They had no problem believing Obama was a secret Muslim...or a non-citizen... or the anti-christ. No willingness to give him benefit of the doubt. Not an inch of respect. 'We've got real questions about him' yet Bannon is a foregone conclusion. Amazing.
People keep telling me it's not about race. I want to believe them. It's just hard to see the calm respectful demeanor of Obama...and then think back to loud outbursts during the state of the union, a woman sticking her fingers in his face on a tarmac, fox news consistently name-calling him, demands to see his birth certificate, refusal to vote on anything he does, chastising a new Jersey governor for hugging him when Obama showed up to help with hurricane relief, passing along images of him as a monkey, dictator, demon, claiming he's the worst president ever when he's clearly not, and the election of a guy who's actually done, said , proposed much worse.
I keep hearing how polls say we are headed in the wrong direction with our terrorist, non-citizen, racist, weakling, socialist, dictator, Obama. And somehow Trump, a man with a laundry list of provable and documented failures of business and morality, is a step on the right direction?
I see a man continually lie on camera and in our collective faces...and people actively overlook it. People can say I'm just sad that he was chosen over Hillary and that's fair. But he was also chosen over others within his party. What does it say that the worst among the candidates was chosen as champion. The man who most ardently ignorant was America's best offer. That these same folks that crucified the black president, now ask me to give Trump the benefit of the doubt when he's had more scandals on his campaign than presidents have on the job. I really want someone to explain how that isn't about race.