he'd chase me and my sister around the house with it and rub it under our noses, which actually caused my sister to vomit once. My mother threw a fit whenever he brought it home because it'd stink up the entire fridge.

I was honestly shocked when I realized I was enjoying the same cheese that caused me to cower in fear whenever it was around when I was a kid.

For those of you that aren't familiar with Limburger. The bacteria that causes the funky smell in the cheese is the same bacteria in skin that causes body odors like stinky feet.


as a kid - kraft mac and cheese, slim jim, twix, and a coke.

early to mid 20s - friends and I one-upping each other with "exotic" and food network type meals. lame.

I eat for nutrition now. Balanced, hearty meals. chicken tenderloins, a huge serving of some green veggie, quinoa or brown rice with tomatoes or pepper+onions, and water...pretty bland, but healthy. Then usually some coconut milk ice cream for dessert. Eggs+ turkey bacon for breakfast, a cup of kefir+crushed flax seed scoops in between meals. sometimes a pint of lowfat milk.

and every once in a while some crazy unhealthy take out like korean fried chicken, deep dish pizza, or huge pretzel bun bacon cheeseburger.


Before: unusual aversion to mushrooms, food has to be "American" or "Chinese," fan of soda, and nothing spicy. Oh, and lactose intolerant.

Now: My mouth is its own United Nations. The spicier the better. Welcome, all veggies and ingredients (as long as the dish smells good). I probably drink less than 10 glasses of soda per year now. Go away celery and Chinese broccoli! I suffered through it, but I gained some resistance to lactose and I can finally enjoy some milk and yogurt for breakfast without getting the runs an hour later.


When I was younger I wasn't to keen on fish and livers but that didn't last long.

I have never been a picky eater, I have never liked olives, the only way I can eat olives is in a tapenade. I am not to keen on silantro/coriander I don't mind it as a curry garnish or on good tacos.

At the age of 27 I have also become more fond of chilli in chilli con carne, stir Fry's and tomato based pasta dishes.
I am a big fan of Anthony bourdain and I somewhat share his new food = new experience philosophy.
I never used to eat pistachios until I came across jalapeno flavoured ones. Also when I was younger muscles and calamari sounded gross but have grown to love both


I hated dark chocolate as a kid, but I like it now
I also hated things with ginger in it but I don't mind it now


I really couldn't eat crab or lobster until a couple years ago. I'd just projectile vomit it for unknown reasons.
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