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How well do you believe Phil Spencer has handled Xbox from 2017-Present?

How well has Phil Spencer handled Xbox?

  • He has been handling it well

    Votes: 303 58.4%
  • He has been handling it poorly

    Votes: 216 41.6%

  • Total voters


I kind of like that cause no two Xbox games feel alike. Lets see what obsidian and inxile do , if their games are dud maybe they should reel it in.

it can be great, but also lead to shit like Halo Infinite... :/

Obsidian have a strong leadership internally I think, so they should be fine.

343i, Rare or The Initiative on the other hand seem to be way less stable teams.

Rare is an oddball team in general, but how can Phil think it's a good idea to let them show their game Everwild before they even have a gameplay concept for it? it's stuff like that that needs to be way more controlled IMO.

or how could 343i ever even start development on a hero shooter concept for Halo Infinite?

or how about The Initiative, they brought in a bunch of big developers from other studios, but didn't also have a contract in place to ensure they don't all just fuck off whenever they want to.

Sony when they buy their teams (at least they did that with Bungie) apparently also make sure to have contract clauses that keeps their talents there (most likely making it impossible for them to work for any other studio for a given time even if they leave the studio)
once again, Phil just giving them too much freedom.
Drew Murray (director of most Ratchet games, Resistance 3 and Sunset Overdrive) literally was brought on board from Insomniac, then left The Initiative and went back to Insomniac again... like wtf is going on?
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Not a fan of gaming services even though I recognize the value proposition of gamepass. I like to own my games and be able to go back and play them whenever I want. He's failed on too many things that I value as a gamer such as letting Halo be pretty much ruined and making it free to play which has undoubtedly contributed to dealing quality and will continue to do so.

He's ended the Back Combat program even though so many games never got 4k patches and 60 fps patches. This could've been the generation where console catches up to the PC on BC. He didn't even fos boost or patch some xbox one exclusives like Sunset Overdrive and Dead Rising 3! He allowed cross play that forces console to play against mouse and keyboard by encouraging devs like Sea of Thieves and Halo Infinite to have cross play turned on by default, which means if you want to turn it off you won't find matches. He allowed 343 to break the FPS in Halo 1 and 2 campaigns and not fix it for Xb1X owners, making them unplayable for that subset of xbox fans.

Finally, He's utterly failed to ensure great exclusives and next gen experiences 2 years into this generation. I have both next gen consoles and while it's bullshit that Sony is making their big games cross gen, at least there are next gen experiences to be had aplenty on ps5. Nothing looks amazing on series x like Ratchet, demons souls, horizon look except for Forza Horizon 5 (which only looks amazing in its 30 fps fidelity mode). Halo Infinitr is pretty but should've looked so much better. There's no dynamic elements in Infinite and only a single environment, the game is a disaster. Flight Sim looks amazing but it's not a "game" for me anyway.
he's handled it okay. as far as 'well', i think, considering the size of the budget he's had available, it'd've been hard for him not to have. i mean, i think that, given an equal budget, even zippy the clown might've done an okay job, too...
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Has done everything he can to turn the ship around from the mess that it was. Only thing missing right now are some must have 1st party games besides forza.
Agreed. This is the only major problem they have!

They better start banging out exclusives soon with all these acquisitions. It's been slow news so far. The Series X is hands down the better console overall and they have delivered on that front. They have delivered on GP as a valuable gaming service. They just need to prove they have the games.
Agreed. This is the only major problem they have!

They better start banging out exclusives soon with all these acquisitions. It's been slow news so far. The Series X is hands down the better console overall and they have delivered on that front. They have delivered on GP as a valuable gaming service. They just need to prove they have the games.

Not really. When most of the single player games are suddenly unplayable when you lose internet connection/server authentication, which has happened a number of times already, one of which was for a near week straight, they have failed to deliver on the "best" console. And when most of the exclusive games are... well trash, there is really no reason to have this powerful system. I want to see them take advantage of the box, but they have failed on every opportunity to do so.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
If my memory serves me correctly, the last new AAA game created and released by XBOX game studios was Quantum Break in 2016. In terms of actual games, I don't remember a platform under delivering to that degree.
You may want to stock up on Ginkgo Biloba.
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I’ve been a huge Xbox fan since the OG, but have always had a PlayStation for exclusives. I find myself more and more playing on my PS5 anymore. I have not been a fan of Xbox’s slow production on AAA games the last couple years. Horizon 5 was the only 1st party game I find myself playing and actually enjoying.


