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How scumbags support scumbags without people knowing it.

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This is New York Times, right? (Guessing from the fonts used in the chart.) Finally, someone's actually doing legitimate research about that ad.

May be too late, though. A sixty-second, easy-to-understand ad makes more of an impression on Joe Voter than a complicated chart.


Why is anyone bothering to question Kerry's service record? He could have sat in the corner and cried through the whole war and it would be 100x better than what Bush and his chickenhawk cronies were doing.


*drowns in jizz*
This stuff is irrelevant. The damage is done, which is seeds of doubt being sown into Keryy's record and honesty. A lot of people don't have the interest or energy to actuallly follow up on this, but they believe now that he 'could be lying'.

That's all that was needed.
Why is anyone bothering to question Kerry's service record? He could have sat in the corner and cried through the whole war and it would be 100x better than what Bush and his chickenhawk cronies were doing.

Uh...but Bush is not running on his records. Kerry on the other hand is only running on his 4-month war record. It's unfortunate for democrats that Kerry has not changed the subject and talked about issues between the two conventions.

these swift boat douchebags need to get off Kerry's nuts already.

Talk about anger. It may be the truth that's getting to you.

This stuff is irrelevant. The damage is done, which is seeds of doubt being sown into Keryy's record and honesty. A lot of people don't have the interest or energy to actuallly follow up on this, but they believe now that he 'could be lying'.

I for one will be following up on it. I don't have time to read it just yet but I will tonight.


It wasn't an attempt to refute the NYT piece, it's just an opinion on the matter I agree with. I should have been clearer about that. I don't think the NYT article really presents anything that needs to be refuted, they fail to bring up any legit points IMO.


Makura said:
It wasn't an attempt to refute the NYT piece, it's just an opinion on the matter I agree with. I should have been clearer about that. I don't think the NYT article really presents anything that needs to be refuted, they fail to bring up any legit points IMO.

"The 'Swiftboat Veterans for Bush' are ridiculously close to the administration" isn't a legitimate point to make?


The Daily Howler (which is just as quick to call bullshit on liberals as it is on conservatives, by the way) has a field day today. Be sure to read the whole thing:

MUST-READ NYT: Doo-doo-doo-doo/Doo-doo-doo-doo! Yes, the theme from Twilight Zone ran though our heads as we read Kate Zernike’s piece this morning. How do those Swift Boat veterans reason? Kerry-accuser Larry Thurlow explains how he knows that Kerry wrote the after-action reports that produced his own Vietnam medals:

ZERNIKE (8/20/04): Several veterans insist that Mr. Kerry wrote his own reports, pointing to the initials K.J.W. on one of the reports and saying they are Mr. Kerry's. ''What's the W for, I cannot answer,'' said Larry Thurlow, who said his boat was 50 to 60 yards from Mr. Kerry's. Mr. Kerry's middle initial is F, and a Navy official said the initials refer to the person who had received the report at headquarters, not the author.

Doo-doo-doo-doo/Doo-doo-doo-doo! To Thurlow’s way of thinking, if it contains a K and a J, that must mean that John Kerry wrote it! Yes, it seems that Thurlow will follow the evidence anywhere his imagination might lead. But so what? Thurlow was all over cable last night, insisting that Kerry wrote (and faked) these key reports (although, when pressed, he said he couldn’t prove it).

EDIT: and let me just say that for spin-free analysis of news reports, the Daily Howler is the best site on the web.


Makura said:
It wasn't an attempt to refute the NYT piece, it's just an opinion on the matter I agree with. I should have been clearer about that. I don't think the NYT article really presents anything that needs to be refuted, they fail to bring up any legit points IMO.
Well, I'm not trying to refute anything, because there aren't any legit points here, but I just thought I'd say that Bush is behind ALL of this stuff. In fact, he PERSONALLY wrote the checks paying off the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth people.

Also, he ditched duty in the National Guard, is part of a secret society which is bent on world domination through military force, wets his bed at night, and LITERALLY worships Satan.

Just saying. IMO.
-jinx- said:
Also, he ditched duty in the National Guard, is part of a secret society which is bent on world domination through military force, wets his bed at night, and LITERALLY worships Satan.

Just saying. IMO.

Funny you say that, cause I was playing through my dark side game of KOTOR, and I was at Korriban/Sith academy getting explained the Sith principals and as I was watching I was like: "Goddamn! GW is the Sith Lord!"
Let's form the Skull and Bones Initiates for Truth!

When I was pretending I was in the Skull and Bones club, I saw Junior sodomize a dog for beer money.


