So me and my friends went out last night to go trick-or-treating. We all agree we're never too old for candy...a couple of us are 20 (including myself), and there were one or two 18-year-olds and a 19-year-old. We decided to scrap our Matrix idea and just do a criminal-esque thing. I kept my trench coat open and had a dirty-looking shirt underneath with black, baggy pants and a black beanie/toboggin. We all kinda sorta looked like that, it was neat. Anyway, door-to-door, most people gave us mean looks, and almost every one of the people told us we were too old, but we'd get candy anyway. What the hell? This reminds me of the "you're not supposed to...." of religious zealots. Almost half of the people asked us if we were going to steal from little kids, and/or if the people didn't give us candy, we'd steal it instead. People are horrible. We just were trick-or-treaters like anyone else.
Oh well, I'll trick-or-treat, if I can, until I die. Free candy rules, especially plowing through the rich neighborhoods.
Oh well, I'll trick-or-treat, if I can, until I die. Free candy rules, especially plowing through the rich neighborhoods.