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How I learned that politics shouldn't always be avoided at work.

Trump supporting co-worker wanted to beat me up because I stood up to his bullshit

Want to preface by saying that this occurred at work last Sunday but I was banned so I couldn't make a thread.

As I'm sure many of you guys know, our fearless leader Trump had the fucking brilliant idea of calling NFL players who were kneeling during the national anthem "sons of bitches" who should be fired. Huge point of contention that, in my opinion, served nothing other than distracting from the actual issues that were being protested.

Anyway, fast forward to Sunday evening in the break room at work. There were 7 people total in there. A bunch of us were watching Sunday Night Football as they aired the half time highlights. Unavoidably they mentioned the players and how tons of them were kneeling.

Then one of my coworkers, who I'll refer to as Steve (a proud Trump supporter), said "Fuck these guys, disrespectful as hell. Trump was right." Naturally I had to ask what exactly he meant. He said that NFL players were millionaires and had no right to complain as they don't know what true discrimination is. I then told him that unless he was with them for their whole lives, there was no way for him to know what he was talking about. He then turned the argument around to me and asked, "why the fuck do you care? What do you know about racism?" For context I am a 24 year old Mexican-American dude and Steve is a 37 year old Half-Black, Half Cambodian guy as well. Anyway, half way through him trying to bring my experiences into the conversation I sort of interrupt him and he starts asking, "Can I finish?" I think fair enough and hear him out. His argument is basically that if I have not had a gun pulled on me I have no right to bitch or protest about anything. I begin to tell him that there are no "prerequisites" to equality when he begins to interrupt me. I then ask if I get to finish when he responds, "You can, but your point is bullshit." I then say, "You haven't even heard my point" to which he says "yeah, but it's bullshit though.

Then one of my coworkers chimes in saying, "why don't you hear what he was to say?" He then yells at her to "shut the fuck up." At this point I stand up as I'd been sitting the whole time and tell him to not tell her to shut up. He, being the bastion of maturity that he is, says "I just did." She tries speaking again and the he tells her again to shut the fuck up.

At this point I'm asking the dude what his problem is and how he rationalizes supporting someone who calls Nazi's very fine people while calling people peacefully protesting sons of bitches who deserve to be fired. He then tells me how I'm an idiot, that every president ever is a racist, and that he prefers a president who is open about his "hate towards n****rs." Homie threw the hard R out at work with not a care in the world.

We go back and forth for a bit and then he gets up in my face asking if I want to "cash this check" because I'm talking a lot of shit. I tell him I'm not going to fight him to which he says, "we're both off at 10:30, let's see what's up then." Thinking I'm way cooler than I actually am I respond, "I'm here right now, what are you going to do?" He keeps pushing up against me trying to goad me into swinging and I just keep telling him that I am not going to hit him. Eventually a co-worker steps between us and he leaves to room cursing at me the whole way out.

I eventually talk to a bunch of co-workers and they tell me that he usually gets super aggressive when people challenge his views so they just let him run his mouth. I ended up having to write up a report to management and it's being currently being reviewed by corporate, although most signs point to him being canned.

While I think the dude is a piece of shit, I said in my email that my main issue with him was yelling at a co-worker to shut the fuck and trying to intimidate me by resorting to physical violence. However, I did make it clear that although I could have done a better job in deescalating the situation, I would do everything the same exact way because fuck letting an ignorant, self-hating Trump supporter walk all over you.
Do you work at a biker bar? In a professional office that guy would have been fired the first time he threatened to fight someone.


I eventually talk to a bunch of co-workers and they tell me that he usually gets super aggressive when people challenge his views so they just let him run his mouth. I ended up having to write up a report to management and it's being currently being reviewed by corporate, all those most signs point to him being canned.

Yeah, if he's not gone, there's something wrong with that workplace environment.


Unless management pulls a gun at Steve's head, he should have no reason to complain if he finds himself fired. You did well.

Late Flag

Steve should have his personal effects delivered to his home and not even let in the building tomorrow morning. This is an easy, 100% no-brainer call.



Steve needs to go. He's creating a hostile work environment if people feel the need to tiptoe around him whenever he goes on a tirade.


Great job standing up for yourself OP. You should be awarded at work to encourage behaviors like that. If Steve isn't canned, I'd take this shit to corporate.
Steve is a dipshit. I had a friend who used to act like Steve and he'd get fired and get indignant and bitch to us (his friends) about it later and we'd all say "yeah, I'd have fired you too. Stop threatening to fight people or telling your co-workers to shut the fuck up you idiot." He eventually figured it out.


Unfortunately not. That sounds fun. I work at a Lowe's. The blue Home Depot.

When I worked at Home Depot I had coworkers who were all aboard the Trump train. Really changed my opinion of them and I tried to only talk to them when it was necessary for work.
I enjoyed talking politics at my blue collar job. Lots of canadian brand racism so like fuck brown people and the native school thing was totes ok kind of shit.

