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How much money has MS lost on the Xbox?


I don't think anyone's saying the losses are due to the $30-40 or whatever MS eats on each XBox sale.. I'd think XBox losses would range from upfront R&D costs to network infastructure to game production costs.


BeOnEdge said:
web TV isnt defunct. isnt it called MSN TV now? i see stupid commercials for it at like 2am every weekend. either way, you cant put it all on XBOX UNLESS you are couting R&D, advertising and almost every other facet of the xbox side of the business. you're still acting as if the XBOX the ms sells every month is creating this loss. as someone posted that would mean it costs MS $645 per xbox sold which is just stupid and impossible yet thats what some people here take it as.

Yep, WebTV moved to MSN... and MSN moved to it's own division. FYI, MSN actually turned a profit this year.


there has been some word that they have yet to break-even on their initial PS2 investment, and I think I remember something about a 7-year break-even, 10-year profit console cycle

Word from who? Who are these people who you've heard from?


Someone should look into Sony Electronics figures from 1999 on so we can get to the bottom of this "profitable PS2" conspiracy. That's where Kaz suppossedly shifted the gigantic upfront R&D/manufacturing losses, correct?


Will start substantiating his hate
jedimike said:
4-5 billion is probably a pretty high estimate.
It's between USD 3-5 billion at this point. M$ changed it's accounting practices recently which actually increased the losses and stuff like Mac products and PC games is profitable these days. I've been saying it for years. Xbox is a financial disaster.
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