Does the controller ever automatically turn off or does it always stay connected? Or can you manually disconnect to save battery?
Hold the "PS" button for 10 seconds and it will turn off the controller. I never tried to leave it on to see if it turns off by itself.
The fact that there isn't an alternative, standardized set of button prompts or defacto PC controller you're able to point to is all the indication you need.
And yes, it's still irrelevant. You're conflating one issue in with the cause of another as if there's some kind of mutual exclusivity involved. If xinput never exited, the same problems you're listing could and would still be an issue as the onus is on the developers on the game's end.
My issue with the dualshock 4 is that even connected by usb using the default windows drivers in a game like Volgarr the Viking which supports them, it has noticeably more input lag than my Wii Classic Controller connected to a mayflash adapter.
for those using the DS4Tool,
can I check if your bluetooth dongle is being overwritten to only pair with the DS4 or can you use it with other devices too?
Kind of want to know this as well. I've only used it wirelessly and don't know how to even get it to sync with my MI BT dongle that worked with DS3 Tool.
Not sure about DS4 Tool, but DS4 Xinput wrapper by InhexSTER doesn't overwrite your driver. Can still use other things.
Is there a way for my PS4 to forget my dual shock 4? I keep trying to connect my DS4 to my PC over bluetooth, and it says it's connected, but then when I push the PS button it turns on my PS4 and then links to that. Not sure if it just isn't connecting to my PC correctly or if my PS4 keeps taking it over somehow.
Jesus, simply disconnect your PS4 power cable.
Wow, I'm dumb. Thanks
Been having a ton of trouble getting this working. Freezes my whole computer every time I open scp server. Googled around and I don't seem to be the only one in this boat, but no one has a good answer.
I had motion joy drivers installed from DS3 tool, but I uninstalled them and it still froze. No idea what's going on. Hope a less janky version is forthcoming.
Got TeamSpeak running ?
I send my PS4 controller back to amazon today. These drivers are FAR from being polished.
You have to turn the touchpad off to stop that from happening.I'm using the beta 3 drivers and sometimes when playing Metal Gear Rising the game stops recognizing the controller as a 360 one. Buttons stop working or are registering as being pressed and the button prompts revert to the keyboard ones. Any idea what might cause that? Everything works perfectly up until that happens.
So I need some help guy's, finally getting around to using one of my DS4's for PC.Couple questions...
1: What's the best software/fix atm to use to get most of the functions working? Are Motionjoy dev's even trying to get this working like the near-erfect 360 emulation?
2: I plan to mostly use it to play Dark Souls, and Super Meat Boy, and DkS2 when it releases. So...will there be any known drawbacks for the millisecond timing needed to play these games where the inputs MUST register perfectly every time?
3: How do the Start/Select options work? Obviously none on the controller, and particularly for Dark Souls those are essential. So how do I set that up?
Anyway, thanks to all in advance. Hopefully one day we can get ALL the features working on PC including the touchpad and share button included -> tied to Twitch or Steam screens or Fraps button-mapping maybe).
Thanks in advance for any help.
Used the PS4 controller on Max Payne 3 for about 10 minutes
In that annoying position where it kind of works
It's perfect for a few minutes, then it locks me in as if I'm holding L2. Fixed it by quitting the Wrapper thingy.
But there;s no getting away from the fact that I already ran into 4 or so cases where I had to double tap X to get it to register. That will not be acceptable in games where precision with the face buttons is key
Is there any way of setting it up so I can browse using the controller, with a stick replacing the mouse and a face button bringing up a keyboard? I know you can use the touchpad to move the cursor and shoulder button to click, but I'd need a quick key input method to make that useful, and the touchpad implementation is imprecise, and scrolls down if I leave my finger on it for a millisecond
If the game supports DirectInput there's some setting that's along the lines of "disable DS4 detection/controller" which means the computer will only see it as an Xinput controller, not either Xinput or DirectInput. Handy for games that just freeze up when seeing it or just don't work right with its DirectInput settings.For some reason my controller is weird with Mirror's Edge. When I press L1 to jump, Faith will mostly punch. What do I do?