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I am mildly concerned over the NeoGAF persecution complex. (Not you, of course.)

Is NeoGAF a bit too worked up sometimes?

  • We should chill out a bit.

    Votes: 46 41.4%
  • We're plenty chill. It's just you.

    Votes: 56 50.5%
  • These metadiscussions should all be locked instantly. Also, your hair is bad.

    Votes: 9 8.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Resetera can be likened to toddlers in a daycare. They cannot think for themselves, they need someone else to spoonfeed them, change their diapers, and tell them to not stick their hand on the stove.

That's the only way their mental asylum can survive. I made it a point in the discussion thread that Resetera cannot even cover news stories without the moderators having to read it to them.
On Neogaf, no such phenomenon exists.





So yes, they do think "freethinking" is a bad thing. You wont ever see a Neogaf thread on Resetera because their website was never designed to dismantle narratives. They can only invent new ones and then threaten to kill anyone who disagrees.

TBH I don't even bother posting in a thread over there unless the title says STAFF POST/See Threadmarks. It's like a bat signal for batshitcrazy.
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A bit of introspection is a good thing. I've crossed my own line on occasion and had to step away from a thread but that's entirely on me. As far as the 'both sides' take, it's almost always applied disingenuously in my experience. The notion that we're as bad as reee is frankly ridiculous and i don't see how anyone could reasonably make a case for it. If we were as bad we'd be doxxing people, trying to cancel them for wrong think, advocate violence towards our political opponents etc. I haven't seen any of that on GAF

As far as i'm concerned the right wing equivalent to reee would be... does Daily Stormer have a gaming section?


Having been on NeoGAF during its SJW days and being on here now, the prevailing political opinions have definitely changed, but the incessant whining sure hasn't.

That's just the nature of the average internet dweller: insecure and petulant.


I'm branching this from a Gaming topic because it's something I've felt myself and I want to get it aired out without derailing other useful discussions. I find these kinds of metadiscussions as annoying as you likely do, so feel free to Ignore Thread (or Ignore User, I don't judge).

Take a deep breath, and try not to have a knee-jerk reaction. I'm on your side, really.

Here's what @bigol said somewhere else:

Here's the thing: I'm pretty right-wing. Probably more than most of you: I've seen the Political Compass thread where the results show we lean slightly left-of-center in general. However, for whatever reason -- it's drama that generates the most clicks and responses, or it's some process of self-selection among the most active users -- I think one can feasibly claim that there has grown up a certain degree of "persecution complex" in reaction against the most radical strains of leftism. (If you disagree, great.)

Sometimes persecutions actually happen! I'll be the first person to admit to a powerful amount of fear over the authoritarian tendencies of the most strident leftists. (I'm not saying you're afraid of anyone, mind.) We should always be quick to call those tendencies out. Please continue doing so.

I guess the question is whether it's possible to be reasonably and firmly opposed to bad ideas and trends without being consumed by our opposition. I like to think we can still be chill and fun even when fighting the good fight.

Well, that's that. Have at me.

When this is there motto. Everybody is extreme right that doesn't agree with there delusion.


These clowns at resetera ar not even remotely left orientated. They are radical extremists and stand against left value's.
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This means absolutely nothing coming from you.

You might as well have typed "robot sandwich 97" and still have gotten the same point across.
Ok? Everybody knows you're a whiny cunt and don't belong here. You ever notice how I always shit on you but never bother to read what you reply? It's because I have 0 respect for you and literally don't care about you. I just like shitting on you.


Ok? Everybody knows you're a whiny cunt and don't belong here. You ever notice how I always shit on you but never bother to read what you reply? It's because I have 0 respect for you and literally don't care about you. I just like shitting on you.

Okay goober.


I think GAF comes across as leaning right wing for sure if you hang out in politics or some of the community threads but as someone else said it may be the heavy posters skewing it to make it seem like that when it really isn't. Still, I don't think it's anything like ERA is in extremity.

I do, however, think that GAF can be a bit too cliquey at times and have noticed certain people getting banned for things that other more high profile posters seem to get passes on. I think perhaps I've noticed that more since I hang out in the ResetERA discussion community thread some and one of the big things we make fun of ERA for is the special treatment to the high posters there. But, to be honest, I think it happens in both places.
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Is this supposed to be an insult? Is free thinking a bad thing now?

