For some additional information that may be clear up some stuff:
Comixology was bought by Amazon so they are now linked. If you have an older Comixology account you should log into that and link it to your Amazon account. After that you can use your Amazon account on the site and all your books will be available on the Kindle app and the Comixology app. Also note that you may be blocked from buying comics via the Comixology app. I'm not sure of the reason for this, if it's Amazon or Apple but them's the breaks I guess.
Amazon Prime or KindleUnlimited (separate things) users should check to make sure they don't already get certain volume's for free.
Things like this Ms. Marvel volume are denoted as "included in your prime membership" so make sure you don't buy them with that so easy it hurts to use 1-click to buy button. You can click the Read for Free button and then deliver to your kindle or kindle apped device. I don't know what this looks like since I don't have my iPad on me.
Also amazon has a book in the series button that let's you see the whole list so you can see the runs and different volumes in the whole series.
That reminds me. Tablets are amazing comic reading devices. In fact they are amazing book reading, gaf browsing, and video watching devices. Toss your tiny ass phone in the trash and experience the true comfort, ease, and fidelity of a tablet powered comic experience (pls don't throw your phone away).