John Dunbar
correct about everything
wikipedia lists that carson has spent over 60 million, way more than rubio or cruz. is that true, and if it is, where is he getting that money?
I mean, that is justified in my book.
I've tasted his guac, it's a mess.
What a fucking embarrassment. To think all of the good that money could have been used for :/
I don;t get the source of this information. Did he just hand over his ledger and say "here you go. It's all here"?
The poor guy didn't stand a chance; he couldn't even put on a hoodie without struggling.
Clubbing: $94,100
Serious Question:
Anyone else now have an urge for Pizza?
I do, and I just ate!
Seriously him begging for applause was like watching a sad clown.
How else could he empathize with the daily struggles of the middle class?The poor guy didn't stand a chance; he couldn't even put on a hoodie without struggling.
Jeb is a big fat mess
It's not like the money has disappeared and it's not like he spent public money. I don't think it's a big deal. If anything, it's a good thing that spending so much evidently doesn't guarantee success.
This guy is doing god's work.
I'm going to miss Jeb!.
There was Jeb Bush advertising? $80+ million of it?
I have a feeling he'll be back in 4 years time.
hmm...i'm way more against Cruz, but i'll take it!
what? elaborate