Consultants making bank as usual.
$88,387 to add an exclamation point to his name.
Jeb was more entertaining than most movies with a $130 million budget.
This elections shows that, left or right, people can actually make a difference when they vote and that just because someone has a major superPAC backing them it doesn't mean they are actually gonna be an automatic win. could have been worse.
Hillary spent $229.4 million on her 2008 run according to
I have a feeling he'll be back in 4 years time.
"I like keeping our country safe"
*tire screech*
There was Jeb Bush advertising? $80+ million of it?
They did it
It all goes back into the economy. Everyone spends a shitload during major election cycles, and in the end 1 person wins and all the others have nothing to show for it.