Slurpy said:
This stuff is irrelevant. The damage is done, which is seeds of doubt being sown into Keryy's record and honesty. A lot of people don't have the interest or energy to actuallly follow up on this, but they believe now that he 'could be lying'.

That's all that was needed.

Someone who 'gets it'. The fact that the Times, the Post and other media outlets the world over are wasting their energy trying to solve this problem or paint a pretty picture on it are missing the boat AGAIN.

'look at the monkey, look at the silly little monkey'

This whole thing is best described as the Chewbacca offense - just a bunch of useless, irrelevant crap to distract you from the real issues.


Wow...I never really paid any attention to this Swift Boat bullshit until now (only from news blurbs did I actually know who the group was...I never investigated any of their claims or how they were associated with Kerry).

But NOW, this story has been sensationalized--especially after this recent revelation of the Bush connections--and it's basically ammo for the Kerry campaign

*reads up :p*
-jinx- said:
Well, I'm not trying to refute anything, because there aren't any legit points here, but I just thought I'd say that Bush is behind ALL of this stuff. In fact, he PERSONALLY wrote the checks paying off the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth people.

Also, he ditched duty in the National Guard, is part of a secret society which is bent on world domination through military force, wets his bed at night, and LITERALLY worships Satan.

Just saying. IMO.



Guess who appeared in a Swift Boat ad?

ROANOKE, Virginia (CNN) -- A volunteer adviser has quit President Bush's re-election campaign after appearing in a veterans group's television commercial blasting Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's involvement in the Vietnam-era antiwar movement.

But wait! The story won't be complete until the Bush-Cheney campaign cry ignorance!

A Bush campaign statement said it did not know that retired Air Force Col. Ken Cordier had appeared in an ad by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The Kerry campaign has accused the group of illegally working with the Bush campaign.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I couldn't care less about who is right or wrong about this. All I know is that it's disgusting that this is at the forefront of an election for the highest ranking government official in the country, and not important issues that will matter in the future. Inconsequential historical minutiae are not what this country should be spending time on.


Unconfirmed Member
The only thing the Swift Boat guys have brought up that seems to hold water is Kerry's time or lack thereof in Cambodia. Everything else has NO BACKUP WHATSOEVER. Did you see Thurlow on Hardball? His explanation for how he knows that Kerry can't be trusted and is making everything about his service up is because Thurlow has theorized that he had a master plan before he went into Vietnam to orchestrate a series of events to portray himself as a war hero and then use that to springboard into office decades later. When pressed for evidence or any support at all, he simply said he had none and that this was based upon his "observations." HE ACTUALLY SAID THIS ON TELEVISION. And people still believe all this crap. It's amazing.

Regardless, it's Kerry's own fault that this is such a big deal, since he played the "I served in Vietnam" card WAAAAAY too much. Whenever you over-rely on one particular issue or trait, the opposition is going to find the soft underbelly to your "greatest strength" and completely destroy you every time. Bush's team is way too good for the Kerry campaign to just give them such a nice juicy angle on a silver platter like that. It doesn't matter if what they say is true or not, just raising the question is more than enough.

Personally, I don't think either side is telling the truth. I think the Swift Boat group's version is more fabricated than Kerry's, but I imagine there is probably much embellishment and possibly flat out lying (like on the Cambodia issue) on the Kerry side too.

In the end, the big problem with this whole mess is that it really shows that campaign finance reform, or at least the way it has been implemented, is almost completely useless. All the same money from all the same people is going to all the same places...they just have different names. Both sides are doing it, it's more out of control than ever before (because now, thanks to the new regulation, it's almost entirely UNregulated so long as you do your original paperwork right), and frankly, it's starting to get ugly. Since there's no regulation of these funds and both campaigns can easily disavow any knowledge or coordination with this groups, they are pretty much free to say whatever they damn well please without regards to whether it is factually correct and without worrying about any backlash having a negative effect on your own candidate. It's a stroke of shady genius, and both sides are using it (the Dems actually even moreso than the Republicans), and frankly it's really dragging this campaign down and away from real issues of current and worldly importance and into the muck and mire of soap opera melodrama and good old fashioned mud-slinging.

In short, this is one of the more important elections in terms of really determining the direction of the nation and the world that we've had in a long time, and all of a sudden it's a pissing contest between two men who may or may not have done something of little relevance to anybody 35 years ago.

That seems like a real good way to decide on a President of the United States. Republican Party, Democratic Party, I salute you both. Job very well done indeed.
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