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I am a nervous wreck when my favorite sports teams are playing an important game.

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Mikey Jr.

I will never understand professional sports.

I live in Toronto, and 90% of the blue Jay's aren't even from Canada, nevermind Ontario.

Why should I give a shit? Just a bunch of million dollar players traded around like cards.

Now Olympics. That's worthwhile.
Last game of the season (Belgian 2nd division) ended up being a game between my favourite team (ranked 2nd) and the leaders. We needed a win to clinch the title and secure promotion. It ended 0-0. Worst part is we were leaders for the entire season and completely collapsed in the final sprint.

felt terrible for weeks after


I follow alot of sport but there's only about 3 teams who I will always remain loyal to, the mighty Hammers in the premier league and the Bombers and the Eels in the local aussie football codes. The Hammers only ever play for mid table spots and the only big games are relegation matches, and both my footy teams here got done for cheating in the last few years, so there's been some rough times there as well.

Outside West Ham, I don't really get attached to many international teams. I realised that wasn't a good idea when I started going for the Sonics back in the 90's because of Kemp and Payton. But then they left, and having no connection to the city itself made them tough to go for anymore.

These days I follow the sport itself more and pick an choose who I go for. Usually its an underdog type team with some potential to get good. For exampIe I took an interest in the warriors back in the Baron Davis/Monta Ellis days through to when Mark Jax took over and they drafted Steph who I had followed a bit in college. Now a days they win too much and are way too popular so I need to find someone else to go far. I guess I've always had a sports hipster thing going on where I tend to hate on the popular teams a lot of the time too


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Oh if I'm watching a match I'm a nervous idiot whether it's a hugely "important" one or not when it's my team.


I used to be, but since 2007 we (Liverpool) have lost a CL final, finished runners-up in the league in 08/09, got knocked out the UEFA cup semi finals in 09/10, lost the FA cup final in 11/12, once again came close to winning the league but ended up finishing 2nd in 13/14, got knocked out the FA cup semi final by Aston fucking Villa in 14/15, and lost 2 cup finals last season. I've already accepted the inevitable banter and don't let the results affect me *that* much anymore.

I fucking wish


I'm a fan of the Phoenix Suns

I get excited when the season begins, occasionally i get mad when they lose

around january or february i just don't care anymore....


Also the German national Team. I was pissed as fuck when they lost to France during the Euro Cup
I will never understand professional sports.

I live in Toronto, and 90% of the blue Jay's aren't even from Canada, nevermind Ontario.

Why should I give a shit? Just a bunch of million dollar players traded around like cards.

Now Olympics. That's worthwhile.

Kind of my feelings. I use to enjoy sports as a child to teenager but while I can still turn on a game and pick a team to favor I noonger care to keep up with sports.

I really do love watching the Olympics though. Every event is interesting to me.


Awfulizing thinking

It's not the end of the world if they lose op

it's honestly like a drug. It's not that it's the end of the world, it's that watching a team you are invested in win is an emotional rush. You get nervous because you want that rush. You don't want them to lose and miss out on the rush. And if they do lose, you are more mad and upset that you didn't get your fix, than despondent that the world is ending.
As tough as club sports can be, at least there's always next season. In individual sports, if the player doesn't take their chances at glory, they run out quickly. Following Andy Murray's road to becoming a Grand Slam champion through 4 final losses, especially the 2012 Wimbledon final to Federer (where he was a set up, and had many chances to get ahead in the second, wasting them all) had its stressful moments. I got so nervous during the 2012 USO final, a marathon 5-setter where Djokovic came back to 2-2 from 2-0, I was shaking and drenched my t-shirt in sweat. Now that he's done it though, I don't get that feeling at all.


it's honestly like a drug. It's not that it's the end of the world, it's that watching a team you are invested in win is an emotional rush. You get nervous because you want that rush. You don't want them to lose and miss out on the rush. And if they do lose, you are more mad and upset that you didn't get your fix, than despondent that the world is ending.

Clarify invested, are you betting?


I used to be pretty bad with the nerves as well, but I've learned to calm the f down. I did have one outburst during this ALCS as a jays fan, but I think it's because I was drinking too much.


That's all part of being a hardcore sports fan. High highs and low lows. Drives my wife crazy when I get upset at games.

I remember being so nervous for the Heat, the game seemed done. Then Ray Allen hit that damn shot and I was so fucking happy.
I remember all of my neighbors excited and shouting (they all hated the Heat) and when Allen hit that shot all went quiet. Then a couple of minutes later all you heard were the cars engines turning on as they were leaving really pissed. It was amazing :')
All my favourite teams are usually terrible so my expectations are low. When they lose I expect it and when they win it's a nice little surprise!

- Wolves: Massive investment and still very average.
- Collingwood: Terrible
- Raiders: Great year, a game away from the GF, will be terrible next year.
- Everything to do with Australian Rugby, just terrible.
- Australian Cricket team: Flat track bullies, will win 6-0 over the summer in Aus. then lose 4-0 in India.

Though when it comes to Mark Webber and now Daniel Ricciardo I completely freak out when they are winning. I literally couldn't watch the Malaysian GP as I was so nervous that something would happen to Dan!
Bears (We suck but I still love them) and Cubs tonight and I've already thrown up due to extreme nervousness. I'm an avid sports fan and I'm so glad that my wife isn't the same way, it works out well because I couldn't imagine her being in the same shitty mood when her team loses.