There is nothing like a poster who hasn't popped up in months, only to throw out a virtue signal when someone or something is getting dunked on. Always suspicious. The other thing I see often are freshly minted accounts making 100 or so posts about Nintendo or some other generic game to qualify for member status only to immediately make their next 100 posts in a political thread about Impeachment, with the goal of hijacking the discussion with a stream of fallacies. That shit needs to be called out early, as a few dozen of said accounts is enough to effectively control the forum.
talking about you M MaxB

Having been on NeoGAF during its SJW days and being on here now, the prevailing political opinions have definitely changed, but the incessant whining sure hasn't.

That's just the nature of the average internet dweller: insecure and petulant.
Says the internet dweller
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Come to think of it.


Why the snowflakes that constantly act like this think they can call anybody else snowflakes?
They weren't even done bitching at Atlus for not censoring the japanese version of Persona that they're back bitching about Pokemon whitewashing a tanned character that wasn't even black to begin with.


They don't have the self-awareness to recognize just how small of a radicalized online minority they are. Our society still has not matured enough to engage the internet responsibly. When I look back at some of the other forums I was on 10 years ago, the discussions and the culture were absolutely insane. We've come a long way and I honestly believe GAF is emerging as a sensible place for people who want to discuss games and not take themselves too seriously. The Poli side can be a little vicious but the longer they keep telling themselves it's because we're all conservatives (I'm not), the more they lose their grip on reality and what is happening today politically and culturally.


Come to think of it.


Why the snowflakes that constantly act like this think they can call anybody else snowflakes?
They weren't even done bitching at Atlus for not censoring the japanese version of Persona that they're back bitching about Pokemon whitewashing a tanned character that wasn't even black to begin with.

If they could recognize hypocrisy, that their words and their actions don’t exist in separate vacuums, and that consistency and causality are a thing, we wouldn’t have a problem in the first place.

It’s like telling an institutionalized person to stop being crazy; they don’t have the means at a basic, fundamental level.
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If they could recognize hypocrisy, that their words and their actions don’t exist in separate vacuums, and that consistency and causality are a thing, we wouldn’t have a problem in the first place.

It’s like telling an institutionalized person to stop being crazy; they don’t have the means at a basic, fundamental level.

I think it's because they're trained to discuss in an environment where they cannot be challenged, and their immediate response to challenge is projection.
It's like climate change: they simply cannot fathom that people don't reject it for no reason, but because the way they convey the message is really really fishy.
That's exactly why when they say "this free speech place is a hugbox" what they really mean is "why does this place allow people to disagree with me?".
And that's why their namecalling is extreme: why bother counterarguing when you can just call them racists, they'll just stop in fear of repercussions.


Said the most insecure, petulant, whiny internet dweller on GAF.
Can you just fuck off back to Resetera already please. Getting sick of your constant whining and metacommentary even though 99% of your posts are in the Ree thread. The one time you venture out is to cheer for current_year gender nonsense 😂 There are shitposters and then there are shit posters. You are a shit poster.

Strong, deeply ironic words for a little bitch lel
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TBH after getting banned at Era y’all are just fine ;) I’m just not bothering with politics on that forum when I get unbanned it’s just too extremely touchy I don’t have any desire to voice my opinion on anything remotely political there ever again. Here as long as you’re not overtly racist or being a dick and personally attacking both sides get a fair shot. I’m probably not going back that much tbh.
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TBH after getting banned at Era y’all are just fine ;) I’m just not bothering with politics on that forum when I get unbanned it’s just too extremely touchy I don’t have any desire to voice my opinion on anything remotely political there ever again. Here as long as you’re not overtly racist or being a dick and personally attacking both sides get a fair shot. I’m probably not going back that much tbh.

So you won't be posting at all?
They made everything poltiical.


Gold Member
Part of what's happening is the rebound effect -- if you suppress an idea, it only comes back with more force. It's a dynamic you can see in the real world all the time (e.g., banning a book draws attention to the book) and also in your own mind (attempts to suppress a thought result in that thought coming back stronger and more persistently).

Here at GAF, we've got a lot of people who've fled Reeee because their opinions were suppressed there. And so GAF sees the rebound effect. Those suppressed opinions come back with additional force and persistence, because they have been suppressed.

That's not the only factor at work, but it's part of it. The natural consequence of trying to suppress ideas is that they just come back stronger and more persistently.
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I will never go into the politics board if I can help it. People can post what they want though, even if I disagree with them it's not a place to actively hate on anyone. I have said before that GAF mentions ResetEra too much but no one is gonna stop.
I think GAF comes across as leaning right wing for sure if you hang out in politics or some of the community threads but as someone else said it may be the heavy posters skewing it to make it seem like that when it really isn't. Still, I don't think it's anything like ERA is in extremity.

