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How have you been owned this week?

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This is the first forum I ever took part of. This forum can be fun and useful sometimes. One word I learned from this forum is the word "Owned" and its many derivatives. I thought it was a fun word to use and quite frankly until now, I never thought I knew what it really meant to be "owned". That is until this week started.

It all started this week when I caught eye of a forum about the Circuit City sale.

"Unfortunately, Viewtiful Joe was devoured alive at any CC in the area. Only one in the state of Florida with viewtiful Joe in stock was CC in St Meyers. I left with Beach Spikers for GC and Shadow: Okrage for PS2.

Golden Sun did not come up as 4.99 unfortunately. Even though I made out with two games I wanted, (not the ones I really X 100 wanted), it still sucked for me. I went to a Circuit City that’s very hidden. Some place some people would never find or think about.

Unfortunately, the person I've been seeing for 3 months thought the same thing. That or the person I'm being cheated with lives near there. Still, they thought I'd never see them there."

But it didn't stop there.

Early Tuesday morning I get a call from Gateway. I had order the ATI Radeon X800 Extreme Platinum edition from their website. I ordered on the 3rd of June. Was suppose to ship 6/9, then 6/15, 6/25, 6/29, 7/4, 7/9, and finally the rep that called me told me the card would not get there till the 28th of July. There did not mean my door step, moreover, their accessory department would get them on the 28th of July and I would get it as soon as they ship it.

As if that wasn't enough, my sprint bill came in at $120. I called to complain, since I have the pcs to pcs feature and most my minutes came from pcs phones. Or so I thought. When I bought my phone I asked for the feature, the best buy sales guy took down what features I wanted and called the Sprint rep, and apparently all I had to do was agree over the phone etc... Nope, only had the base plan, nothing I can do about it, pay up.... Guess the best buy guy circled the features I had on the pamphlet he gave me just for fun...

Anyways, I go to take a hot bath but my roommate’s dumb ass friend had the runs and stunk up the bathroom. You'd figure people would flush as soon as they let one go, no. This jerk off likes to let the aroma settle in.

After fanning a way, I start the hot bath to relax and think about the crap I have to do tomorrow. As I'm soaking in hot bath water dozing off, I unconsciously start playing in the tub. I get this urge to squeeze stuff under the ball of my foot. I start smelling a whiff of something and look down to a brown running of liquid coming out of the metal plate above the drain in the bath and the brown smudge on the bottom of my foot. That plate that drains water when the water gets to high, yea. I gave myself a nice rubbing alcohol hose down and hard scrub down about 5 times in the other shower.

How have you been owned this week?

As for the cheater who's scamming me...
"Good bye, I hope you remember me.....Filled with murderous RAGE!"


I was owned hard from the Custard place i went to on saturday. I've been feeling like shit ever since. And i know it was cause they left the eggs out before mixing them into the cream and sugar. I've been throwing up in public, inside, outside, man i feel like i've got the worst this ever. And i'm still out doing crap. I can barely get up and its just taking everything out of me. And this is all because i went to Circuit City that evening. SHIT its all Wario's fault if i wouldnt have gone i woudlnt have had my grandfather suggested that we go and try the place out. Oh boy....

ARGH me angry hopefully today is different.

And wario its really not your fault man its cool. Just get me a pricematched Disgaea today please.


CoryCubed said:
So basically Wario 64 doomed you from the beginning

4.99 Circuit City Games

Yes, yes, it was Wario64 all this time.

I am trying to figure out a way to get these pictures to my computer from my cell phone. I took pictures of them when I was at Circuit City with my sprint pcs vision phone.

They are completely clueless that I know. I found out quite a bit. Turns out she was depressed that they don't spend quality time together so he took her to Circuit City to buy her Finding Nemo to go watch together. Damn damming bastard of bastards 25 yearold shit talking snake and freaking 18 year old dirty monkey cum gargling blond petite princess whore spend quality time watching Finding Nemo. Thank god for gossipy people for this tidbit, no mercy for sure.

I plan to confront them at his friends house where the debauchery goes on. They banged in one of the rooms during a get together, and there is another one on thursday. Hoping I catch them in the act. Since they bang there frequently.

I stopped by this cheating persons place to hang out a bit before we headed out to lunch. Instead I went into the bathroom, took the toothbrush and gave it a nice dunk in the toilet along with the dental floss and razor.


Unconfirmed Member
My reaction too AeroGod, I guess 7 days away from the forum can add to his "owning"

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