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Hunter x Hunter Community Thread - OSU!


remember a few chapters back when he pick that guy up and punched his face like a hundred times and it turned out to just be an illusion? wonder if that was another ability ging mimicked. you guys think ging can mimick hisoka's bungie gum?

I thought that "illusion" was akin to when Welfin saw the The King eating him alive. Just a visually projection of an imminent threat.

Ging is a pretty awesome character I honestly wouldn't mind Gon getting axed and Ging taking over as the protagonist.

Yeah, I don't really like Ging that much. In-fact, I won't be surprised if he dies this arc. I don't know, I can just feel it.
Honestly I hope Ging suffers a setback against Pariston in the next chapter. Him owning Pariston since the Election arc is being a bit too predictable and makes him look like a Gary Stu.


Honestly I hope Ging suffers a setback against Pariston in the next chapter. Him owning Pariston since the Election arc is being a bit too predictable and makes him look like a Gary Stu.

Yeah, I'm expecting Pariston to come back hard eventually. It looks like he's only testing Ging for now.

so the editor of hunter x hunter says there will soon be an event that will end up being one of the top 3 shocking moments of the manga. want to speculate what it could be?

Late post but I wanna guess too! The mole turns out to be Mizaistom. He totally screws over the crew resulting in most of the Zodiacs dying.


Amazing streak of chapters so far, the only one I kinda didn't like was the one focusing on Mizaistom and Kurapika.

Reposting what someone from another site said, because it's just so true:

Hamuta said:
Ging : " No no it's not something as impressive as an ability tracing technique... it's just that I can naturally reproduce every goddamn nen technique I've been in contact with... and even grasp the essence of it making me instantaneously reach a degree of mastery that can potentially surpass even the original user after so much training and effort. No no it's not that impressive, though I prefer not to reveal it to you. I'd rather let you know that I can at anytime curbstomp people with a technique that isn't even mine. Yeah compared to my own ability, it's such a trivial thing that meh... whatever... the more you know "


Not as deep as he thinks
The whole Ging and Pariston relationship is so fucking good, god. I'm loving this arc so far and we are only just at the beginning of it!

BHZ Mayor

Not sure if anyone has discussed this, and it's pretty old hat at this point, but has there been any speculation on what exactly happened to Gon after his transformation? Based on the image of his arm right before he was healed, I'm guessing he either continued to age way past the point of what's normal or he withered away from a lack of energy, like an extreme version on Netero's condition after Zero Hand.
Hunter x Hunter
saved the best for last
oooh interesting chapter though, i never thought the prince would be such a major character, and now there are even more of them? they seem to be pretty dangerous too. Kurapika displays his genius again this chapter, and we get somewhat of an explanation of the dowsing chain as well, which is kind of cool, but we finally know who the traitor is...I wonder if Kurapika is right though. Hopefully we get to see the rest of the zodiacs abilities next chapter.

anyway, there's a break next week, but it says double issue for two weeks from now. Does that mean two HxH chapters?
Double Issue just means that Jump isn't going to be printed the following week, I think. They do it just so they can say they print 52 issues a week.

So now we have the Zodiacs, Beyond's group, AND the Princes of Kakkin all as different players in this. Apparently there are seven Princes and they each correspond to the Seven Deadly Sins, can someone confirm that?

And it looks like the Monkey is the mole, which makes sense because a couple of chapters ago he was saying that he would handle guarding Beyond. Kind of upset the chapter cut away from that meeting so fast, I was hoping we would see more Nen powers.

I like that it's pretty clear that even though these characters are all going to be going to the Dark Continent soon, it's really the humans that should end up being the villains on this arc. Honestly, they could never even travel to the Dark Continent for all I care if the arc just involves the three groups clashing somehow.
Hunter x Hunter 348

Who is the real traitor?

Will be monkey? I don't know. It seems to straightforward to discover already the traitor. Well be a bit and the real traitor is another person?
The prince family shows a bit more what it can happen on the voyage. Before it wasn't very clear what role they would play in it, but now we can see how a internal fight will blow up and mess things up.
Hunter x Hunter 348

Who is the real traitor?

Will be monkey? I don't know. It seems to straightforward to discover already the traitor. Well be a bit and the real traitor is another person?
The prince family shows a bit more what it can happen on the voyage. Before it wasn't very clear what role they would play in it, but now we can see how a internal fight will blow up and mess things up.

It does make sense that it would be the monkey, as Neko said, but I still have an irking suspicion that Mizaistom is the traitor. Maybe he left out something about his ability that can make Kurapika's chain malfunction?
Yeah he seems a mole but I still think there is a second mole. Maybe someone who doesn't even know he is a mole, but someone who has been applied a specialisation or manipulation nen which is waiting now until activation.
It may be coincidence... but the woman getting a tattoo in the presence of the prince... the tattoo seems like a spider. Maybe he knows that Kurapica is going for him? Setting up a trap?


It may be coincidence... but the woman getting a tattoo in the presence of the prince... the tattoo seems like a spider. Maybe he knows that Kurapica is going for him? Setting up a trap?

Holy crap, good catch. That is definitely the tattoo.

I definitely didn't the prince being a major player in this coming. This arc reminds me of a lot of Yorkshin and I'm loving it.
Definitely feel Miza is also a mole (want to be wrong) who is sacrificing the Monkey. Also interesting to hear the full extent of his ability, I wonder how his ability to remove someone from "the court" works.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I am going to have to re read the all of the post chimera arc volumes. I can longer just skim these while at work. I'm actually lost lol!
So, next chapter only on August 11th? I'm fine with it. Is Togashi now doing "mini-breaks" instead of giant hiatuses? I certainly hope that this is the case.


