Since it's the first of its kind that's gonna be hard to answer. Doubt there are many Chinese users here. If it helps, I've never heard Compile Heart Asia get a bad rap at least? Their Thai translations seemed ok.How is the quality of the Chinese translation of Megadimension Neptunia VII? Play-Asia is already selling it.
Just more of the same more or less, with some improvements here and there. Party gets expanded to 4 members, the SP system is reworked in RB3, there's some extra dungeon features and quality of life improvements (like indicating from what monster and what dungeon something drops by highlighting said items, etc...).100%'d Rebirth 1 last night and I've grabbed 2 and 3 on the Steam sale. Are 2 and 3 big improvements on the 1st game or are they largely more of the same?
thinking into jumping into the series with the third one since its on sale atm (psv). Is it a good idea or should I play part 1 and 2 first?
Since it's the first of its kind that's gonna be hard to answer. Doubt there are many Chinese users here. If it helps, I've never heard Compile Heart Asia get a bad rap at least? Their Thai translations seemed ok.
As far as memes go, well in English some minor references like 2ch lingo and so on get turned into their English equivalents. I'm not sure what China's eqivalent of Reddit and the like are (Weibo and Baidu maybe?), but they might use that. More mainstream references might just stay as is.
The biggest problem is wordplays and puns though, that's a big part of the scripts.
100%'d Rebirth 1 last night and I've grabbed 2 and 3 on the Steam sale. Are 2 and 3 big improvements on the 1st game or are they largely more of the same?
RB3 outright pokes fun at how bland Nepgear is as a protagonist in RB2.
Nothing is sacred.
You're fine with just RB3. It's the best of the three, the tiny bit of continuity between RB2 and RB3 isn't worth stressing out over and the games are similar enough that you'll burn yourself out if you try to play all of them back to back.
Can't say I'm excited about that LE, only really want the OST out of it to be honest, US store says $85 so can see it being £75 or something close to that. Not worth it to me personally, although if somehow it's low enough I may be tempted to bite just to get that OST. Plushie of Nep or another character I would have been fine with though mind.
The OST is fantastic. The LE is actually better than the Japanese one. Everyone hates Umio though lol. I'd have rather had a dogoo plush myself, they made one but I couldn't find anywhere selling it and now I can't even find it on ebay.
I think Umio's an alright joke (reference to Seaman, plus his personality/appearance mismatch) but it's definitely a poor idea to suddenly start shoving him out there like a mascot. Pretty sure that's how Senran Kagura got about half of the fanbase to hate Yumi.
Ooo, dogoo plush would have been nice too.
Speaking of hate, I'm slowly getting through rebirth 3 (for some reason I got through 1 and 2 (plus the original and mk2) really easy, yet 3 and victory I'm struggling), and Plutia didn't originally bother me. Quite liked her character, but remember people hating on her. After reaching chapter 6 or so, can see why now... definitly overused her "thing", where it's pretty much the answer or drive for the majority of things. Lost it's funny appeal now to me.
Uaghahgejfdf was planning to top off ReBirth 3 cheevos. Thought I'd have to do only 50M and then buy/sell nonstop with the 2:1 credit ratio to bring it up to 100.
The buy/sell credit ratio in ReBirth 3 is around 10:1 so I actually have to grind close to the full 100M.
Not nearly as bad as Fairy Fencer, but still. Piles of work (yes, on New Year's week), had a couple of hours to spare, those hours are toast and no 100% cheevo yet.
I don't recall money being the biggest problem in Victory but I forget. I might have used that crafting exploit my first time through and I haven't finished Reb3. Rebirth 1's money grind was ridiculous
I know, that's why I said I probably don't remember a grind because of that exploit.Crafting is different in the rebirth games. You don't get a copy of the crafted item. You craft once and it adds the item to the shop for sale.
Worst money grind in an IFI/CH game has to be Fairy Fencery F.
Speaking of horrible grinds, Action Unleashed. The Neptral Tower is just STUPID (at least seamlessly load the next level FFS) and lily ranks are a senseless grind (and no easy way in Nep U). There's ALWAYS one bullshit trophy in Neptunia games, I don't get why they do it. No one enjoys these, they're not going to get you a higher review score, there's just no point.
