Hey investmentGAF, anyone have any experience or recommendations on general obligation muni bonds? I live in CA and the early order period for some CA GO muni bonds is today. Looks like the following weeks will open additional bond sales for various purposes:
I had a co-worker hyping up CA bonds a couple months ago - tax exemptions and such - but I am a complete dullard when it comes to understanding muni bonds, and not sure if they make sense for me to buy into relative to other investment options. Anyone invest in muni bonds and have any advice?
I guess my retirement/investment background, if it helps:
-My wife and I are 29 (been retirement contributing since maybe 24 or 25 y.o.)
-Currently maxing my company 401k which also has company match
-Wife has company 401k which is only contributed to in order to get maximum company match
-Have a Roth IRA on the side I put a minimum of $3600/yr into, and try to throw in extra as budget permits
-401ks are mostly "LifePath" type investments (though I am eager to disperse those into index and bond funds with lower expense ratios and just manually curate the distribution of stocks to bonds as we age)
-Roth IRA is 80% S&P index mutual fund and 20% intermediate treasury bond fund index
-No debt (just mortgage payments)
Thanks in advance for any help.