I talked with these guys and you know, I was calm and i laughed. Never was condesending or anything. dont know if I changed anyones views, but i did get a old evangelical to borrow my 'Politics of Multiculturalism' though he only read the first chapter after 3 months and thought it as about natives when it was about quebec but you know hopefully i planted some seeds.


Good for you. I'd probably get ganged speaking out at my job. Everyone regardless of color is going around bashing the players and such.
If he gets fired, make sure you and others check your six for awhile. Park in front of cameras, double check your back when getting in your vehicle to go home. Steve sounds like he won't take this lightly. Hopefully he's all talk.


A half-black, half-Cambodian Trump supporter who has a problem with protests against discrimination? What a world.


Na, politics should always be avoided at work. Steve is about to find out why if/when you or someone else in the office goes to HR.
Na, politics should always be avoided at work. Steve is about to find out why if/when you or someone else in the office goes to HR.
I dunno. People avoided responding to Steve in order to not "talk politics" at work which only served to embolden his behavior to the point where he felt comfortable physically threatening people. Nowadays you have to stand up to that shit.
The biggest problem with our country isn't Trump. It's that we've let corporations create a bizarre notion known as being "professional", which means depersonalizing and dehumanizing yourself at the workplace. So talking about politics isn't acceptable, which means that the far-right gets to isolate you from other humans socially. This lets their media engine propagate falsehoods unchecked.

Really, we need to reverse this. People should be as open as possible about their political and religious beliefs in the workplace. And Americans need to learn how to live together despite those differences. Otherwise we can't have a health democracy.


I dunno. People avoided responding to Steve in order to not "talk politics" at work which only served to embolden his behavior to the point where he felt comfortable physically threatening people. Nowadays you have to stand up to that shit.

you're right. and the reason he got angry is that you popped his bubble.

it's become quite clear to me that what the web has done to folks is that they can reinforce their own views with similar views very easily, and because browsing is all opt-in, so to speak, they are never challenged. and then they drift. this is essentially what you see with cults, and why they have historically tried to cut people off from the world. if you have only so many inputs, it's extremely easy (and fast!) to manipulate a human being. so the web basically allows for Remote Cult Behaviour. until someone like you comes along and upsets it. your co-workers were enablers.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I think you handled the situation pretty well, good job. The ni**er comment should get him fired, right?

Beat his ass tbh
I think you handled the situation pretty well, good job.

Beat his ass tbh
Honestly, I'm sure I could have. I have half a foot on him and at least 20 pounds. Dude's tiny. But my issue isn't with him. It's with his mindset. Unfortunately you have to tread lightly with ignorance if you want any shot at helping them see the light.
Even if those NFL players had never suffered discrimination in their lives, they are still right to protest because they are then essentially using themselves as voices for those who don't have a national audience.


Nice job OP! Fuck Steve.

Though I do feel like if anything, this is a good example of why politics shouldn't be discussed at work, especially if you're some MAGA fuckboi douchebag.

....if you value your job anyways.
I dunno. People avoided responding to Steve in order to not "talk politics" at work which only served to embolden his behavior to the point where he felt comfortable physically threatening people. Nowadays you have to stand up to that shit.

Honestly my response would be to go to management the firdt time someone goes hard with politics like that. Cause imagine if dude was a supervisor. And I'm a grunt. I either gotta shut up and listen to this in order to not rock the boat, or pretend I agree because I don't want my career hurt?

Nah. Best to go right to corporate or HR. Nip that shit right there.


You handled the situation well, good job man. Steve will get what's coming to his dumb ass.
Sounds like you went assertive to passive aggressive if you turned protest into a huge rant about trump and nazis, HR dont see this as one sided.
You basically created a emotional reaction, he didnt do it by himself.


He absolutely deserves to be fired twice over. Racial slurs and threats of violence are both significant enough to warrant betting fired. Fuck him.
Sounds like you went assertive to passive aggressive if you turned protest into a huge rant about trump and nazis, HR dont see this as one sided.
You basically created a emotional reaction, he didnt do it by himself.

That's what I'm saying. HR just gonna hear "They were both arguing about politics".


A trump supporter that somehow manages to work an oppression olympics argument against you...

That is...wow...

I can barely process this.
Sounds like you went assertive to passive aggressive if you turned protest into a huge rant about trump and nazis, HR dont see this as one sided.
You basically created a emotional reaction, he didnt do it by himself.
Who said anything about a huge rant? He tried to get into a fight with me, not the other way around. He's the one who agreed with Trump and said that minorities and everyone who were protesting for equal treatment should be fired. I didn't rant at all. I just didn't stand by and let him spew his bullshit.

If you have an actual point to make, feel free, but as of now you couldn't be more wrong.

That's what I'm saying. HR just gonna hear "They were both arguing about politics".
This is the reason that I made sure to state that despite our differences in "opinion" I am okay with working with him. My problem was with him threatening me with physical violence, yelling "n***er", and telling other co-workers to shut the fuck up. None of which should be accepted, anywhere.
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