Often has to do with selling booster DLC. :U
I'm a sucker, but hey, $1
Just got the true ending with rebirth3 without trying or aiming for it, which is quite nice as the whole not being required to get certain shares for any of the endings feels sooooo good. One reason I've not gone back to plat rebirth2 yet. Now going to get the normal and good ending in rebirth 3 as it shouldn't take long.
The grind was unreal in U, I don't know why I stuck with it and platt'd that game...
Is Blanc's game better than U? I couldn't bare U any longer after it was repetitive samey missions with barebones visual novel scenes and story. I didn't even complete it... I preordered that Megadimension LE I'm really looking forward to it. Did all the DLC come out in Japan?
Only Stella has really had booster DLC though. Lily Rank grinds are often the culprit of Trophy Grind and I don't think DLC has ever helped. I had Nep 1's DLC and it doesn't really help with the money grind even. You eventually kill Cliones in two hits instead of three, but that's about it.
So apparently VII is gonna have a pretty limited dub.
Disappointment meter is off the charts. Hope you others enjoy your Japanese DLC at least.
EDIT: You know I should probably enjoy the good new game instead of complaining. It's fun!
DN: Idea Factory International is a localization company and publisher, so
what is the typical process involved when localizing a title? Just for
example, lets use your new title, Megadimension Neptunia VII ( V 2, as in Victory 2) coming
February 2nd for PS4. How far in advance do you get the title to begin
localizing? Do you get the title while it is still being worked on in
Japan? What are the most time consuming steps to the localization process?
IF: In Megadimension Neptunia VIIs case, we started working a little after its
release in Japan. First, we receive games text, translate and edit it, and
then record English voiceover. That first half is the most time-consuming
part, theres a lot of preparation the localization team has to do before
the development team can even build a playable English ROM. After that, the
localized text and voices are implemented into the game, and then debug
begins. After that, the ROM goes through the first-party approval process.
Once the game is good to go, we can publish it! Overall, the entire process
takes about 7 to 9 months depending on the size of the game.
But while this is happening, the design, production, and marketing team are
working hard to create the English logo, cover, manual, trailers, and
website, as well as organize game distribution to retailers, and
communicate with media and fans to spread the word about the title. I just
wanted to stress, theres more to localization than just the game itself!
Blanc's game is friggin' weird.
Can't believe they replaced Tara Platt's Vert. Now she's voiced by Rom.
Man, the amount of grinding V-II requires at certain story beats is pretty rough. I skated through the end of the second arc solely with Ram and Rom but now I'm hitting another barrier given the team I have to work with.
That is rather disappointing. I'm just going to wait till its half price unfortunately.
Please tell me this is a joke. In Megadimension? At this rate I'm just going to play in Japanese because the dub just keeps sounding sour the more I hear.
Unless you only plan to play single player that doesn't really seem like a solid plan.
And eh, unless you actually dislike the voices I'd say stick with english due to the combat dialog being understandable.
They do need to make an official statement about Vert's VA though. A lot of people are flipping out and assuming she's gone forever. Which would be a big deal if true
I got Rebirth 1 to 3 from the Winter Humble Bundle sale, and just binge gamed through the lot. I don't understand the hate for the series. It's all so lighted hearted and fun. I love how they clown on everything, even the second game. Poor Nepgear. So much sadness that it's all over. The PC releases of VII, U, etc can't come soon enough. I just wish Plooters had some kind of role going forward. Count me in for any vote brigade to get Plutie a side game perhaps in a Deception style vein lol.
Disappointed that they couldn't get Tara for VII. I seriously adore the dub over the original and I can understand Japanese fine, but I think the English voice actors make it. I'd be down for a Kickstarter to get a re-recording of the series with full English dub or something.
Okay well I took matters into my own hands and asked her myself
See here.
Uh, anyone want to help make a V2 OT? I really don't want to but I guess I will if no one else does.
For some reason I thought someone was doing an OT, so I didn't volunteer, but not sure I have much time to throw something together (._. )
I assumed someone else would be doing it too, probably why no one did, heh.
Banners are the part I hate making, I could probably do the rest. Is it in bad taste if I link my own guide? It's like, one of two that are in english and, obviously, IMO it's pretty important info.
As long as you point it out, I don't see any harm in it.
