Thanks for this link. It's been an interesting read, but now it has me questioning my stuff so I have questions:
1) Is it a big deal that most of the lazy portfolios have 3 or 4 funds, but I have 5 (I've mainly looked at Rick Ferri's Core Four since it has 3 of the funds I use and 3 recommended in the OP)? I basically looked at the target retirement fund closest to me, but chose the stocks individually so I could have better control over the stock/bond allocation. The five I use (in both my Roth and taxable funds are Index funds) are Total Stock Market, Total International Stock Market, Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), Total Bond Market, and Total International Bond Market.
Should I be getting rid of one? The site seems to suggest that Tips isn't good for the non-IRA fund/taxable funds because it isn't tax efficient.
The "Core Four" looks like it replaces the TIPS and the Total International Bonds with something called Vanguard REIT Index Fund (VGSIX), though reading the topic about
Core Four has someone stating that TIps is nice because none of the other 3 funds in the Core Four has TIPS while REIT is included in the Total Stock Market so it balances things out better.
At least, I know I want to keep the Total Stock Market, Total International Stock Market and the Total Bond Market since the OP and the Core Four are at least agreement with that.
It looks like it's down to whether I want:
a) Just TIPS
b) TIPS and International Bond (what I have now and no reason for it other than it's what was in the Target Date fund I looked at)
c) Just REIT
And whether I should make changes to just my taxable fund, my Roth fun, or both.
2) I've thought about rebalancing my funds at one point since my allocations have gotten a bit off from what I like. Currently, I've just stopped putting money into the funds that are over what I want allotted, but I've thought about taking directly from that fund and put in another.
Would this hurt me come tax time? I don't want to rebalance a fund only to learn I would have to pay taxes on most of what I was "selling" in exchange for other funds. I would do it for both my taxable account and my Roth. However, I'm not talking about going from the taxable account to the Roth and vise versa. When I want to rebalance, I would use the funds inside the Roth to balance each other out (and the taxable funds to balance out the taxable funds).
I'm 31 with a so I'm currently a bit aggressive with my current setup (I know this is mostly due to risk tolerance - I'm a government employee with a pension so I feel like I can be aggressive): 90% Stocks 10% Bonds:
70% Total Stock Market
20% Total International Stock Market
4% Total Bond
2% International Bond.