The thing is, anti-SJW does not simply equal pro-conservative, or right wing, or even anti-social justice. It's simply a rejection of the more extreme, judgmental, and authoritarian aspects of the social justice movement.

To say being anti-SJW makes you a conservative is like saying that being opposed to judgemental conservative bible thumpers makes you an atheist liberal. It does not. You can absolutely be opposed to the more judgmental and sanctimonious followers of religion while still being religious and/or conservative yourself.

For example, here's a woman who has made a living mocking the extreme aspects of modern intersectional feminist theory. She's a hardcore Bernie supporter, and most of her audience is the same:

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But no one is forcing you to look or go there. There are many other non-Resetera threads in the community section like the Anime Thread, Fate thread, Fitness Thread, Giant Bomb etc.

You miss the point that not only Resetera related topics have these kinds of comments ("I wonder what REE think about this"), but it is spread to all kinds of threads not related with that forum at all. I bet you that more than 70% of the topics in politics has some reference to ResetEra and I think that's one of the problem that the OP mentions and not the similarities with the way of moderating (which is pretty much none, that other forum is absolute shit in that department).

I find this extremely annoying, and a disservice to the forum itself. Imagine a person coming to this forum who have no relation to previous GAF and sees all this namedroping and screenshots of users from the other forum, do you think he/she won't be curious about it? You guys are actually giving it publicity!. But I guess this is normal taking into consideration that the big exodus happened recently, I hope as time goes on all these references to REE disappear or are toned down much, much more. For now, both seems twin forums, and I wouldn't be surprised that new people coming think that they are owned by the same people.
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You miss the point that not only Resetera related topics have these kinds of comments ("I wonder what REE think about this"), but it is spread to all kinds of threads not related with that forum at all. I bet you that more than 70% of the topics in politics has some reference to ResetEra and I think that's one of the problem that the OP mentions and not the similarities with the way of moderating (which is pretty much none, that other forum is absolute shit in that department).
Can you give examples? Because 70% implies it's being said every minute and I don't see it.

I find this extremely annoying, and a disservice to the forum itself. Imagine a person coming to this forum who have no relation to previous GAF and sees all this namedroping and screenshots of users from the other forum, do you think he/she won't be curious about it? You guys are actually giving it publicity!.
Lol, you should see how the public actually receives Resetera. It's not the positive one.

When people here talk about Resetera, we're not doing them a favor. We are posting the stuff they don't want seen by the rest of the internet. In which case, the result is this:

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Can you give examples? Because 70% implies it's being said every minute and I don't see it.

Lol, you should see how the public actually receives Resetera. It's not the positive one.

When people here talk about Resetera, we're not doing them a favor. We are posting the stuff they don't want seen by the rest of the internet. In which case, the result is this:

I just went to look for posts namedroping REE in the Politics subforum and only found one (in the Unabomber thread) so point taken I guess, but just quickly searching Resetera on the search bar will give you a scope of how much it is used and how it is a constant lurking shadow throughout threads outside the official one related to it (mostly with left-wing related topics).

All publicity is good publicity imo, and namedroping REE every time this or that happens only serves as a fuel for someone who doesn't know the forum to visit and maybe participate in it. Why wouldn't they? If you don't, you miss what most people are talking about and are left out on the hatemongering.

Maybe I'm wrong and all of this is actually hurting REE and will help on its downfall (which for me was inevitable because of their own moderation), but I just wish people would get over this forum wars. I lurk this forum daily and even though I like it very much, the REE discussions are something that add nothing of value and end up being just being flat. But like I said before, this is normal taking into consideration that the birth of REE was so recent, so I'm sure as time goes on it will go down. All in its due time.


I just went to look for posts namedroping REE in the Politics subforum and only found one (in the Unabomber thread) so point taken I guess, but just quickly searching Resetera on the search bar will give you a scope of how much it is used and how it is a constant lurking shadow throughout threads outside the official one related to it (mostly with left-wing related topics).

All publicity is good publicity imo, and namedroping REE every time this or that happens only serves as a fuel for someone who doesn't know the forum to visit and maybe participate in it. Why wouldn't they? If you don't, you miss what most people are talking about and are left out on the hatemongering.

Maybe I'm wrong and all of this is actually hurting REE and will help on its downfall (which for me was inevitable because of their own moderation), but I just wish people would get over this forum wars. I lurk this forum daily and even though I like it very much, the REE discussions are something that add nothing of value and end up being just being flat. But like I said before, this is normal taking into consideration that the birth of REE was so recent, so I'm sure as time goes on it will go down. All in its due time.
It's impossible for anyone one of us to stop someone from going to Resetera. Humans have free will and the final decision will always come down to the individual.
But what we can and shouldn't stop doing, is educating people about the horrors that take place over there and letting that influence people's judgement instead.