Not really. When most of the single player games are suddenly unplayable when you lose internet connection/server authentication, which has happened a number of times already, one of which was for a near week straight, they have failed to deliver on the "best" console. And when most of the exclusive games are... well trash, there is really no reason to have this powerful system. I want to see them take advantage of the box, but they have failed on every opportunity to do so.
I said best console 'overall'. Do you own a PS5? I own both, I can subjectively say the better console 'overall' as far as accessibility and features is the Series X. You are saying it's not the best based on one single issue that with a reliable internet connection, most people don't experience. I also agreed and said their major problem was exclusives as I was responding to another GAFer, so I'm not sure why you feel the need to mention it in your response as another reason why the console is apparently not good. That's not really a much of a response.

And I'm actually a Sony fan by the way, Xbox is secondary to me.
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I’ve been a huge Xbox fan since the OG, but have always had a PlayStation for exclusives. I find myself more and more playing on my PS5 anymore. I have not been a fan of Xbox’s slow production on AAA games the last couple years. Horizon 5 was the only 1st party game I find myself playing and actually enjoying.
I played my Xbox more in 2021, 2022 only PlayStation, there’s been zero games I’m interested in that are Xbox exclusive this year

Also I’m not convinced of this “let’s fund everyone’s indie game” idea - like obsidian with grounded and stuff - I just will never play those. But maybe that’s just me
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I said best console 'overall'. Do you own a PS5? I own both, I can subjectively say the better console 'overall' as far as accessibility and features is the Series X. You are saying it's not the best based on one single issue that with a reliable internet connection, most people don't experience. I also agreed and said their major problem was exclusives as I was responding to another GAFer, so I'm not sure why you feel the need to mention it in your response as another reason why the console is apparently not good. That's not really a much of a response.

And I'm actually a Sony fan by the way, Xbox is secondary to me.

I own every major system including a top-of-the-line PC. And I am sorry, but if for any reason I can't play the games I bought on my console, that instantly makes it the worst system out of the lineup. That is inexcusable and trying to dismiss or defend that idiocy is... well, idiotic.

What makes a quality system is the ability to play said games, having strong exclusives to warrant the purchase, and having additional features on *top* of that such as Quick Load (which is legitimately amazing). This system fails on almost every aspect at the moment and should be raked over the coals so we can get the system we all deserve and know Microsoft/Xbox can produce.
Fine but this year has sucked
This year? It’s like people forgot how bad the Xbox one gen was…. It’s been like this for years.

Back in 2020 just before Xbox Series X launch I said in a thread that Xbox needs to look into moving on from Phil because he just can’t get the job done and everyone bashed my take but here we are almost 2 year in and it’s still the same thing, just look at how Halo infinite has turned out and the lack of games these Xbox series consoles have had.

But like they say … “next year will be better”
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Overall Phil has done a great job as Xbox Gaming CEO. Compared to last generation Xbox has been picking up more studios and Game pass has been providing a tremendous value to gamers on multiple platforms. XSS was a fantastic idea and a great way to increase the audience for the Xbox ecosystem. The biggest issue is getting the big first party games out consistently but they did manage to get publisher of the year in 2021. This year the delays got them but we'll see how things turn out next year. It's ridiculous to say they have no games now.
I don't see how you could expect an executive to do more. In the years he has been in charge gaming went from being an afterthought at MS to being something they are investing billions in. That says it all right there IMO.

Also, I think it's ridiculous to say that the energy spent building gaming services on X1 was a waste. LOL, GP is literally one of the major pillars of MS gaming, it was very important. Probably a lot more important than selling a few million more X1 systems.


Gold Member
His move towards a subscription model is not what I prefer, I think I just accept it since I don’t really care much for Xbox as a brand.

I think what’s most impressive is that he has managed to get the higher ups to agree to his insane deals. If you would have told me that Xbox would go from ~5 first party studios in 2015 to 34(!) in 2023 I would likely have spit my coffee on you in disbelief.

Phil has definitely managed to turn things around for them.