..By far the most common complaint regarding Neptunia is from people who have no idea what it is, they just see "moe" designs and assume everything they want to from there...
Personally I'm really glad Plutia and Peashy are gone from main series. If Plutia's back it'd have to be human form only, a greatly, greatly reduced role (like, you know, every non-Planeptune CPU suffers) or DLC only. I think it takes time to appreciate, but the writing in Victory/Reb3 is really weird and Plutia is like even worse than Neptune in terms of taking over every conversation/being a Mary Sue.
Since VII isn't out here until next week, I thought I'd play Re;Birth3 since I never got around to finishing it.
I just got to the part where they introduce the babies and after that I had a ton of events to view so I went through them all and I guess they didn't want to try and introduce the DLC characters at appropriate times since I just got some new party members:
This must have been so confusing for someone who hasn't played Victory before and just got this game and downloaded all the free DLC.
I have to admit I've passed up on the series a couple of times because of that. Seeing the reactions about that Black Rose Valkyrie game, I'd say add people that just don't like Compile Heart or Idea Factory for whatever past wrong real or imaginary to that list.
Yeah I can see that. She definitely got top billing in Victory/RB3 and was very Deus ex machina. Still the writers could play around with Dimensions more like how the Anime is kind of same but reverse of Victory. Isn't V-II like 3 Dimensions afterall? However, I feel that console generation story-wise the Mega Drive and PC Engine are done, even with how fast and loose they play with Game History. Still it could be fun, if it isn't too hamfisted, to write them in somehow. I can see retro NEXT forms like 32x+CDx and PC-FX lol.
Seriously confusing. That happened when I played Rebirth 1 with all the DLC on, but I was too far in that I wanted to change the settings. At that point, I just tried not to use the DLC characters, etc. I was more leery and kept some off on Rebirth 2 or again tried not to use the DLC stuff and then went completely off with Rebirth 3 until I got pass the True Ending. Still left some things off till NG+. That picture is trippy.
The main editor behind all the games (minus RB1 and Megadimension VII) talked a bunch about his old work here. There's a lot of info about how work at NISA was, the relation between a localizer and the original developer, and more.
It's a bit of an overzealous place so be warned all parties are being kinda defensive.
the localization process where I worked was focused on giving US gamers the same experience as JP gamers, which is very different from a straight translation, or giving US gamers the JP game in English. That was the company process
I swear a lot of people complaining about Pure Translations™ of Neptunia literally have no interest in the series beyond "it is Japanese" and liking the Japanese voice actresses because they seem to have no concept of what the game is actually about. They seem to want a literal translation for no purpose other than hearing their Japanese bae read it to them.
It's kinda silly when a lot of jokes or references simply don't work in English to begin with.
We're not talking about Ace Attorney levels of culture swapping here.
That being said, for a good while I'd play games with Japanese VA and English text, or the rare occassion with English VA and Japanese text, while I was learning the language, and the discrepancy between what was being said and what was being said was a little confusing at times.
The main editor behind all the games (minus RB1 and Megadimension VII) talked a bunch about his old work here. There's a lot of info about how work at NISA was, the relation between a localizer and the original developer, and more...
Granted Victory 2 does a much better job with Vert than Victory. Man the more I think about Victory the more I have problems with it, I LOVED it the first time.
Woah. That was a good read. It's like SirTapTap has said above, the addition of things like CPU, CFW, etc. just makes a better final product. Watching the Japanese dub of the Anime and hearing 'Megami' doesn't have the same coolness nor impact as CPU. That the English version can switch between the words 'CPU' and 'goddess' as needed makes the translation even richer than the original.
At the same time, I think some things can be ambiguous in a translation as it won't have any real effect if it is. Like all the '-Sha's in V2. It won't hurt to know it's a pun on 'company' and 'person' having different kanji, but same pronunciation, but not knowing ain't bad either. Still that 'keikaku' though lol.
It's great that she got her own adventure in V2, but at the same time it felt like the most bizarre out of the four. It felt jarring especially after coming off of the Noire and Blanc paths. In retrospect with V1, they really didn't treat Ultradimension Vert well, but those Vert x Vert end scenes were fun.
Did anyone else get the Tsunako art book? IT's thick!