It was an odd year, net worth jumped huge due real estate increase (Canadian bubble) and my company merging...but cash flow suffered a bit do to some corporate restructuring.
Payed off my car which was a bit of an albatross, I over extended myself on a luxury suv, 2 years ago, (2 years old with only 15,000 km so some other chump ate the depreciation) I had bought my wife a new car and decided to drive mine into the ground, did not work out when a month later a lady turned left into me and totalled mine...I found the deal on the luxury and could not resist...paid it off in 2 years instead of the four I had planed to, one more year on the wife's car the Never again will I get into car payments unless 0% cash in hand only.
Cash flow has been a bit of a problem so we are putting great effort to reduce expenses, reading Mr Moneymoustache currently.
Tip to all, wives do not appreciate an austerity program just prior to Christmas....