You have received a warning from the Moderation Staff
just tray, Oct 17, 2020, you were given the following warning: User on perm warning for trolling Politics - was given temp reply until election.
This warning has been given to you for violating the rules of NeoGAF.
Specifically, please be aware that:
You realise when we read these posts we just feel sorry for you people. You people who go through the trouble of creating accounts, using your own time to post hundreds of times, and then eventually give quite a tame and castrated take in Politics that is something an eighth grader would come out with?
Not brave enough to actually go to a proper forum of far right extremists because that's too real, so you come to a video game board to show how you're "part of the movement". Are you winning son? Are ya? Are you proud of how you're spending your lfie son? Are ya? These stories will be ones for the grandkids hey? Or you own kids. You can even invite Kirk Van Houten round as well.
The consequences of this warning are:- You have received 6 infraction points.
- My response
- So six more infraction points? I will migrate to Reset Era.
- Actually I can make your monkey ass famous and address you using your own words and you too much a chicken shit to show what I said based on the reality that you see today. It's trash like this mod that we have a Sweet Baby and the gaming industry is what it is today. I will post a hopefully positive response to Tango Games closure elsewhere
How about instead of being a chicken shit mod you actually sign up and play Call of Duty in real time instead of trying to belittle me from behind a screen. #ThouCoward
The rise to woke gaming happened under your watch and other than some common sense posters you dod nothing Neo Gaf.
Who the fuck you think you taking to? Can you provide any response or show what I posted?
The gamers stand for gaming but you are no better than a a Microsoft or amy of these run by Safe Street, Vanguard, and Blackrock investment firms.
If I'm an 8th Grader then you aren't smarter than a 5tg grader and tag me in any way I will show you how Section 230 can't protect you. Just who in the fck do you think you are taking to??? I said what I said