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How many traffic tickets have you received?

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So how many tickets have you got, and how many years have you been driving?

I've got 6 tickets in 14 years of driving. All speeding.

Most recently, I got two within a month of each other about a year ago. But both were while I was in Canada (on the 401 - where it seems like you have to drive at least 120kph just to keep up), so they luckily didn't affect my insurance in the US. Just paid the fine, and that's it. Before those, my last ticket was in 1994.


Unconfirmed Member
Five years of driving = 0 tickets

That, of course, is not from any lack of speeding (highway speed for me is 80+ MPH) but rather from being smart about when and where not to speed.


I've gotten 1 speeding ticket in 7 years of driving. It was stupid too because the cop pulled me over for doing 70 in a 50 zone even though I was only speeding up for the 70 zone just 200 meters or so away.

I don't even want to get into parking tickets though...I probably have at least a dozen of those.



None. Go go bus power!


I've had about 8-9 tickets in about the same number of years driving.

Mostly speeding.. I got one parking ticket.. fuckers!
About 5 or so tickets in 5 years of driving. All speeding. And no points on my record. Traffic school rocks in a not so fun kind of way.


3 speeding tickets in 16 years of driving. Perhaps 2 parking tickets. One 'failure to stop' at a stop sign because the officer felt that I didn't wait at the stop sign long enough, but really only used that as cause to search my vehicle.


0 ticket in 10 years*

*on my record -- I love defensive driving. I got 2 tickets 8/9 years ago, and both for speeding. None since.
Until last week I had never had a ticket in my four years of driving. Then, I got nailed with a parking ticket and a ticket for not coming to a complete stop at an intersection in the same day. The first one I can understand, but the second one is bs; it was a four way stop and there were no other cars approaching. That stickling cop cost me $66.


2 tickets in three years

1st one three years ago for speeding. 2nd about a month ago for running a red light. I've also received about 4 warnings. Not too shabby.


hyperbolically metafictive
3 moving violations in 7 years, all for speeding. only really deserved it once, when i was doing nearly 100 on the freeway for no good reason. about a million parking tickets.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I've been driving for about five years now, and while I've been pulled over at least a dozen times, I've gotten out it with only two tickets, and I got deferred judication on both of them.


My first ticket was a "failure to stop" when I was 18. The cop came roaring from the side street -- heck, I had SEEN him and made eye contact when I was at the stop sign! -- and asked if I knew why he was giving me a ticket. I said no. He said, "You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign." I said, "Well, that can't possibly be true -- my car rolled backwards when I started" (I had a stick shift at the time) "which means I must have been stopped." He said, "You didn't stop for long enough to have looked around the intersection to see if it was safe to proceed." I said, "I saw YOU, didn't I? What's this really about?" He said, "Well, you look like you could use a ticket to slow you down." Charming.

My SECOND ticket (the last one I got, in fact) came just over five years ago. I was running late to my UCLA graduation on a Sunday morning, and I was HAULING ASS down the 101 Freeway. Honestly, I was not paying attention to how fast I was going, since I usually judge my speed with respect to other traffic, and the highway was empty at 7:30 AM on a Sunday morning. The CHP car pulled me over and asked what the big hurry was, and thankfully my cap and gown were laid out on the back seat. He told me I was going 105 MPH (!!!), asked me about college, lectured me on driving so dangerously (there had been a couple of fatal crashes the night before), and wrote me up for 80 MPH, which at least allowed me to go to traffic school. Whew.

These days, I never cruise faster than 75-80 MPH for the most part, and if I got ticketed, I probably wouldn't bitch too much, since it IS speeding. The way I see it, though...if you can actually go that fast on a Los Angeles highway, it's a sign from God to break the law. :)


3 tickets - 2 fix-it, 1 infraction.

The first fix-it ticket was for my trailor hitch blockin my license plate.
The second fix-it ticket was for driving with expired registration (hehhe).

The infraction was for driving with an expired license and I had to go to court and plead guilty, and all that crap. It was horrible, and the cop that pulled me over was a complete asshole. I'm now afraid of cops, thanks to him!


Tagged as I see fit
Almost 12 years driving - 0 speeding tickets - 1 warning - maybe 10 or so parking tickets, one of which was ridiculous.

I apologize in advance for the length...this is my longest post in my 5 year tenure. Obviously the pain is still fresh.

I remember this injustice like it was yesterday.

I was working at a telecom company on a coop workterm back in 1997, January. I decided to drive to work as it was pretty cold outside and I didn't feel like taking the bus. Unfortunately by the time I got to work, there were no spots in the "pay for spot all day" parking lot, so I had to park at a meter, which of course had a 2 hour time limit.

"No problem" I thought to myself, I'll just come down check for an open spot in the lot, if none, then I'll plug the meter. Almost 2 hours go by, and it's time to go check...Nope no spots, I guess I plug the parking meter. Unfortunately, I have to do this all day as it looks like nobody is going to give up a spot. I go down to plug the meter for the last time that day and behold, there is an envelope tucked under one of my wipers.

Note: At no time did it cross my mind that this could with any remote possibility be a parking ticket.

