Captain Zyrain
Resetera can be likened to toddlers in a daycare. They cannot think for themselves, they need someone else to spoonfeed them, change their diapers, and tell them to not stick their hand on the stove.
That's the only way their mental asylum can survive. I made it a point in the discussion thread that Resetera cannot even cover news stories without the moderators having to read it to them.
On Neogaf, no such phenomenon exists.
So yes, they do think "freethinking" is a bad thing. You wont ever see a Neogaf thread on Resetera because their website was never designed to dismantle narratives. They can only invent new ones and then threaten to kill anyone who disagrees.
TBH I don't even bother posting in a thread over there unless the title says STAFF POST/See Threadmarks. It's like a bat signal for batshitcrazy.
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