I am, restrictively, giving away a lifetime Steam account (see inside)


The only rule of eligibility is that you must have given away at least 25 games through ModBot.

Well dang, I just checked through the "my loot" method with modbot, and I'm at 17. Oh well, this is still really cool anyway. :D



edit: holy crap, no junior status anymore!
I qualify as a Mega Giver through ModBot simply for the bundle stuff I've given away, but even the giveaways and gifting I've done with regularly-priced games (aka still on sale, but not Bundle Stars levels of cheap) couldn't match this chance in a lifetime. No reason why Mr. Has-Ronan-For-An-Avatar shouldn't get a tag for this generosity!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I thought you can't share games with both people logged in. So are you basically admitting that you never play games on your Steam account?

How Family Sharing works:
Essentially, the winner will be granted access to every game I own that isn't set to be excluded from Family Sharing. At present, the feature doesn't allow for concurrent library access and is disabled in Offline Mode, and so if I were to load up a game while the winner were playing something, he/she would be given a short warning period before being booted out of the game. Fortunately, though, I don't play many games and I'll work with the winner to organise a schedule in cases where our intentions clash.
Concurrent log-ins are fine, it's just that two people can't be in-game at the same time.
I see.

I just recently became a mega giver. Why not?

More or less. I mean, there are games I want to play (e.g. there'll probably be a period of about two weeks where I'll smash through AssCreed Unity) but they're few and (generally) far between.
Well if I win, we may double that gluttonous shame ORRR another way of looking at it, have the highest combined ratio of nothing but pure support of the industry/highest honor.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I thought you can't share games with both people logged in.

Concurrent log-ins are fine, it's just that two people can't be in-game at the same time.

So are you basically admitting that you never play games on your Steam account?

More or less. I mean, there are games I want to play (e.g. there'll probably be a period of about two weeks where I'll smash through AssCreed Unity) but they're few and (generally) far between.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Maybe there will play out a winning combination of a thoughtful and charismatic person and you as the "sponsor" so when they save money on games initially they can buy a nice means of recording plays and become the next big independent reviewer or something.


Holy crap! bravo for being so generous but it would completely overwhelm me, my backlog is already big enough as is.
Plus I don't qualify anyway. :p


Unconfirmed Member
Wowzer, that's quite the heft in games...
There is generosity, and then there is JaseC.


I could never give away 25 games in my current state so how about you just adopt me so I can legitimately use the family sharing? I mean, I might be a little old for adoption I think we can look past that.


Very cool thing to do though. Congrats to whoever wins.


Awesome giveaway. I'll probably bow out, though, I have enough games as it is.

Whoa I thought my library of 820 was embarrassingly large.

I still do, but yours is really impressive.

Yeah I've got 806 and I've barely scratched a third of those...haven't touched half, I'd wager.


Not eligible to enter (only given away three games, others were gifts so don't count), but for those that can't enter, I'm imagining the steam thread might be quite active at the moment with people trying to meet the quota :)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Not eligible to enter (only given away three games, others were gifts so don't count), but for those that can't enter, I'm imagining the steam thread might be quite active at the moment with people trying to meet the quota :)

It's been rather quiet in that regard, actually, which is a little surprising.



Your generosity knows no bounds my friend. Cryst almighty, good luck to the winner figuring out which game to start with. :p
Totally ineligible, given away maybe five games, have less than 10% that number of games and am intimidated by my backlog. Would probably have choice blindness forever...

This is a crazy generous giveaway, and a fun idea, hopefully your account remains safe (assume with Steam Guard on, should be OK).


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Totally ineligible, given away maybe five games, have less than 10% that number of games and am intimidated by my backlog. Would probably have choice blindness forever...

This is a crazy generous giveaway, and a fun idea, hopefully your account remains safe (assume with Steam Guard on, should be OK).

I'll have to give out my log-in info so the winner can authorise his/her PC, but I'll change my password afterwards (fortunately, unlike password resets, password changes don't impose any sort of Steam Community-related cooldown periods).


He's missing shovel knight, collection confirmed shit.

Good luck to the entrants, and thanks to Jace for the giveaway even though I am ineligible

Jase is waiting for it to go for $1. How else do you think he amassed such a collection?


Well, i would never dare to do such generous offer to a stranger i never met. Even if you have safety here and there. It's sad to see how quickly games loses value on steam tho.
All I can say, things like this make me happy! :D You are a very good person JaseC, I mean it's not that often to see such generosity and niceness nowadays and it's great that it's still happening here and there :)
That's pretty awesome. :).
Too bad that I gave away tons of games over PM before Modbot existed (and never used Motbot even afterward). But sounds like something good for whoever wins it.


Well, i would never dare to do such generous offer to a stranger i never met. Even if you have safety here and there. It's sad to see how quickly games loses value on steam tho.

Why is it sad ?

Cheaper games are more likely to sell then at full price hence the steam discount deals.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
JaseC, you're awesome. Thanks, man (even though I can't enter).
So you are giving a random user access to your steam account, not just your games but your actual account seeing as your account must be logged into their machine at least once to grant family access?

You are also risking your account being VAC Banned if the user sharing your library does anything stupid...


So you are giving a random user access to your steam account, not just your games but your actual account seeing as your account must be logged into their machine at least once to grant family access?

I think thats the idea behind giving access to someone who has donated at least 25 games to modbot. He can get the account back if something is fishy, but chances are folks who give games away aren't dickbags.

Good on you JaseC, good luck to those entering, and congrats to who wins!


So you are giving a random user access to your steam account, not just your games but your actual account seeing as your account must be logged into their machine at least once to grant family access?

You are also risking your account being VAC Banned if the user sharing your library does anything stupid...

Jase could remote in and activate family sharing via that method if he wishes.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I think thats the idea behind giving access to someone who has donated at least 25 games to modbot. He can get the account back if something is fishy, but chances are folks who give games away aren't dickbags.

Yeah, the idea behind the mega-givers rule is that it helps to weed out those who'd like to turn this into an example of "This is why we can't have nice things". ;) I realise the rule particularly sucks for those who have given away more expensive games but fall short of the 25-game requirement, however I hope they understand where I'm coming from.

Edit: As I just mentioned in the general Steam thread, the giveaway ends at 3am here and so the winner will have to wait a while until we can go through the authorisation process.

Jase could remote in and activate family sharing via that method if he wishes.

This is a good idea but I'd understand if the winner would be hesitant to essentially grant me access to the entire PC, although concern could be mitigated by making a standard user account expressly for me to authorise the system within Steam. We'll sort something out.
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