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I are serious fox (post pics of funny animals)





Link Man

Tarazet said:



[img]http://farm1.static.flickr.com/20/73580839_ebca79056d_b.jpg[img] - wat?[/QUOTE]


Jokergrin said:


I was at the Toronto Zoo a while ago observing the gorilla's. There was a cool silverback nice and calm minding his own business wandering around, along with a mother and a baby gorilla near by. To cut things short, a couple of young male gorillas starting horsing around and managed to knock down the baby gorilla. You should of seen how instantaneously the Silverback charged and starting roaring at the younger males. I honestly thought he was gonna rip them apart. He then took the baby gorilla and put him somewhere safe near a tree trunk. It was an awesome sight to see.

Dead Man

carlo6529 said:
I was at the Toronto Zoo a while ago observing the gorilla's. There was a cool silverback nice and calm minding his own business wandering around, along with a mother and a baby gorilla near by. To cut things short, a couple of young male gorillas starting horsing around and managed to knock down the baby gorilla. You should of seen how instantaneously the Silverback charged and starting roaring at the younger males. I honestly thought he was gonna rip them apart. He then took the baby gorilla and put him somewhere safe near a tree trunk. It was an awesome sight to see.
Gorillas are generally awesome.
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