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How safe or secure is your Job/Career today?

Hip Hop

Seeing news about layoffs,

how do you feel about your job or career, Do you think you are safe from layoffs? Do you feel secure about it?

And all these things about the economy and how that could affect some jobs in the future.

In my line of work and sector and it being a union job, I feel safe so far from my job being cut in the near long term but still hoping for the best because nothing is ever safe.

How do you feel?


Ultimate DQ Fan
I used to think I was safe, but after 30 minutes of fucking around with ChatGPT, I think I'll be out of a career in 5 to 10 years.

I work as a logistics planner.

Probably almost all jobs are going to be handled by AI in the not so distant future. It's going to be grim and sad, and we're gonna have to see society adapt hard. Universal Income will have to become required, and we're going to have to rethink our thought processes when it comes to work. Because eventually there just won't be a need to hire people for a lot of stuff. You'd be hiring people just to hire people
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Gold Member
Safe. Been at my company for over 10 years. Finance role. Even if I get fired one day, I'll just work somewhere else. Every company needs finance people.

A great career if you like numbers and analysis. And a very steady job because most people at companies either hate numbers, are bad at numbers, are terrible at using ERP programs, and cant build a spreadsheet and analyze it if their life depended on it.

Automation is only needed to churn out the numbers. The rest is handled by brain power. And the numbers arent always correct. Thats where we come in to notice it and submit to IT to fix the data too. If the data sets arent even reliable, how is AI going to take over and do the entire finance department function (which involves different roles)?
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I used to think I was safe, but after 30 minutes of fucking around with ChatGPT, I think I'll be out of a career in 5 to 10 years.

I work as a logistics planner.

Probably almost all jobs are going to be handled by AI in the not so distant future. It's going to be grim and sad, and we're gonna have to see society adapt hard. Universal Income will have to become required, and we're going to have to rethink our thought processes when it comes to work. Because eventually there just won't be a need to hire people for a lot of stuff. You'd be hiring people just to hire people
Calm down Andrew Yang.

But yeah, it's fairly scary to think about how disruptive AI will be.

I started out as a hardcore scientist, then slowly slinked my way into engineering, and now focusing on being a technical manager. I still like to do my own projects to keep my skills sharp, but management can be more rewarding as you get to coordinate big complex projects.

I think security depends on industry, in mine it's ok. I'll probably stick to startups for a while anyway, so security is kinda not something you think about too much (helps if you're childfree and live modestly).


Gold Member
My job is pretty niche and I'm the only one that holds the position in my company and it has a direct impact on revenue and supporting most other departments. Plus our clientele are kind of recession proof. So I feel pretty safe.


Gold Member
I feel pretty comfortable about my career and my particular role at my company, but of course you can never be totally sure.


I have my own business and certainly won’t run out of work any time soon. In fact, I could take on a lot more clients currently, but that might mess me up for the spring and summer
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I work as a financial auditor. Despite the economic downturn, accountants are in high demand right now and are projected to be in even higher demand in the future. Our clientele are also very reliable (in terms of stability, at least), and I'm not worried about our revenue stream drying up. If anything I'm a little worried about at how rapidly we seem to be hiring (and this seems like a cool place to work so I don't think it's all turnover), but this company's a fair bit bigger than my last so maybe this rate is normal for its size.


°Temp. member
I'm a software developer for one of the largest companies in north america. This year is my 10 year anniversary. I feel like there's no way I lose my job.


I used to think I was safe, but after 30 minutes of fucking around with ChatGPT, I think I'll be out of a career in 5 to 10 years.

I work as a logistics planner.

Probably almost all jobs are going to be handled by AI in the not so distant future. It's going to be grim and sad, and we're gonna have to see society adapt hard. Universal Income will have to become required, and we're going to have to rethink our thought processes when it comes to work. Because eventually there just won't be a need to hire people for a lot of stuff. You'd be hiring people just to hire people

And with countries trying to bring more industries in house, the only way to do so and remain competitive price wise is to automate a lot of the work.


If I went back to trades work, I'd be well off. There's demand if your willing to work labor and it can pay very well if you get into skilled trades.

My current career as House Husband is pretty secure.

Bill Murray Good Luck GIF by reactionseditor


Gold Member
I’m a teacher, feel pretty secure about my job now but that thread on AI really scared the crap out of me.
All that AI stuff is overhyped. Anything to do with tech is always like that. Maybe for something that can purely be done by computer will be in trouble (paper pusher made obsolete by digital medium), but as long as the job requires some brain power to make judgement calls and human communication is important (ie a speech therapist helping a child one on one), AI wont be taking over.

It's like hearing about truckers being replaced by self driving 18 wheelers. lol. Thats not going to happen.

As if rigs are going to self drive and dock into shipping bays (which some are crappy). And any paperwork or issues with the loads will be solely handled by the shipper on his end.


AI currently does well when all the details are laid out in front of it. Real life usually doesn't have all the details laid out in front of it - it lacks the intuition you have to navigate within the constraints of your team size, the tech stack you use, the company's budget, deadline, your customers, etc. You can try to feed it these orbiting factors but the AI is currently not great at problems at this scale and will get confused easily when trying to provide an interoperable solution.

AI will be a tool that'll help you with small-picture tasks in its current state, and even then, it gets a lot of things wrong. Funny to say this, but I think for the foreseeable future we will need humans auditing the work of bots.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
My employer is a not for profit healthcare network. Virtually recession proof. News of possible, or even current, economic woes don't appear to factor into the decision making at my employer one bit.

So, for now, secure. It would take something catastrophic to change that.


