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How safe or secure is your Job/Career today?


Gold Member
I have a company so nobody can fire me.

Being a secure job is another question entirely with the upcoming recession tho...
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Gold Member
Pretty safe (analytical chemist), asked chatgpi to generate a method for me and it got a bunch of shit wrong. Doubt any ai can deal with method validation for awhile yet.
Never mind AI doing your chemistry work.

Computers cant even get plain data sets right. At least once a month I have to get IT to fix data in our databases because it's wrong. And it has nothing to do with the format of the source data changing which requires IT rework. It's the exact same format that comes in where the source might change the format only once every 5 years.

How does it get fixed?

IT will reload the data and tell me to check tomorrow morning. Hey look at that, it now reflects properly!

Not only cant a PC even properly sort out boring data sheets, it needs human eyes to see if it looks and reloads correctly.

Fools idol

I have 14 staff and I will not let a single one of them go to be replaced by AI unless the business will fail to be profitable and I don't see that happening any time soon.

We're recession proof and for the most part innovation proof because robots still cant think entirely for themselves unless fed data into training models, for which the data comes from us and exclusively from us, no one else gives out that data.

I also have 4 other income streams ranging from used exotic cars and parts, to rental properties. I also receive around $44,000 usd a year in dividends from my dividend growth stock portfolio. Diversified bros.
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I am in the healthcare/mental health space in operations/analytics. I am in a small segment within a Fortune top 5 company.
While I like to think I am safe, the larger the company, the less thought gets put into RIFs.
I would say I'm 70-80% safe, but not too concerned. I have 20+ years experience, was laid off in 2020 and bounced back quickly.
I also live well below my means and was half considering retirement (<50 yo) when laid off in 2020. This isn't my life's work anyway, so if I had to really pivot if the s hits the f, I'd be cool with it - almost welcome it....


Lol, no.

Anyway - I work in Sales, revenue generation department. You don’t fire these.
Agreed. I worked at huge corp years ago, and their method of getting rid of folks was to literally remove an entire layer of management and just have those folks under roll up to those above the new line.

That said, I've fired Sales people for poor performance, so your point about revenue generation is accurate as long as revenue is generated :messenger_sunglasses:


Gold Member
Lol, no.

Anyway - I work in Sales, revenue generation department. You don’t fire these.
Youre safe.

Sales are always a tough department to fire people as they are frontline people driving the revenue. You got a higher chance of being fired due to a bad attitude than from a corporate layoff which non-revenue generating and support roles get trimmed first.

Since you brought up revenue generation, the relatively new Revenue Growth Management kinds of departments are safe too. These started popping up 10 years ago. Not even. Maybe even 5 years ago in full force. Many big companies dont even have revman departments yet but they will.

I do finance, so we're somewhere in the middle of the firing line. Expendable finance workers are canned first, with the core team of vets usually tough to fire. You dont do mass overhauls to finance since it goes beyod the usual bean counting and analysis. They need people who know what they are doing for monthly and quarterly financial submissions. You dont leave this to young inexperienced people.


Gold Member
Something akin to VP at a healthcare hardware distributor. Super safe unless Putin drops a nuke at NATO.
Work as a software dev and job never feels safe, alot of it probably has to do me just being paranoid about job safety. Even though my current company is doing well, i've been in that situation before thinking everything was rosie and bang one day they start laying of people.
Where are you working?
Game dev for 15 years. Forum is pretty well alive and sales are up and up for game soft so I’m kinda ok (also Japan permanent employee, not easy to クビされる)

Actually I saved enough for doing nothings for decades (even with a child) so Is ok if i flip burger or wash dishes later on .


Somewhat safe.
I'm self employed, I import and sell stuff. Our biggest advantage is that we are located in a rather remote town so competition is limited and we aren't as affected by online commerce as most other places because shipping costs for this area are usually so ridiculously high that most people prefer to buy locally


Pretty safe. Been freelance for 18 months now, with plenty of companies wanting PR & comms. Built up enough contacts to guarantee work moving forward.


That said, I've fired Sales people for poor performance, so your point about revenue generation is accurate as long as revenue is generated :messenger_sunglasses:
Yes, of course. That's the positive and negative of sales: negative since you cannot hide behind idle talk ; positive because who fires people being successful in bringing in money?
Knock on wood--I've never been fired. In cases where I was worried about getting let go, I've actually been promoted lol. So I must be doing something right.

I changed my career and industry about two months ago. Been stressful but exciting! With how much work my new team has on their plate, I'm thinking I'm safe. And if I do get let go, I can always go back to what I was doing before (financial analysis). StreetsofBeige StreetsofBeige 's comments in this thread only made me more confident about that particular fallback option.
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