For a paddler, having a whale rising up next to you is like sitting in an electric chair, not a kayak.
Giancarlo Thomae, a naturalist, marine biologist and photographer, captured this amazing series of photos in the past month of humpback whales lunge feeding and rising breaches, tail salutes, pectoral waves and chin slaps.
You just hang out and the whales come right up to you, he said of the episodes off Capitola, Santa Cruz and Moss Landing.
Two weeks ago, Thomae counted 50 humpback whales a short distance offshore. Last week, as the humpbacks started their migration to their wintering grounds, about 15 whales, primarily mothers with their calves, remained within two miles offshore. A rich food chain has been the key to the high whale sightings and bringing the whales inshore.
Gray whales are expected to join the show in the coming weeks along the California coast.
Note that it is violation of ethics and federal law to approach the whales within 100 yards or otherwise change their behavior. What kayakers and boaters alike have discovered is that once youre in range, you can turn off your engine whether it be motor-powered or human-powered. Instead of you going to the whales, they instead come to you.