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I can't believe this, but I may have another crazy ass neighbor to deal with


Neighbours from Hell
A few nights ago at a little after 3 am I heard really loud yelling outside. I thought a street fight was going down, ignored it. It was still going on after about 15 minutes, and I couldn't see what was going on from any of my windows, this was going on a little further down my street than my other neighbor and some trees were blocking it. So I opened my door and went outside to get a better vantage point and there was a dude at the end of the block just standing in his driveway by himself yelling expletives at the top of his lungs. Fuck this, fuck that, mother fucker this, mother fucker that. Not sure if he was yelling into his house through the window or was yelling at someone on a phone call. It's too dark at 3 am. Eventually, at a little after 3:30 am he went inside. It was a half hour straight of yelling at the top of his lungs.

Last night... same time, same exact thing. Went on for a half hour, same nonsense, then went back inside.

Tonight... again same fucking thing. Same spot, same yelling, same time, same everything.

I'm guessing he's either going on a nightly bender and is drunk or fucked up on drugs and is yelling at a spouse or someone on his phone, or he's just a mentally ill person who's yelling at absolutely no one.

What do you think I should do if it keeps up? Just call the cops? I'm shocked no one's called the cops yet, he's further down the block and he's loud as shit and I can hear him, I can't imagine how loud it is for the closer neighbors.

But anyway, once the COVID shit dies down, I'm gonna look into moving. I'm tired of this fucking ghetto ass neighborhood.
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Friends Hug GIF by MOODMAN

Love thy neighbor.


Neo Member
After reading this and your other thread, you're only real choice is to move unfortunately. There's something inherently wrong with your neighborhood.

Or alternatively you could become a masked vigilante?
dress up in a clown suit and get yourself a nice bright red helium balloon

stand about two blocks away from him in the corner of a block and just stare at him

when he looks back, calmly disappear into the corner and come out of another corner do the same and just repeat this


Gold Member
Be glad that they are just people yelling, in my zone lately they are robbing houses and cars like there is no tomorrow...
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It's Jeff

I've consulted the scriptures regarding your situation. The eleventh rule of the Church of Satan states:

"When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."

There's your answer.
Sounds like he is hopped up on something. I wouldn't confront him if I were you OP. People on drugs can achieve superhuman feats. Like kicking the shit out of you.


This is why I love living in a small town with a grand total of two neighbors one of which is separated by woods.

Every big city I’ve lived in might have either had crazy neighbors like the one above or some HOA Karen that likes to send me letters from the HOA attorney.


I think you are missing an opportunity here. You have a getaway driver already that can't keep a car running and now a man blessed with the power of midnight diahreah mouth that no one listens to?

You're true calling here might be to befriend, train and lead these people into your own team. They might not be a super team, but everyone will cower out of inconvenience when they see the mediocrely super team!


ChatGPT 0.1
I’ve had bad neighbors issue a warning the first time, have the cops take things over the second time. I’ve watched bad neighbors lose their nerve and never come out again. At least try something.
Install some better windows, OP or live on a ranch. BTW, now you're finally thinking of moving? It took someone making noise multiple houses down the street? Covid isn't much of an excuse. I moved right after lockdown began last march because I needed more space when working from home. Best decision I made last year. Just do something for yourself that improves your daily life lol.
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Idk OP, why not have some fun, order a dozen pizzas and use his address or establish your dominance OP, go take a huge crap in his driveway. Mark your territory. He will still bitch but it’ll be something different at least.

Patrick S.

Dude how is that place you live in so full with degenerates? Is there something in your water? Move the fuck away from that place, yesterday. You'll end up getting killed or killing someone.


The second season of the Truman DragoonKain Show is underway 🤔

Like most Netflix originals the second season and beyond is as never as good as the first. Nothing will beat crazy neighbor running his cars for hours a day staring intently from the window.


Try and film him and post it here!

Btw sorry to hear. Must be annoying af
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dress up in a clown suit and get yourself a nice bright red helium balloon

stand about two blocks away from him in the corner of a block and just stare at him

when he looks back, calmly disappear into the corner and come out of another corner do the same and just repeat this
Is this what you did to Cunth Cunth ?


Neighbours from Hell
Install some better windows, OP or live on a ranch. BTW, now you're finally thinking of moving? It took someone making noise multiple houses down the street? Covid isn't much of an excuse. I moved right after lockdown began last march because I needed more space when working from home. Best decision I made last year. Just do something for yourself that improves your daily life lol.
If I move I want to move to a suburban area, but I live equidistant from all of my doctors, which I visit regularly because of ongoing issues, so it's been super convenient for me. When I do move, I'm going to need to figure that out, because when I have a handful appointments a month, long commute is going to be a killer. That's been the main reason.

Try and film him and post it here!

Btw sorry to hear. Must be annoying af
If he does it tonight, I will. FYI: you won't see anything since it's at night, but I'll try to get audio at least.


Neighbours from Hell
Do you live next to a insane asylum?
For all intents and purposes.

One of the people in the apartment building next door is I'm quite sure a drug addict. I don't mention him because he's not annoying, just keeps to himself. But he comes out of that apartment like once a week and he's very disheveled and skinny and pale and looks just very weak. Also a few times a year an ambulance comes down the street and goes to the apartment building and goes in the same damn apartment and they spend a bunch of time in there and then end up leaving. I don't know whose apartment it is exactly, but I figured if it was domestic abuse related, the cops would eventually get involved in addition to the ambulance, so I assume it's substance abuse related for visits that frequent to the same apartment.
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