I pull the envelope and to my shock, it's a parking ticket! I look over at the meter, yup still time on the meter. Surely, this must have been a mistake of some kind, an opinion reinforced by fellow city dwellers as they walked by: "You still got time on the clock, looks like they screwed up. Time for a visit to the cop shop". I agreed.

I went to the police station, and waited for my turn as it was busy. With ticket in hand I threw in the counter in disgust, "I think a mistake was made in issuing this ticket. I found this on my windshield, but I still had time on the meter" I said in firm, but fair voice, fully expecting him to apologize and beg forgiveness for their error and wasting my hard earned tax dollars. Instead he looked at the ticket and said, "Sorry son, that'll be 20 dollars".

Stunned, I said, "There was still time on the meter. What the...?". He replied, "Yes, but you filled it more than once without crossing an intersection. Don't worry, I've gotten a ticket for this as well." Which of course didn't make me feel any better. So, they got to keep the money I deposited in the meter *and* the money I paid for my ticket.

Apparently there is a traffic law that states when parked at a meter for 2 hours, one can only plug the meter again, once the vehicle in question has crossed an intersection. Why didn't they ticket me earlier, I'm guessing they wanted to maximize the amount of money they could pry out of my wallet, but I'm not bitter.

Oh, and on the way out of the police station, the guy behind the desk says "See you soon!" with a sunny smile on his face. Now, I'm thinking, "What does *that* mean?"

1. He thinks I get lots of tickets or break the law quite a bit so I'll be back

2. He knows me from somewhere and thinks he'll see me around somewhere, or was just being polite

3. He's a stalker, has been following me around for months and made a Freudian slip

Anyway, the moral of the story is to always brush your teeth before going to bed...and by that I mean cross an intersection (with your car) before plugging the meter.

Guess what the most common parking infraction is?


Probably because a.) Next to nobody has heard of it, and b.) Stupidest. Traffic. Law. Ever.
None in four years. My mom got her first ever speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago for going 60 km/h in a 50 km/h zone. It was pathetic, at first the cop tried to accuse her of going 74 before saying he was "going to give her a break" and wrote down 60. There were cars lined all up and down the street. I guess someone compained about speeding there and the cops went ticket crazy.
a couple of parking tickets in 5 years, but thats it. Pulled over one time in my life, for expired tags (which weren't really expired, i just forgot to put the new stickers on my plates)


I got one for biking without a light :(
Thats 25 euro but i lied and told them only my frontlamp was broken, so its 15 euro.
Ssst.. dont tell.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Almost 23, been driving since 16.....NO TICKETS. And I drive fast.


2 Speeding tickets in 10 years. Both times going 35-40 in a 25, always some speed trap in some town in the middle of nowhere. Ironically I never got a ticket for the first 4 years I was driving when I used to speed like crazy, but as soon as I slowed down I start getting tickets. :(
I dated a traffic cop and if you want to get out of a traffic ticket just offer up info on a meth lab in exchange he'll let you ride without a ticket/fine.


1 speeding ticket in 5 years - going home at night.

And I got one "failure to stop" (the cop couldn't even see the stop line from where he was), and one parking ticket (blocking a hydrant, even though I was across the street from it) thrown out.


2 tickets both speeding both speed stings(where two or more cops pick a spot and pull over as many cars as possible) one in car one on motorcycle in 4 years of driving


3 tickets in the last month, all warnings (sort of)

1st one was going 35 in a 25 mph zone. The cop was nice so he just gave me a warning.

2nd and 3rd, well i was rear ended in my mom's car a few weeks ago and had a state trooper fill out an accident report...well since my mom's been in the hospital since febuary she didn't get it inspected in march which i didn't know, so I got a ticket for that and not having proof of insurance. But as long as I show up at court with the car inspected he'll write off the ticket. Insurance ticket was written off when i mailed in an insurance card. Yay
I only got one parking ticket in about a year and a half. I speed sometimes, but so far I've been lucky. The parking ticket was for parking for 6 hours in what was supposedly a 2 hour parking zone. Problem was there were no signs on my side of the street and the one sign there on the opposite side was way down. I'd been parking there on and off for a year at the time. I would've fought it, but couldn't drop everything I was doing to go to court.

Once, I blew through an EZ Pass lane, which is basically a computerized toll on bridges that sends a message to a receiver in your car and bills your account. I must've been really tired, because I was holding the $3 in my hand and consciously made an effort to get into that lane. It was weird.


Console Market Analyst
The lamest ticket I ever received, was for flashing my lights to warn incoming traffic of a speed trap. A motorcycle cop was hiding in the bushes to catch those of us who spoiled their fun. The fine was for "improper use of equipment". He told me I was lucky they didn't drag me down to the station and charge me with interfering with police business (this was bullshit, my lawyer friends informed me). I contested the ticket in court, and it was thrown out.

And before the moralists attack me, the police force here is notorious for their "fine quota" system. To fund the fat PD budget, they have to ticket a certain number of people a day. They've gotten in trouble for pulling violations out of their asses before. We desperately need reform.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
1 parking ticket, one visit to a police 'speed seminar' (for going 46 in a 40 zone...) within 12 years of cruising.

No, not cruising
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