I played my Xbox more in 2021, 2022 only PlayStation, there’s been zero games I’m interested in that are Xbox exclusive this year

Also I’m not convinced of this “let’s fund everyone’s indie game” idea - like obsidian with grounded and stuff - I just will never play those. But maybe that’s just me
It’s not just you. The indies are cool and they have a place among those who enjoy them. I’m not one of those people.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Ask yourself how many next Gen exclusives he’s produced on his $500 console in 2020, 2021 and 2022, and judge him on that. Nothing else matters. He’s responsible for selling you games for that $500 console. Everything else from subs to tflops and acquisitions are secondary… icing on the cake, not the main course.

I am shocked to see both Jim Ryan and Phil Spencer get such high approval ratings on gaf of all places. And why? Both have completely dropped the ball in 2022 when it comes to actually shipping games for their consoles. I’m flabbergasted by how willing we all are to eat up last gen games that are also running on 2013 era consoles we all moved on from back in 2016 and 2017 when the mid gen consoles started coming out.


He took away/will take away some of my favourite games from playstation (bethesda rpgs and call of duty) and forced me to buy a series x. I guess he did something right (in the eyes of microsoft, not in my eyes).


Problem is, given that I believe both Jim Ryan and Phil Spencer are performing satisfactorily, both are still making huge profits for now.
As we know though with this slow moving, heavy investment industry, balance sheet performance tends to lag a few years behind quality performance.
This. This is actually a funny story I read once where the CEOs have their compensation tied to performance, but the performance is indicative of decisions taken in the past, even before their arrival. So if their predecessor made good decision they are profiting from it in no part due to their skills.

As the OP mentioned by the time Spencer came onboard majority of Xbox problems service-wise were identified and fixed. I think he still has no mastery on the content pipeline, hence the delays.
Ask yourself how many next Gen exclusives he’s produced on his $500 console in 2020, 2021 and 2022, and judge him on that. Nothing else matters. He’s responsible for selling you games for that $500 console. Everything else from subs to tflops and acquisitions are secondary… icing on the cake, not the main course.

I am shocked to see both Jim Ryan and Phil Spencer get such high approval ratings on gaf of all places. And why? Both have completely dropped the ball in 2022 when it comes to actually shipping games for their consoles. I’m flabbergasted by how willing we all are to eat up last gen games that are also running on 2013 era consoles we all moved on from back in 2016 and 2017 when the mid gen consoles started coming out.

Next gen games will be ready when they will be ready.

No point in moaning about it.

It's taking longer than anticipated but everyone is taking their time, so I suspect it's challenging transition.


In short:
As of right now, in the empty year of 2022, I think it’s impossible to be satisfied. I play more on PS5 than XSX, that’s a direct result of Sony simply having more games and a good enough subscription service.

But Xbox isn’t doing too bad in theory:

Most powerful console
Most affordable console
Best subscription service

At it’s core Xbox has never been in a better position.

The problems Xbox are having are related to software output.

Delayed Halo Infinite
Delayed Starfield
Delayed Redfall
Sony bought Deathloop
Bad post-launch support for Halo Infinite
Empty 2022

Not sure that’s Phil’s job to solve though? Isn’t that Booty’s job?

Anyhow, I hate exclusives but when Sony is doing it I think MS needs to do it as well, Mr Nice Guy Phil isn’t doing enough to move the needle imo.

Should’ve bought Wo Long exclusivity
Should’ve bought Black Myth exclusivity
Should’ve bought Project Eve exclusivity
Should’ve never attempted to buy Activision-Blizzard when it was clear they couldn’t make CoD, Diablo, Overwatch exclusive
Should’ve found a way to buy Moon Studios
Should’ve found a way to buy Bungie
Should’ve bought Asobo
Should’ve bought Crystal Dynamics
Should’ve bought Neon Giant

As it is there are still some fruits coming later on from previous acquisitions. Exclusive Starfield, The Elder Scrolls, Doom should move the needle a bit I think.

But as of right now MS, and Phil, isn’t doing a good enough job.
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Phil was delt a bad hand. During the X360 era, Microsoft was like, "Hey let's close down or let go of Bungie, FASA, the internal sports games teams, Lionhead, Digital Anvil, the Flight Sim Team and Ensemble Studios, you know let's get rid of all this talent who has a long legacy of making hit games and franchises." Then the were like, "Hey, let's chase the fickle and trend chasing soccer mom Wii crowd with the Kinect and go the set-top box TV route with the next Xbox". Then when it all went to shit they promoted Phil to right the ship.

