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How much do you value Metacritic / OpenCritic?

How much value do you put into Metacritic and OpenCritic? (Choose closest that apply)

  • I put a lot of stock into the scores a game gets. My opinion usually lines up with these scores.

  • I like seeing the review scores, but I need to look at other variables as well.

  • Not very much. I'll check them out, but I don't value them highly.

  • Not only are they worthless, they're actively harming the industry.

Results are only viewable after voting.


I use it just like everyone else.

1. Mocking games and studios I don't like when they get low scores.
2. Complaining how journos don't know jackshit and are ruining the industry if a game I like gets low scores.
3. Bragging about the superiority of the game/dev I like when they get recognized.
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Reviews like opinions in many cases are skewed towards ones personal bias. I play a game and decide for myself wether or not it is good for me. To much hate out there today for competitors titles and many sites are allegiant to certain platforms. Needing some site or some group of people to tell you a game is good doesnt make sense to me. Go play it for yourself and you be the judge.


Considering how many posts and threads are based around starfield review scores I think a lot of people are lying with their vote.


Unless a game is in a very specific theme I want to experience, high critical acclaim is the primary reason I play a game. I'll copy and paste a comment I made in a previous thread:
10 = An experience of a game. One of the best ever made.
9 = Amazing. Buy it at full price.
8 = Great game. Buy it at a sale or full price if you really like the setting.
7 = Good game. Buy at a sale only.
6 = Average. Don't buy. If it is gifted to you or it's free from a sub service (or pirated), really consider if it's worth your time.
5 = 4 = 3 = 2 = 1 =0 = Bad game. Don't buy or rent. Not even worth shitting on it.

There are too many highly acclaimed games to play anything other. Having free time for them all is a big 1st world problem.


Reviews like opinions in many cases are skewed towards ones personal bias. I play a game and decide for myself wether or not it is good for me. To much hate out there today for competitors titles and many sites are allegiant to certain platforms. Needing some site or some group of people to tell you a game is good doesnt make sense to me. Go play it for yourself and you be the judge.
I was just about to say something like this. Biases are too intrinsic in unchecked human behavior to really put too much stock in review scores. Metacritic can be useful if you want one place to list out reviews that you can read through, for more context, but the scores themselves, whether critic or user, lack context and logic/real standards.

Men_in_Boxes Men_in_Boxes
You probably are in the minority, regardless of what the polls show.

I've been bothered by the inconsistencies of reviews for a while now (check my history), but I think Starfield really shined a light on how dumb and inconsistent reviews and reviews scores are. Even if you removed the mutually beneficial relationship aspect from the reviews, there's still no actual standard/rubric by which to review a game, leading to weird inconsistencies such as calling features in one game bad while either calling those game features good in another game or simply ignoring those features altogether.

Reviews in this industry are in much need of a major overhaul.


Surely a review isn't meant to be a score, it's meant to tell you about the product they're reviewing. A number doesn't tell me anything about a game, but a review without one will.
I guess that wentt stop some reviews being nothing more than advertising, at least you'll find something out about the product. Also, I'd never look at just one review anyway. I know what I like and if I read enough reviews I'll probably gauge whether I'll like it.

I've never looked at Metacritic or the other one, and don't care too.
User Review Scores I'd put absolutely 0 value into.

Since about 2019 they just become a place for people who probably didn't play the game to put a bullshit score.

Some games manage to avoid this. But its so few that basically all aggregate user Reviews scores may aswell be ignored.
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As much as who says 7 is acceptable, I don't need schooling from weirdos, that's not me, "I mean when it's used aggressively, not on any random game" .
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Gold Member
Like most people, I use it as an initial rough judge of quality. If a game is averaging in the 50's, chances are it has problems. Other than that, I like to be able to have direct links to various opinions. I imagine I am not alone in this use case.
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