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How is Rygar?!


Junior Member
Played a demo and thought of picking it up -- the gameplay in the demo reminded me of an easy version of Ninja Gaiden set in an old greek world...

Well, is it any good?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I thought it was kinda boring, but I got bored even with DMC, so you might not want to take my word alone on this.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
It's better than Castlevania PS2. But not by much.

Music is nice as are the environments. I also have seen it new for $10. It's worth the 6 hour playtime for that price.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I loved it. Bought it on release for $50 and I haven't really felt that bad about it. Yeah, its kinda short, the voice acting sucks, and the story is worthless. But I found the Diskarmor to be a very fun weapon to play around with. You got 3 Diskarmors with 3 unique feels, speeds, combos, and play styles. Its not Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden, but I got a lot of fun out of it. On a personal level, Rygar had more positives than negatives with me. I found the gameplay fun, the music is great, beautiful enviroments, and some of the best boss designs I've seen.

Its more than worth the $10 price tag in my eyes. But my word might not mean much...I did buy the game for $50.

I hope Tecmo announces Rygar 2. I would be very interested in that.


personally i prefer to to DMC. the level design is cohesive and interesting. IGA really should have played it a bit before he made castlevania into a big string of empty boxy rooms. it's all interconnected like castlevania should have been, and that's cool. plus it looks and sounds nice and plays well. it's well worth the bargain price you can find it for nowadays.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I liked Rygar quite a bit, but that's b/c I picked it up for $10. It's a perfect budget purchase, really. Not a deep or overly long experience, but a good experience nonetheless.


Very good game - short though. The weapon you use is the best part - awesome physics and just fun to use. It's mindless action, graphics are very good, story makes little sense, some of the camera angles kinda suck - but without a doubt worth 10 bucks. Comparable to games like DMC, but cooler graphics imo. Music is really good too.

Play the original.

Thats nostalgia talking - serioulsy. :p
I loved the game, especially the world design and music. You can smash just about anything (quite fun) and the soundtrack is phenomenal. The world is truly beautiful and the gameplay is quite fun. The bosses are mostly very well done.

The story is pretty cheesy, but any fan of classical history and mythology who can get over the fact that the Japanese seem to know virtually nothing of either will still enjoy the way the story ties into history (vaguely).

There are also some fun references to both the Arcade and NES Rygar games.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ferricide said:
personally i prefer to to DMC. the level design is cohesive and interesting. IGA really should have played it a bit before he made castlevania into a big string of empty boxy rooms. it's all interconnected like castlevania should have been, and that's cool. plus it looks and sounds nice and plays well. it's well worth the bargain price you can find it for nowadays.


The world is beautifully designed and fun to explore. The controls are solid and the combat is enjoyable (though the enemy variety is low). Add in the lovely soundtrack and you have an enjoyable experience ahead of you. DMC has better core gameplay, but I found Rygar more compelling.

I still don't understand all the hate...


I couldn't stand the game. Maybe I'm just used to the freedom that games like Ocarina of Time and Grand Theft Auto 3 gave, but adventure games with invisible walls and limited abilities just bore the living crap out of me nowadays. I just could not make myself finish the game.


Dull, easy (except for bosses that take ages to kill because they gave them tons of HP to make up for their lack of combat ability), only five or six types of enemies throughout the game, but breathtaking music and art


Really good! I was surprised by the game and its level design, gameplay and music. The world wraps around itself and the areas are full of destrictable enviroments. The diskarmor is a lot of fun and is also used like a grappling hook.


dark10x said:
I still don't understand all the hate...

Me neither. I mean, sure, it's not the best and most original 3D action game ever, but it's definitely good-looking, with great music and fun gameplay.

I can see people hating Rygar because they dislike the genre though.



Pick where you are:

Love <------------------------------------------------------> Hate

It seems like there's no opinion in between the two extremes.


Ferrio said:
Play the original.

I second this...but I'm hijacking your quote in favor of the arcade original. That was easily one of my favourite arcade games back in the day. That and Sky Shark. Hmmm, Sky Shark.


Uhh, the PS2 version beats the shit out of the original arcade version.

It's a very fun action/adventure game with decent replayability. You'll beat it in about 5-8 hours but the ride is fun while it lasts. The different disc attacks are cool to use. If you can get it on the cheap pick it up. And it has one of the greatest lines in the history of videogames towards the end.


It's a pretty game and the music is pretty good too. Gameplay is fun at first, but gets repetitive and boring after rather quickly. I also hated the 2 boss fights in a row system. It was more frustrating than rewarding IMO. This game really has nothing to do with the original. Its only happens to share the name of an old NES game.
Why the hate? Maybe cuz it had the potential to be a truly awesome update to one of the most underrated NES games of all time. Yeah it had great art and graphics, but it was boring as sin, had a lousy camera, and soundtrack, while proficient, was devoid of any character and sleep inducing. Easily the biggest disappoint of this entire generation of games for myself.
dorikyasu said:
If you don't think Rygar (PS2) is worth $10, you need a different hobby... :D

Mejilan said:
It's probably the worst 10 bucks I've ever spent on a videogame this gen.

snapty00 said:

Pick where you are:

Love <------------------------------------------------------> Hate

It seems like there's no opinion in between the two extremes.

