Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Has it been a year already?
Is this like Kenshin?
Ooh I like both!!
Oh so it really is just business as usual
My favorite part of Beserk was the characterizations so anything like that narratively is fine by me.I was beeing kinda dishonest as Vagabond isn't a whole lot like Berserk.
They both go a long way of making characters feel like characters though. Which is something you don't see all too often.
Not really. Toriko's Gourmet has been the most disappointing thing ever, especially with how rushed it was all around and we're already at the end so soon with all the skipping over key ingredient arcs.pfffftttttheheheehehehehHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I'm sorry but what more like Berserk and Toriko's Gourmet world all of which are 1000X better then the OP new world
Just look at all the celebrity deaths earlier this year. Someone has obviously been committing blood sacrifices for these events to occur.SAMURAI JACK AND HUNTERxHUNTER IN 2016.
Continue the 2011 Anime to pleeeeeeeeeeease
They can't so little material to do at the moment, OVA's maybe later down the line.
i get the feeling something will happen to nanika and that will cause killua to join the expedition. it would be weird if a zoldyck wasn't a part of the expedition considering we saw a flashback with one of them there. although there might be a bunch of hits on people fighting for the throne so maybe silva is the one that goes.
I don't that's going to happen. It would be weird to reintroduce him so soon after saying goodbye.
So when's DQ 11 release again? he's going to need to start his vacation at least a month and a half before that. He's got two versions to play so it'll be 2018 or 2019 before he returns after the next break starts.
can't tell if you guys are joking abut the dragon quest stuff. togashi probably already drew all the chapters he is gonna release.
I am actually glad that Gon and Killua are seemingly benched going forward, they just had an entire arc to themselves pretty much
He is probably saving the world from alien invasions. Worked pretty decent so far.What do you guys think Togashi actually does during his hiatuses? Besides playing dragon quest? Is it documented anywhere?
What do you guys think Togashi actually does during his hiatuses? Besides playing dragon quest? Is it documented anywhere?
I mean he was setting up a HUGE are with a scale that could dwarf One Piece in terms of world buildingdat berserk-esque spread doe.
It would be very cool if he spent some significant time towards fully mapping out the arc and plot points to deliver an amazing arc. HxH has SO MUCH POTENTIAL it hurt me to see it take a break again. Off the top of me head we need a resolution from Kurapika, Gyro (this has me the most excited), the consequences of Chrollo's journey and what the spiders get up to, Killua and Nanika (the mystery behind her), Gon regaining his Nen and more Hisoka goodness. Some of these will probably tie into the new arc; even the possibility of seeing MORE CHIMERA ANTS!
I am way too hyped for this. Really hope HxH is here to stay now
How many chapters are there between the end of the anime and the latest one?
There's like only 3-4 episodes worth of content to adapt, lol. It isn't worth it.Continue the 2011 Anime to pleeeeeeeeeeease
What do you guys think Togashi actually does during his hiatuses? Besides playing dragon quest? Is it documented anywhere?
Same here. Characters like Ging, Pariston, Kurapika, and Leorio have been my favorites so far. I'm mostly looking forward to learning more aboutI'd actually enjoy Gon and Killua taking a backseat to other characters, both old and new. I'd love to learn more about Ging, Pariston Hill, the Hunter Organization, and of course the history and what's going on with the dark continent. I'd also love to see more of Kurapika and the best character that is Leorio. Though mostly I'm curious what the series delves into with seemingly so many major events about to happen.
I'd even be interested in the dreaded time skip if Togashi pulls the rug out from under us and our expectations. I'd also love to see an older Gon closer to the form we saw him transform into.
Damn Togashi, even Toguro at the very least wore shoes.![]()
He probably procrastinates and lazes around a lot. Considering how after YYH and Jump begging him to come back allowing him to make a contract that gives him as much leeway as possible and how HxH's manga sales rival One piece despite being on hiatus so much, he's pretty much free to do whatever he wants as Shounen Jump cant hassle him to release more chapters frequently despite them wanting him to.
I'd actually enjoy Gon and Killua taking a backseat to other characters, both old and new. I'd love to learn more about Ging, Pariston Hill, the Hunter Organization, and of course the history and what's going on with the dark continent. I'd also love to see more of Kurapika and the best character that is Leorio. Though mostly I'm curious what the series delves into with seemingly so many major events about to happen.
I'd even be interested in the dreaded time skip if Togashi pulls the rug out from under us and our expectations. I'd also love to see an older Gon closer to the form we saw him transform into.
I still wonder how Togashi is going to get Kurapika back in the spotlight with the restrictions Kurapika put on himself.
I still wonder how Togashi is going to get Kurapika back in the spotlight with the restrictions Kurapika put on himself.
Of Kurapika's 4 known chains only the Chain Jail and Judgement Chain (may not even be limited to spiders) are limited to the Spiders. He can still use his Holy Chain, the Dowsing Chain (the ball one) and his Emperor time on anyone. And he still has one unknown chain (index finger) that hasn't been seen.
9. And given the anime's pace of around 2-3 chapters per episode, that gives us at most 5 episodes, and that's really stretching it!