Every since I started working through the Regional Occupation Program when I was 17, I have never been fired, or without a job

I'm good at what I do ...which is maintaining a kung fu grip on job security.

I thank all my cousins and school kids who always teased me about being born with silver spoon or something to the point I made sure I went out to make money outside the family and not from within.

Because having a steady career is like,

We ride together. We die together.
Bad boys for life

Oh wait, its

$tarted from the bottom, now we here^
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...In my line of work and sector and it being a union job, I feel safe so far from my job being cut in the near long term but still hoping for the best because nothing is ever safe.

How do you feel?
Every month I have to go through a small battle with my company's insurance company and the union to keep my job while on medical leave. It's beyond daunting at this point; I'm swimming in red tape at the end of each month. The job itself, when I can be there, is safe, so long as I run like a mother f*****. But our union seems to have made a deal with the devil with this latest contract. It's basically "an out with the old, in with the new" kinda deal. Meh...I'm on my way out either way, so it's kinda moot I guess. I'll be glad to be able to physically work a few days a week when this is all said and done.
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My role is recession proof and will always need to exist. I've managed to increase my salary by 40% this year despite the poor economic situation - although I must concede I have been working flat out without a single break.


I am pretty secure as my jobs are basically making the execs looking good to the parent company.
But it's a different matter, if the parent company would want to sell off or liquidate my company though.
Doubtful, but you never know - and not really sure what would happen in 10-20 years. Hopefully by then, I'll be able to retire.


Besides those tech bro boom and bust companies that overhired a shit ton and now have to layoff everyone, are there really any other sectors doing layoffs?

The economy is actually in relatively good shape despite all the inflation.
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Gold Member
safe, but I want a different job learning new skills and going into new environments is like playing a brand new video game who wants to play the same game for the rest of their life ?? 🤢🤮


I’m a teacher, feel pretty secure about my job now but that thread on AI really scared the crap out of me.
In my opinion teachers shouldn't be afraid about AI, but the changing demographics. In my country way less children are being born than 10 or 20 years ago and the immigrant kids won't cover the difference.


Mhhh, I work in the building industry, so not very. But what I do is hard to find, especially hard to find skilled. Who knows.
And people told me all through college I made a bad choice with Social Work. I might not get paid the best, but the jobs aren’t going anywhere…and due to the shortage of workers in this field, I’m set.
I have no jobs but i know that a lot of data/computer jobs or creative jobs will be made obsolete in the next 20 years thanks to AI.
Will they really? There's always going to be demand for people to develop and maintain the actual AI software. Entry and filler positions will be wiped out due to AI, but high-level software engineers that do more than just coding will always be in demand due to their versatile skillsets.
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Gold Member
I should be safe.....but that depends if the networks pull the plug/funding on any of the tv shows at my studio

ive seen it happen time and time again where you have signed contracts, deliver episodes and then out of no where the carpet gets yanked out from under you....soooo certainly not 100% safe. i'd say more like 85%
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I think I'm ok, I'm in data science, I work in a semi-government semi-private project to transition to green energy and net zero emissions, our funding for at least the next 4 years is secure and we actually got budget increases.

Recessions hurt, but if you're employed through them that's also your opportunity to get yourself ahead by investing when things are very depressed. Think about if you were making good money in 2008.
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Gold Member
About as safe as its always been. Don't be the top money maker and don't be in the lower 20% of employees. You'll probably sail through unnoticed which in this case is very good.


All that AI stuff is overhyped. Anything to do with tech is always like that. Maybe for something that can purely be done by computer will be in trouble (paper pusher made obsolete by digital medium), but as long as the job requires some brain power to make judgement calls and human communication is important (ie a speech therapist helping a child one on one), AI wont be taking over.

It's like hearing about truckers being replaced by self driving 18 wheelers. lol. Thats not going to happen.

As if rigs are going to self drive and dock into shipping bays (which some are crappy). And any paperwork or issues with the loads will be solely handled by the shipper on his end.

People saying entire jobs will disappear are wrong.

But AI and automation is (already is in some areas) going to radically change how many jobs work. That's fine in terms of the skills required; people need to adapt. But it will mean that far fewer people will be needed to do the reviewing and double checking that many of these jobs will become. Take the lorry/truck driver example. Road trains are likely to be come a thing (not like those massive ones in Australia), with one, perhaps two drivers for the entire thing in places.


Gold Member
Pretty safe, just put in for promotion and had the interview, waiting to hear back how it went.

Fortunately work in a heavily unionised area so if my current role (and the one I'm going for) my employer would need to find a replacement role on the same pay if it ever did go bye bye. On the flipside considering what I do, I don't think there is much chance of that for a decade at least, things are always going to go wrong with technology and need it fixed, but you never know.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
If anyone needs a job in the tech sector and does not have a criminal record, send me a PM and we can discuss.


I have been at a local branch of japanese company for 11 years, then left to join american company, and got laid off in less than a year because Covid hit and new CIO wanted to save money. Last in, first out. I rejoined my original japanese company, same position and same team and been there now for year and a half again. I think unless I decided to quit again myself, I am pretty safe.
Honestly you could probably replace me with a bot already.

Losing my job would be stressful but I don't really enjoy my work anyway so I wouldn't care much. My wife would freak out though. She's a housewife, so relies on me completely.


Pretty safe (analytical chemist), asked chatgpi to generate a method for me and it got a bunch of shit wrong. Doubt any ai can deal with method validation for awhile yet.


Work as a software dev and job never feels safe, alot of it probably has to do me just being paranoid about job safety. Even though my current company is doing well, i've been in that situation before thinking everything was rosie and bang one day they start laying of people.
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