You may not like it, but you want to know something? It exposes the hypocrites. Even when GAF did what you said and just minded its own business, there was still people out there who were happy to post all sorts of malicious things on this site and never offered an apology.

It's bitter sweet justice now that GAF can swing back in the opposite direction when it wasn't us who threw the first punch.



The thing is, anti-SJW does not simply equal pro-conservative, or right wing, or even anti-social justice. It's simply a rejection of the more extreme, judgmental, and authoritarian aspects of the social justice movement.

To say being anti-SJW makes you a conservative is like saying that being opposed to judgemental conservative bible thumpers makes you an atheist liberal. It does not. You can absolutely be opposed to the more judgmental and sanctimonious followers of religion while still being religious and/or conservative yourself.

For example, here's a woman who has made a living mocking the extreme aspects of modern intersectional feminist theory. She's a hardcore Bernie supporter, and most of her audience is the same:

I’m not talking about anti-SJW stuff sprinkled around the forums I’m talking mostly about the politics section here which certainly leans right. If any non-member were to visit and want to know the general political leanings of the site where would they go? Politics section. You could argue well that doesn’t mean that represents the site as a whole, which is true and can be true, but if some random wants a quick idea of the leanings they are just going to go to politics and see oh, yeah, GAF leans right wing.
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I’m not talking about anti-SJW stuff sprinkled around the forums I’m talking mostly about the politics section here which certainly leans right. If any non-member were to visit and want to know the general political leanings of the site where would they go? Politics section. You could argue well that doesn’t mean that represents the site as a whole, which is true and can be true, but if some random wants a quick idea of the leanings they are just going to go to politics and see oh, yeah, GAF leans right wing.
I am conservative/right-wing and this always makes me laugh.

Which specific right-wing sentiments are overwhelmingly represented here on GAF? By what measure are you quantifying the "lean" of the forum?

The Left has gotten so complacent that a sort of retardation has taken over your ideology. Any unfamiliar standpoints that you don't recognize from the current Leftie canon is assumed to be "right". It's okay, it happened to right-wingers too. The best way forward is to stop obsessing over "lean" and to actually back up your beliefs if you feel they are being challenged by a statement someone else has made.


I am conservative/right-wing and this always makes me laugh.

Which specific right-wing sentiments are overwhelmingly represented here on GAF? By what measure are you quantifying the "lean" of the forum?

The Left has gotten so complacent that a sort of retardation has taken over your ideology. Any unfamiliar standpoints that you don't recognize from the current Leftie canon is assumed to be "right". It's okay, it happened to right-wingers too. The best way forward is to stop obsessing over "lean" and to actually back up your beliefs if you feel they are being challenged by a statement someone else has made.

Why does this make you laugh? You don't think that the politics section is clearly pro-Trump, pro-conservative and pro-republican? I'm voting Trump in 2020, lean SLIGHTLY right and can be honest about it, it does. We don't need some metrics system to point out the obvious, let's call a spade a spade. I'm also not saying it's good, or bad, the politics section here - I'm just saying what it presents itself as, a right-leaning section.
Why does this make you laugh? You don't think that the politics section is clearly pro-Trump, pro-conservative and pro-republican? I'm voting Trump in 2020, lean SLIGHTLY right and can be honest about it, it does. We don't need some metrics system to point out the obvious, let's call a spade a spade. I'm also not saying it's good, or bad, the politics section here - I'm just saying what it presents itself as, a right-leaning section.
Instead of ignoring my question and throwing more questions back at me -- commonly known as "deflection" -- please answer what specific right-leaning topics you see in the Politics board that lead you to this conclusion? What measure are you using to quantify the "lean"? What is the "spade" that you are calling a "spade", or can you not even be bothered to back up your assertions?

This is the core issue. The very topic of "lean" is fundamentally stupid, giving me the impression that people need the forum to lean one way or another before they feel comfortable making their opinion known.... yet they have no trouble speaking openly about their opinion about the lean itself. Comes off as concern trolling and shit-stirring. Or social-inept pedantry at best.

If even a quarter of the whining and concern about the lean of this forum -- which comes almost exclusively from self-declared Left-leaning GAFers -- was invested instead into conversations that the Left wants to talk about, the perceived issue would not only vanish but would swing the pendulum to the other side.