I don't yell, scream or get belligerent. I just sulk like a 2 year old without a toy when they lose.

anyone else the same?


My favourite sports team won our national cup this year after 114 years (last won in 1902) so if we can do that, I'm backing the cubs to smash this nonsense and take that world series!

I was a nervous wreck at my teams cup final but the emotions at the end were like nothing I've experienced before, my grandad lived and died without seeing us win that, there were lots of adult men in tears.

I won't watch the baseball though because every time I have watched the cubs in the post season they lose.
With my Packers and HEAT, if it's an important game I'll be a bit nervous. I pace a lot in front of the TV and yell like a head coach on the hot seat watching his team cost his job.

When it comes to my Marlins, this doesn't apply because we don't play important games and us Marlins fans are all basically dead inside.


Bears (We suck but I still love them) and Cubs tonight and I've already thrown up due to extreme nervousness. I'm an avid sports fan and I'm so glad that my wife isn't the same way, it works out well because I couldn't imagine her being in the same shitty mood when her team loses.

I don't yell, scream or get belligerent. I just sulk like a 2 year old without a toy when they lose.

anyone else the same?


YES! My Wife's favorite day is the last Cubs game of the year. I'm a fucking basket case.

Lucky it's the only sport I'm this way with. Bears lose I don't really care.
I used to be like this with my national cricket team. Thank fuck they kept losing all the time and that kinda "fixed" me.

Cant be nervous if you (after a while) just expect them to lose or choke constantly. :p
I will never understand professional sports.

I live in Toronto, and 90% of the blue Jay's aren't even from Canada, nevermind Ontario.

Why should I give a shit? Just a bunch of million dollar players traded around like cards.

Now Olympics. That's worthwhile.

I am the opposite (from Toronto as well). Why do I care if someone from Toronto or Canada wins at throwing a stick or running a lap? It doesn't affect me in the slightest and also, no one will care about it in a week or 2. As for the Jays and Raptors, I have been a fan my whole life and watch every year cheering them on. Also we still see video of Joe Carter in the WS from almost 30 years ago. I have a lot more invested in Jays/Raps than I do random Olympic sports like Trampolining and Javelin.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I was like that when I was a little kid. Thankfully, I'm not that way anymore. I don't understand how we get so invested into something so completely inconsequential, but that's one thing I'm happy I (mostly) grew out of.
Wizards 2017 champs, keep sleeping on them. The secret to being a successful sports fan is letting your own delusions shield you from reality.
Sad sports fan shots on TV (especially college sports) give me life

I'm a braves fan and am the same way when the are good and lost too


That's what being a sports fan is all about.

I also get that feeling from sports wagering if I have a $50+ bet on something.
Nervous no but I do get annoyed about losses. I don't let it ruin my day but some losses are still a tad annoying like the Baltimore loss or SB 48 or the AFC championship loss to the Steelers.


I used to care so much about soccer. I never cried, but after important losses I'd be angry for days, I'd even miss school to not have to deal with the jokes.

Before important matches? Jesus! Before the World Club final in 2012 against Chelsea I just couldn't sleep, I was just electric. During some matches at the Libertadores that same year I used to be SO INTO the games, the world just didn't exist during those 90 minutes. It felt like a bad habit that I wanted to get out but I couldn't...then two years ago I stopped being so fanatic, I stopped watching every game, little by little and now I just watch when I want, never get really nervous and just turn off the TV if I get a little angry...not worth it anymore. I still like to follow news, watch some games and go to the stadium if I have the chance, but I'll never be fanatic again(I hope).

Still, some matches are still high in "my best days of life" list.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Same here. My heart will be beating fast, I start pacing the room. Sometimes I have to close my eyes or leave the room and just hear the game...lol.

I almost missed that amazing Cavs comeback vs the Warriors when they won the title.

Cavs arent a fav but I was rooting for them at the time.


Jaguars fan, I never feel that way because we never come close to going anywhere. If we beat the Raiders on Sunday maybe my attitude will change a little and that fun nervousness will return,
My teams are:

The Habs
The Jays
The Raptors
and The Cowboys.

Only the Cowboys affect me. If they lose my entire week is done, I start conjuring up these weird thoughts, all my real life problems come to the forefront of my brain and I panic. 2014 playoffs against the Lions, I thought they were done in the first half, I started yelling at my brother and everyone around me, I walked out of the room and watched the game in my hotel room alone (we were on vacay). Also if they start getting blown out, I have this thing where if I don't watch, they magically come back. This is like a 100% success rate for me lol so I use this superstition to get the W.

Every other sport I dont care too much. I got pretty nervous when Nadal used to play in the Finals, especially against Federererer, partially cause I hated Fed and also I loved Nadal so it got intense.
I'm just playing jeez. I was rooting for the Sox when they won because it was Chicago.

Ha. I was rooting for the Cubs in '03 because that was just a cool team to watch with Wood and Prior. But we both know the inferiority complex is real, and will only get worse if the Cubs win this year (and there will be a much bigger celebration in the city than there was when the Sox won in 2005).
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