It may be coincidence... but the woman getting a tattoo in the presence of the prince... the tattoo seems like a spider. Maybe he knows that Kurapica is going for him? Setting up a trap?

This must be a trap to make him break his restriction. But how does Lust know about Kurapikas hatsu?!
So this just got posted in the anime thread

I wonder how much control Alluka has over the requests, if any. Can she make them easier for Killua since she likes him?

As far as I can tell just by going back a couple of pages in his history, he hasn't posted in this thread (doesn't mean he doesn't lurks or accidentally came across spoilers on the wiki, tho), but to be on the safe side, don't acknowledge the post or draw attention to it.


Was that how Alluka worked? I remember it as if you give a good non-greedy request then there isn't harsh consequences.

...Shit I need to re-read those chapters.

edit: Okay, so healing bypasses harsh consequences, but still Killua gets special privileges. Just reminds me of how bs Alluka was.


get some go again
Was that how Alluka worked? I remember it as if you give a good non-greedy request then there isn't harsh consequences.

...Shit I need to re-read those chapters.

edit: Okay, so healing bypasses harsh consequences, but still Killua gets special privileges. Just reminds me of how bs Alluka was.
think alluka will heal anybody with no consequence as long as she can touch them.


get some go again
Yeah that's true, but Killua still gets special privileges to wish whatever.
killua doesn't get any special privileges. he only knows about alluka being able to heal because he actually likes alluka and spent time with her and figured out everything about her ability. the rest of the family spent all their time trying to figure how to abuse alluka's power.


killua doesn't get any special privileges. he only knows about alluka being able to heal because he actually likes alluka and spent time with her and figured out everything about her ability. the rest of the family spent all their time trying to figure how to abuse alluka's power.

Just finished reading through the chapters and you're right. Not sure where the hunter wiki got that from.


He sure does. He can wish for anything without any consequences.

I'm skimming through (not trying to read through it all right now). Do you know the page or chapter it covers that?

That would make sense though, Illumi wouldn't want to manipulate Alluka if all she could do without consequences is heal. But Illumi doesn't know much about it, and probably got confused that Killua can manipulate. Is Illumi's thoughts what you're basing it off of?


Episode 336, when Killua sends Illumi back home.

Okay, I didn't read that far when skimming. Totally forgot about Killua sending Illumi back home.

So Killua can wish anything, but doesn't use it a lot because he doesn't want to abuse Nanika.
Okay, I didn't read that far when skimming. Totally forgot about Killua sending Illumi back home.

So Killua can wish anything, but doesn't use it a lot because he doesn't want to abuse Nanika.

Yeah. Which is why Illumi wants to use Killua to control Nanika, and it's why Killua went all the way to try to avoid him, he wanted to maintain the secret.


Killua can give orders which is totally different.
People usually see Alluka's power as granting requests,
it's probably more that she grant a wish THEN she can get to ask what she wants based on the scale of the wish and the cycle being endless they see that her power is actually grant Alluka 3 pesterings THEN get a wish.
What I mean is that the ability is rather selfish and childish "I did this for you! Now you gotta do this and this and this!"
It makes sense that the power would kill the person who refuse to accept Alluka's wishes as it's like Alluka's getting fleeced in the process.
Thing is Nanika can probably bypass the whole process all it wants and is just being kind of a dick in forcing this process to make sure people are nice to Alluka.

About the last chapter, awesome as ever.
I feel like Saiyu is not the mole but more that he is hidding something.
After all that's what Kurapika's power is : detecting liers and people that mix lies and truth.
It's probably more that Saiyu is hidding something more than him being the mole.
Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.


Killua can give orders which is totally different.
People usually see Alluka's power as granting requests,
it's probably more that she grant a wish THEN she can get to ask what she wants based on the scale of the wish and the cycle being endless they see that her power is actually grant Alluka 3 pesterings THEN get a wish.
What I mean is that the ability is rather selfish and childish "I did this for you! Now you gotta do this and this and this!"
It makes sense that the power would kill the person who refuse to accept Alluka's wishes as it's like Alluka's getting fleeced in the process.
Thing is Nanika can probably bypass the whole process all it wants and is just being kind of a dick in forcing this process to make sure people are nice to Alluka.

About the last chapter, awesome as ever.
I feel like Saiyu is not the mole but more that he is hidding something.

After all that's what Kurapika's power is : detecting liers and people that mix lies and truth.
It's probably more that Saiyu is hidding something more than him being the mole.
Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Nah that makes sense, I doubt they would show who the mole is so soon, and what you said is pretty much how Kurapika's ability works. Saiyu is lying, we just don't know about what.

Edit: Also about Mizaistom ability. My guess is that from what he did to the Tiger and those mooks at the Nostrade place, is that part of the condition for his ability to work is that he has to be threatened (probably at least verbally) by someone for him to be able to use those cards on them.


Nah that makes sense, I doubt they would show who the mole is so soon, and what you said is pretty much how Kurapika's ability works. Saiyu is lying, we just don't know about what.

Edit: Also about Mizaistom ability. My guess is that from what he did to the Tiger and those mooks at the Nostrade place, is that part of the condition for his ability to work is that he has to be threatened (probably at least verbally) by someone for him to be able to use those cards on them.

I feel like it's more likely to be like Genthru, he need to warn them.


I'll carry the Nanika name discussion from the other thread over here for something manga specific

I guess they could have called it "Thing" maybe. Personally I'm more comfortable with using Nanika here because it's clear cut who I'm talking about, but there's no way they weren't going to translate it.

It's been a while since I read the arc so I might be remembering it wrong, but I remember it's also a point in the end of the arc that Killua realizes he forgot to treat Nanika the same as he treats Alluka. I think if Killua calls Nanika "something" rather than a recognizable name, it hits that point across better.
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