Phil has done a solid job, but I wish he would have brought in help for 343 immediately after the MCC launch fiasco and not wait till after the Halo Infinite E3 fiasco. Speaking of being delt a bad hand, enter Joe Staten at 343.


Management wise, terrible. How Xbox studio's have handled their top franchises is appalling starting from Halo Infinite, to Fable and Perfect Dark. Then you have things like Everwild project where they have no clue what game they are making. Its like they are just throwing money at the problem and hoping it will fix all. Buying out studio's and acting like they are the shining armor of the gaming industry [barf].

He's a great PR person and has a hand in acquiring huge studio's but thats about it. I don't see much management of the studios tbh. I still have no clue why 343i is still on Halo after all this time.


If you were playing on Xbox in 2015/2016 you know how much better it is today in every aspect. I guess that’s why the poll results are like that and why the old guard of Xbox fans like him.

I also generally agree with his strategy and the way he has built the identity of Xbox in the past years.


I own every major system including a top-of-the-line PC. And I am sorry, but if for any reason I can't play the games I bought on my console, that instantly makes it the worst system out of the lineup. That is inexcusable and trying to dismiss or defend that idiocy is... well, idiotic.

What makes a quality system is the ability to play said games, having strong exclusives to warrant the purchase, and having additional features on *top* of that such as Quick Load (which is legitimately amazing). This system fails on almost every aspect at the moment and should be raked over the coals so we can get the system we all deserve and know Microsoft/Xbox can produce.
So basically, as my comment was just about the best current gen console overall in comparison to what we have on the market, you are saying PS5 is the better console. Gotcha.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Guy literally has a blank check and still can’t manage to get quality releases out in a timely fashion. Literally not a single big game exclusive this entire year

Yeah, performance is pretty piss poor. Like somehow managing to fail the final exam despite knowing all the questions in advance
If my memory serves me correctly, the last new AAA game created and released by XBOX game studios was Quantum Break in 2016. In terms of actual games, I don't remember a platform under delivering to this degree. Ever.
Either your memory is gone or you're a troll


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
After the Xbox One launch?

All in.
I really hope we get a documentary on the Xbox Series X era of Xbox Games Studios, after all the riff raff and war mongering id just like to know how decisions like buying ZeniMax and Gamepass came to be.


Gold Member
I like the dude's energy but i was not excited for anything coming from M in the past 5-6 years before bethesda acquisition and fable announcement...

They managed to make me lose interest in gears and halo and i give 2 fucks about their racing games, and every new project they announced really feels like vaporware at this point except starfield that had a long showing.

Next 2-3 years are gonna show what M is really made of, it's make it or break it, they can't under deliver anymore.

This is my opinion, i'm sure that people who play sea of thieves and forza games everyday have a completely different opinion, so don't get your tails and cheese in a bunch, green boys.
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Despite having some of the most fun official accounts on twitter, Xbox tends to be a bit clumsy with their messaging once in a while. It's as if they try to correct all the wrongs of Xbox One launch and throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. It can be a bit frustrating and their "We are just like you, fans" attitude can be a bit phony, but ever since they started to pull their shit together (Back Compat, Xbox One X launch, GP, all the unique XSX goodies), having an Xbox and playing on it daily has been a bliss. And I'm pretty sure Phil leadership is responsible for that.


He has pretty much turned Xbox around as a brand.
People actually seem to be less negative about Xbox.
Or have some genuine excitement about the brands future.
I think he has handled things the best he could following on from his predecessor.

I’d really like to see more from their studios though. There’s a lot of promise in them and it sounds like there’s some great work going on, but I need to see it to believe it.


Overall very good. Gamepass is a huge success and you can clearly see that they have a well-thought-out strategy put in place.

The only negative thing so far is: Establishment of new IP´s and the general output of the owned studios is rather lackluster. I´m sure this will change over the next years but they still have a long way to go to get to the place where SONY is.
they’ve completely turned around thanks to him. xbox is my favourite platform now and i had been using ps for 20+ years. gamepass is insanely good value and xbox exclusives interest me a lot more.
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