Randolph Freelander
So why would I be putting money into my 401k vs opening an account with let's say vanguard? Also, when opening an account with someone like vanguard, what kind of account so I open?
To expand on what Darren posted earlier, you want to give preference to an IRA and a 401K before going with traditional investing, and this is for tax purposes. You can do both a IRA and 401K simultaneously up to IRS contribution limits on each, one does not prevent you from doing the other. If you can swing it, do both.
To talk about the 401K further (and the same is true for an IRA, except the IRA is not through your employer), the 401K is a tax advantaged account. Many employers will allow you to contribute either pre-tax (traditional 401K) or after tax (Roth 401K). This means you will either lower your tax bill now (pre-tax) or later (Roth, no taxes upon withdrawal). Either way you go, your earnings will continue to accrue, dividends will be reinvested, without you incurring taxes. You can move funds around without worrying about taxable capital gains. All taxes are either paid as you withdraw in your retirement years at ordinary income tax rates if you go traditional, or you pay taxes before you ever contribute and pay no additional taxes later if you go Roth.
Compare that to independent investing. You have already been taxed on the income when you earned it, then you invest what's remaining. When you receive dividends, you are taxed. When you sell your investments (move funds around or selling to use the cash), you are taxed. You're basically taxed coming and going and everywhere in between. Tax-advantaged accounts such as the IRA and 401K cut parts of that out in ways that are very beneficial to you.
So yes, do the IRA (with a company like Vanguard), do the 401K with your employer, and then outside investing (also with a company like Vanguard).