How very true...


Horrible voice acting, extremely repetitive enemies, the worst boss battle camera I have personally seen, combat is fun, great music. TN didn't learn anything from the mistakes made in this other Tecmo game(Yes, I know TN didn't make it). Paid $50, it's only worth $10 and that's being generous.
I liked Rygar on PS2 quite a bit.
All of this hate for it has me a little surprised.
If they could make a sequel and open it up a bit and make it longer it might be a contender with LOZ even. As is it was like a Castlevania that's set in antiquity, which was imo a better game than Lament. It was a highly concentrated dose of fun.


It's a solid action game. Plusses include great art, destructible evironments and some great boss encounters. Not so good is the grade A cheese story and the extremely limited variety of non-boss enemy types.

While it's definitely not the pinnacle of 3D action gaming, anyone who thinks it's not worth $10 is on crack.
Both technically and artistically beautiful and very atmospheric huge environments which are fun to explore and mildly enjoyable combat make it a game you should definately give a try if you can get it cheap.


Tag of Excellence
Ha ha I just ruined your theories of either loving or hating this game since I'm in the middle-ground.

It's a fun game but not amazing, a bit short however. For $10 it's a definite buy, I luckily picked it up for $5.


Does anyone think Itagaki might be developing Rygar 2? I remember reading Game Informer where they interviewed him saying "i'll make an announcement soon."
Rygar is an AMAZING game. I'm shocked at all of the negativity in this thread. The environments are breathtaking and the combat is awesome. It's more than worth $50, but luckily, it can now be had for $10 or so. At that price, it's a no-brainer.

Do NOT judge this by the demo alone - I HATED the demo but LOVE the real thing. (For what it's worth, I also despise Devil May Cry.)

To those of you who say that the game "doesn't do anything new," my argument to that is:

1) What it does, it does RIGHT!

2) It's an update of an existing franchise, so its main goal should be to capture the feel of the earlier game while bringing it into the 21st century. It does that.

3) Tell me where else you've seen amazing OPEN mythological environments on the PS2? To me, that's doing something new and it gives the game a feel that's all its own.

All in all, I wholeheartedly disagree with the people who are saying that it's a horrible game. I even disagree with the people who saying it's not bad but not the best. To me, this is one of the best games ever released on the PS2 and one of the best games of this generation, period.


Borg Artiste
the combat is awesome if you ever find an enemy to fight, 90% of the time you spend breaking pillars and wandering around
nathkenn said:
the combat is awesome if you ever find an enemy to fight, 90% of the time you spend breaking pillars and wandering around
Thanks for reminding me about the destructible environments. Come on, people - being able to wreck the shit out of your surroundings is AWESOME!
DaBargainHunta said:
1) What it does, it does RIGHT!

Oh no it doesn't. But what it does right, it does wonderfully.

Don't tell me it does cutscenes/storyline/character/acting right cause those were plain awful. However, the fact that many people still totally dig it shows that the game's strong points are definately worth checking out. I love the game but I gotta admit it is really crappy in some areas.
It is quite simply a fun game which excels in action and adventure. I do wish that stat gains were from fighting enemies, like in the original, instead of fixed items found in the world and dropped by enemies.
cybercrash said:
Oh no it doesn't. But what it does right, it does wonderfully.

Don't tell me it does cutscenes/storyline/character/acting right cause those were plain awful. However, the fact that many people still totally dig it shows that the game's strong points are definately worth checking out. I love the game but I gotta admit it is really crappy in some areas.
Who cares about cutscenes, characters, acting, etc. In an action game, they don't matter. I personally think that too many games go overboard with cinematics just because they want to show off the technology. Cutscenes are fine and necessary for some games, but I abhor them for the most part. (Hmmm, this particular topic may deserve its own thread. EDIT: I just created a new thread.)


AssMan said:
Does anyone think Itagaki might be developing Rygar 2? I remember reading Game Informer where they interviewed him saying "i'll make an announcement soon."

I think he's making the next Pikmin. :D


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
AssMan said:
Does anyone think Itagaki might be developing Rygar 2? I remember reading Game Informer where they interviewed him saying "i'll make an announcement soon."

Don't play with my emotions. That would be amazing, I hope it comes true.


DaBargainHunta said:
TCome on, people - being able to wreck the shit out of your surroundings is AWESOME!

When you have the ability to destroy everything in the stage, not just pillars and boulders, and get rewarded for it, like Otogi
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