Your point being? Because both will gas out after running a few KM when a wimpy dude will sprint past them doing below 4min/km across a marathon (42km).
You need strength for what? That one time you got to lift your car from a snow pile? Or maybe to carry a grandma across the street?
Bodybuilders are at least honest - they want to look good in the mirror and smash. I don't know wtf powerlifters are training for.
I have never seen anyone peddle more nonsense about fitness on this forum than you. You're clearly a runner, and good for you man, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with you loving running, but you're petty little childish jabs at those who train for strength is getting so tiring and pointless.
Here, let's do it like this then. I'm gonna make it simple, so as to facilitate your understanding. Nothing retards the aging process more than resistance training, and that's hard science my man, not some magazine bullshit, and not some YouTube cult of personality nonsense; that's a fact, backed by collegiate education and nearly a century of peer reviewed research by kinesiologists around the globe. People training for strength, yeah.... sorry to be the one to inform your petty ass of this; they're healthier than you.
Here's another fun fact, resistance training at higher to moderate intensity levels trains the same energy pathways, ATP and glycolytic, as sprints and fast runs. What else does that mean? Well..... weightlifters are faster than you too, and we already know they're stronger.
Got another fun one for you, and this one's just based on quality of life. Increasing muscle mass increases one's basal metabolic rate, or BMR, which is the calories your body burns just maintaining life, breathing, maintaining homeostasis, sleeping, etc. So what's that mean? Well....strong folks get to enjoy more great food without pinching their hips in the mirror like you undoubtedly do before choosing which tight "small" t shirt to wear when you head to the mall.
So you can do longer? Good for you man, but I think any human can fundamentally see how retarding the aging process, being stronger, being faster, and just being able to enjoy life more is fundamentally more useful than just....going a longer distance.
Allow me to be extra clear here, I do cardio. I love weight lifting, I hate running, but I do cardio. I do it for heart health man, hell, I think most moderately intelligent lifters realize they need to do some form of cardio to maintain heart health, that's a given. It's also a given that a balanced approach to training is always the healthiest attitude to adopt, and your ridiculous attitude towards strength training, and your constant, insecure need to assert the superiority of long distance running in every topic you can while having the audacity to tear down other training modalities that have proven, FOR YEARS, to have far less correlation to overuse syndrome, joint damage, and bone density loss than long form training, is nothing short of absolutely pathetic.
In summary: Grow the fuck up little one, and stop tearing others down to lift yourself up, it only further proves how small you truly are.