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How much spam do you get in 1 day?

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I'd say that in the last 24 hours I've gotten ~100 messages in my Yahoo Bulk Mail folder. Man, I dunno what I'd do without their filters....

If I switch to GMail, I wonder how long it will take before I start getting that much crap again? I've had the Yahoo address for nearly 6 years, though I've long since stopped using it to sign up for offers and message boards and web site registration..
On my personal accocunt I'd say maybe between 50 an 75 messages a day.
On my university account, easily over 100.

Thankfully Thunderbird has an awesome filter.

DJ Sl4m

I was getting probably 50+ a day on my .cox email account.
Pretty sure those fuk'rs sold my info to spammers because I only use that account for personal emails, and use my yahoo for anything I sign up for or have to register.

I just activate a server side spam filter on Cox's mail server and it's working wonderfully.
So far in the last 3 days with the filter on I've recieved 1 spam email :)

I can live with that, esp since I don't have to run the software myself.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Not a clue, my junk mail deletes immediately.

None gets through to my inbox though, so my filters are doing their jobs.


Yesturday I deleted the 600+ spams I had in my folder on the server and this morning I already have 142 sitting in there.

Spam sucks.... if people would realize their home pc's are behing hijacked by spammers because they've been infected with a virus, things would go back down. I didnt start receiving mass amounts of spam until the hijack-virus' started coming out.


About 7, usually by the same people... the subjects are always similar "Hey how you doing? aldfkhadljf;a", or something like that. Really annoying, but if it weren't for those and Hotmail Staff messages, I'd get like 1 email a week.


Looking for Pants
About 20 or so... mainly because I'm head of an organization and inherited an e-mail address that gets quite a bit of junk.


0-5/day. for each of my yahoo and hotmail. The yahoo account is like 4 years and the hotmail account is 5 years.
I used to get none but I must have gone wrong somewhere down the road as I now receive 20 or more messages a day it seems. I think I'm about to get Thunderbird installed for some spam filters.


I get about 130 a day on two of my yahoo accounts. I made the fatal mistake of leaving my email out in the open on the usenet with those email addreses, I'll never make that mistake again.


Drunky McMurder
I get about one a week(same place, it's annoying as hell since it is the only spam I get and gets sent to every PSU email from what I've gathered) on my school account, 150/month on the other account I have.


Maybe .002 or so.

Got my first spam last week since like... 1997 or something.

Going from ATT to earthlink, to whatever the fuck, to sbc dsl, to comcast cable... using my ISP email I NEVER get spam.

Don't use AOL or some shit freemail and you won't get spam. Pretty simple.


Drunky McMurder
I was just cleaning out my spam email addy, and saw what may have been the best spam ever.

Sender: ChristianDebtRemo...
Subject: Eliminate Debt the Christian Way!

I was quite tempted to click and figure out what the hell that meant, but then I just deleted it instead.


I only get those nigerian scam e-mails once a month on my hotmail account, other than that nothing. On my BT Yahoo account, at least 10-20 a day appear in the bulk folder, mostly from german addresses. Maybe it's because of my nick sounding a bit german :/


5-10 each day...but i'm not sure, i check my email only like once a week and there's usually 50-100 that have piled up.
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