We need education, not regulation.
Eat more carbs. Work harder. Reap benefits.
#Bulking #AcquiringMass
Again - I'm not arguing the fructose aspect - show me where I say the same about fructose? I'm speaking in generalizations about glucose. I understand it's 50/50 - I'm talking specifically about the GLUCOSE aspect.
Seriously. I'm not M Night Shyamalan - don't go looking for shit between the lines of my post.
Also, sugar isn't the culprit - it is GLUCOSE. Glucose is what carbohydrates are turned into when your body digests them. Carbs as in bread, pasta, whole grains, wheat, sugars, etc.
They are all glucose.
Eating large amounts of whole grains produces the same effect as eating large amounts of sugar - the main difference is how quickly your body can turn a raw ingredient such as whole grains into glucose vs a refined material like table sugar.
Fructose is generally in very low concentration in fruits and vegetables. As long as you're not overdoing it, I wouldn't worry about it.
That all of those things contain glucose != that all of those things are glucose. You're very wrong if you think all of those foods act on the body the same way.
How many do you eat? I eat (no joke) an apple a day at least 6 times a week.
Fructose is generally in very low concentration in fruits and vegetables. As long as you're not overdoing it, I wouldn't worry about it.
I did a bit of searching for info on a reddit thread (which I would crosspost, but it's down at the moment). NutritionData's info for an Apple shows that one large apple has:
Sugars: 23.2g
Sucrose: 4617mg
Glucose: 5419mg
Fructose: 13157mg
Sucrose breaks down to 50/50 Glucose/Fructose, so it works out to:
Glucose: 7727mg (7.7g)
Fructose: 15465mg (15.5g)
once broken down, at least. This of course relies on NutritionData to be accurate. I don't know any other good sources that break down carbohydrate composition.
Let's see:
You say glucose is the culprit. This is false. Glucose is one culprit. Fructose is a much larger culprit, and you fail to acknowledge this.
They are not all glucose.
Glucose = glucose
Sucrose = 50% fructose + 50% glucose
HFCS55 = 55% fructose + 42% glucose
Just because they all contain glucose, does not mean they are all glucose. Certain types of sugars are far more detrimental to your health.
Again, entirely false. Sugar is much more detrimental than glucose because it contains fructose. Sugar will result in far greater LDL and fat gain than glucose.
Shall I go on?
Sugar isn't bad in moderation. An alcoholic drink here and there won't turn your liver toxic. An over-abundance, will. Same shit here.
He didn't mean proportionally to glucose, but in absolute terms. A 20 oz bottle of Coca-Cola has 65 grams of sugar etc.
Watch Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Synopsis: the majority of glucose is metabolized by the liver and fills glycogen stores, and the rest goes to fat. Fructose cannot be metabolized by the liver, period. All of it turns to fat. Sucrose is half glucose, half fructose.
What? Fructose is mainly metabolized by the liver.
Watch Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Synopsis: the majority of glucose is metabolized by the liver and fills glycogen stores, and the rest goes to fat. Fructose cannot be metabolized by the liver, period. All of it turns to fat. Sucrose is half glucose, half fructose.
That's actually incorrect. It's not that the liver can't metabolise fructose, it is that ONLY the liver can metabolise fructose and if you watch the video you'll see that it's about 30% of the fructose that gets converted straight to fat. Not 100%
I really hate selective bolding.
As far as glutens go, I'd be more worried about genetically modified products.
This is only good for people who want to lift weights and get huge like the wrestler in your avatar. Nothing wrong with that, but most people aren't interested, I would think.
Nobody answered me. What's wrong with flax seeds? I put that in my health shakes for the omega 3
So basically, go ahead and eat a ton of sugar as long as you follow it up with some flaxseed oil and a DHA capsule.
Now I can gorge myself on sugar and bread. Time to get some DHA capsules!
Also I know wheat contains antinutrients, but arent those in miniscule amounts? Does it actually have the effect that people on this site would have you believe?
True education is always better. But which is easier to fix right now? Regulate sugar/hfcs or fix the education system?Or how about you worry about yourself and allow a free country to remain that way.
We need education, not regulation.
"it may also make you stupid, according to research out of California."
"research needs to be done on the specific affects on humans."
Sugar = Carbohydrate
What actually makes people gain weight in the US = Carbohydrates.
What the US thinks makes people gain weight in the US = Sugar, Fats, and Stuff.
What the US tells you is good for you = Carbohydrates.
What makes you dumb sometimes = Diabetes.
What causes and contributes to Diabetes = Carbohydrates.
Quick, what is the opposite of sugar so I can become a genius.
What actually makes people gain weight in the US = eating more calories than they burn.
As far as glutens go, I'd be more worried about genetically modified products.
That said: I cant get myself to eat brown-rice based bread so I just cut down my intake and will continue to do so till I find a more palatable solution![]()
Well, they certainly aren't going to gain weight if they burn more calories than they eat.
Toronto Star
Stopped drinking soft drinks long, long time ago so I am good ^_^
Oh right I forgot, GAF eats less than 30 grams of carbs a day, eating beans and quinoa is bad for you.
Calorie intake is secondary to other factors.
Excuses aren't factors.
Calories in, calories out.