As it stands, plenty of Left-leaning posters discuss openly on the Politics board without issue. The only folks with a problem are those who seem to need any public space to come pre-rigged to favor their own beliefs. Like I said, this happened to right-wingers too (especially religious fundamentalists) who wanted the media and the public discourse to match their beliefs.
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i think posting online is a skill, and it is kind of tricky. personally i try and not getting wrapped up in arguments. if someone is in bad faith, rather than try and address them, i am more likely to just look the other way. this is the best thing to do tbh. if you address people, then you not only copy their content (in the case of quoting) but you also validate their argument and enter a confrontation. it isn't a thing i've always done, and in the past i've gotten in trouble when arguing w individual posters. looking back on it, it was just a waste of time, i had nothing to gain from that engagement.

time is the only valuable thing. better not waste it.

much better to simply offer your opinion on the OP and the original topic of the thread. that is what you are there for in the first place. don't worry about countering bad faith takes or bait. there are too many trolls and ironic posters on the internet for you to waste your time on any of them. this is why Era is such a shithole, they have way too many people contributing, the number of trolls and ironic posters is through the roof.
I’d like to see more general discussion and shooting the shit (figuratively, not literally, poop-gaf) too, but we’re getting there and things have improved massively year on year.

Thinking about it, hasn't Poop-GAF been fairly quiet since the exodus? Outside of miscreants like Cunth Cunth where it literally comes with the package. :pie_thinking: Oh and outside of San Francisco threads in Politics. :messenger_poop:


Anyone else amused at how many low post count and/or recently created accounts are drawn to this thread like mosquitoes to a porch light? Like, at least become part of the community before criticising it. It’s almost like its own archetype these days: the lazy whiner who contributes nothing but thinks he’s in a position to tear down and remould the place to his liking.
i think posting online is a skill, and it is kind of tricky. personally i try and not getting wrapped up in arguments. if someone is in bad faith, rather than try and address them, i am more likely to just look the other way. this is the best thing to do tbh. if you address people, then you not only copy their content (in the case of quoting) but you also validate their argument and enter a confrontation. it isn't a thing i've always done, and in the past i've gotten in trouble when arguing w individual posters. looking back on it, it was just a waste of time, i had nothing to gain from that engagement.

time is the only valuable thing. better not waste it.

much better to simply offer your opinion on the OP and the original topic of the thread. that is what you are there for in the first place. don't worry about countering bad faith takes or bait. there are too many trolls and ironic posters on the internet for you to waste your time on any of them. this is why Era is such a shithole, they have way too many people contributing, the number of trolls and ironic posters is through the roof.

Kind of how I view it too. online discussion is a terrible imitation of the real thing. all sorts of norms, social cues and standards that are expected and observed in real life interaction don't exist or are stepped over in the wake of "scoring points" against your opposition.

at my work I can talk to a co-worker who is a Trump supporter about a specific issue and the two of us work together to find common ground and then perhaps disagree on how x thing should be handled but online we are expected to go back and forth in circles, never finding any sort of common ground and eventually one of us finds a logical fallacy in the other person's argument or some sort of linguistic or structural flaw and then whoever finds such a thing gets to quickly exit the discussion as the opposing argument is found to be null while taking a victory lap in the form of a snide remark or personal jab.
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Instead of ignoring my question and throwing more questions back at me -- commonly known as "deflection" -- please answer what specific right-leaning topics you see in the Politics board that lead you to this conclusion? What measure are you using to quantify the "lean"? What is the "spade" that you are calling a "spade", or can you not even be bothered to back up your assertions?

Sounds like you're more interested in winning a debate than discussing the issue objectively, setting up goal posts that can't be reached ("what measure are you using to quantify the lean" - something you know damn well can't be measured or quantified) and getting so caught up on the word "lean" you're missing the forest for the trees. I think anyone who has spent time browsing through the threads and comments in politics know it's more pro-Trump and pro-conservative than it isn't and many people refer to that as "leaning right" whether you like the word "lean" used in that scenario or not.

What topics lean right in politics on GAF you asked? Well, most. Pretty much all political talking points have a much heavier voice to the right in the actual discussion sections and I think it would be intellectually dishonest to claim otherwise. It certainly doesn't bother me since quite a few of these stances mirror my own, but that doesn't mean I'm not also aware of the general trends of the section. I'm willing to call that "spade" what it is - the spade being that the politics section is clearly more pro-Trump, pro-conservative, and pro-republican than anything else.

1. General threads about the issue -

2. Greta -

3. Impeachment stuff -

4. Iran issues last few months -

5. Pelosi/speech rip -

6. General Dem party stuff -

7. Gun control -

8. Climate change -

9. Abortion -

edit - I don't know how to get these damn links to all show the same way, some seem to "unfurl" and others don't.
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