Count Duckula?
Nope it was like preschoolers and came on with paddington bear.
Count Duckula?
There's a movie that I've been trying to find for years but have yet to find. When I was little, I had flipped the TV to one of the movie channels to watch the first Harry Potter I think, and the movie before that was still ending. In the ending of this movie, there is a military helicopter that's in the middle of a football(maybe) field. This guy is going out to war and his younger brother and possibly father say goodbye to him. After they go back to the seats, the helicopter begins to start, and at that moment the boy runs back out to the field, the dad yells at him to not go, and then all you hear is the sound of the propeller grinding and blood sprays on the crowd. IIRC, you hear the boy once more after that, saying in a sort of gurgling voice that he's okay. That movie scarred me when I was a child, and ever since then I've wanted to figure what movie it was. If anyone could help me out, I thank you greatly.
Also, I'm trying to remember the title of a book about werewolves. It was at least 20 years ago. There was some awesome art. I think most of it was black and white and if I remember corectly , it was pretty realistic. It may have been a novel or short stories.
Stephen King's Cycle of the Werewolf?
I'm not even sure why this popped in my head but for some reason I need to know the name of this movie. It's about a guy, a drifter, who comes in to small town and gets a job at a car dealership. I believe he may have been a bank robber, not sure. This town also has some murders going on. He ends up having an affair with a married woman at some point.
I honestly don't even know if this is a movie or if I dreamed it. That or I'm putting together elements from two or three movies I've seen in the past.
I'm not even sure why this popped in my head but for some reason I need to know the name of this movie. It's about a guy, a drifter, who comes in to small town and gets a job at a car dealership. I believe he may have been a bank robber, not sure. This town also has some murders going on. He ends up having an affair with a married woman at some point.
I honestly don't even know if this is a movie or if I dreamed it. That or I'm putting together elements from two or three movies I've seen in the past.
Haha, that's actually on my list of shows to watch. Looks right up my alley.Not the show you're looking for, but the show you need to watch: Banshee
It's not the movie I was looking for but I kind of want to check this out. Thanks.Could that be the Breakfast Of Champions film? Read the book but heard the film was off the rails.
Alfred J. Kwak?
It doesn't have a blue matrix, but it is about a yellow duck who goes on adventures. It is a Dutch cartoon though.
There's this movie I remember watching as a kid. I remember some things but the name escapes me:
- It was about a dysfunctional family from what I could gather. The mother is having an affair and we find this out by some bathroom scene where the guy walks in to see her daughter sweeping the bathroom instead. The youngest kid smokes all the time. I think the daughter(who might be kirsten dunst I dunno) has sex on the train tracks. There's a diner scene where the father tells his friend his daughter is beautiful and gets it from her mother. I remember many fringe scenes like that mostly.
- It seemed like it might have been around 99-02 release wise. The movie itself could be a period piece.
-I think it was set in new york. A grimey version, at least.
Would appreciate any help with this.
I saw a movie that I believe was from 1995-2005. It was very Hitchcockian, and starred a British woman whose husband had died. It might have been a remake of a Hitchcock movie.
The actress was mixed race. I believe Stephen Dillane of GOT had a very small part. It deals with international travel and crime.
2. Scorsese's After Hours?Two movies.
1. Japanese movie of a group of girls spending a day and the following night in Tokyo. All sorts of random stuff happens. Probably made in the latter half of the 90's.
2. American movie where a man spends one night in a big city, finds himself in stranger and stranger situations and gets into trouble. There was a crazy yellow-dressed girl. Made in the 80's.
Yes! That's it. Thank you very much.2. Scorsese's After Hours?
There's this movie that I never watched but I remember passing by it constantly in the video store. The cover was a picture of a guy with his mouth open with another guy walking out of his mouth. I think the guy walking out of his mouth was wearing sunglasses.
Maybe that's Bulworth, the Warren Beatty political film? I never saw it myself.
I am tring to remember the name of a UK cartoon about a duck and his mom was always making him worm sandwiches. Use to come on Nickelodeon.
There was a cartoon movie, I believe, late 70's early 80's. It involved toys or maybe just a character was a toy. Maybe a stuffed bear. I seem to remember a rat being a character of the film. I think maybe the whole thing took place in a junk yard. It's been bugging me for years. Does anyone know?
EDIT - Shit, I completely forgot I posted in this thread. Double dumbass on me.
Removed since it was the first thing I found going back to Google. I was looking for the girl from tomorrow it seems.
Edit since I bumped it: Probably pre 1995, an animated show/movie with a baby left alone in his cradle when the parents goes out. The baby proceeds to smoke cigars and playing poker/cards. I don't think that it's the baby from Roger Rabbit, as I remember it as completely animated. Maybe it rings a bell for someone?
Removed since it was the first thing I found going back to Google. I was looking for the girl from tomorrow it seems.
Edit since I bumped it: Probably pre 1995, an animated show/movie with a baby left alone in his cradle when the parents goes out. The baby proceeds to smoke cigars and playing poker/cards. I don't think that it's the baby from Roger Rabbit, as I remember it as completely animated. Maybe it rings a bell for someone?
I have one. A cartoon.
All I can remember is the end (somewhat). It takes place in someplace like monument canyon, where there are all these rock towers (with plateaus). And there is this character jumping from point to point on them.
There might of been a chase? Or a lot of the towers falling? It's all a bit hazy.
Removed since it was the first thing I found going back to Google. I was looking for the girl from tomorrow it seems.
Edit since I bumped it: Probably pre 1995, an animated show/movie with a baby left alone in his cradle when the parents goes out. The baby proceeds to smoke cigars and playing poker/cards. I don't think that it's the baby from Roger Rabbit, as I remember it as completely animated. Maybe it rings a bell for someone?
There's a book series a customer of mine cannot remember and I am curious if Book-GAF can help with this one.
- Books are reportedly a trilogy of sci-fi novels from the early 1980s.
- Humans go out and explore new worlds, riding on massive computers that are spacecraft. Spacecraft are controlled by human brains as a precautionary measure.
- Spaceship Computers detect uninhabitable worlds and convert the cryogenic-stasis humans on board to be compatible with those environments and deposit them, armed to the teeth to take on any challenges that world may have.
- The Robots/computers decide humans need to be wiped out, so a group of humans commandeers one of the large spaceships on a mission to shut down the Master Computer. The Master Computer is disabled only by gathering the seven(?) override keys held by the different colonies/variants of humanity.
- The commandeered spacecraft is powered by the leaders brain, who sacrifices himself to be able to control the ship for the group.
I don't really know more than this, like names or whatever. And some details might be incorrect. Any thoughts?
Probably a pretty easy one but I can't remember the name. It is a show about Spy Dogs. They start out as normal dogs but then go through these tubs and become human looking. The leader was a Golden Retriever that belonged to the president. There was also a doberman and a sheepdog. I think there was a team of five but I can't remember the other two.
Does anyone know the name of this cartoon.
I don't remember if it was a series, a movie, or just an episode. I saw it when I was very young.
All I remember is this boy gets sucked into a chalkboard and becomes a part of the chalk world, everything is drawn 2D and very squiggly, and ends up getting into a sword fight with anthropomorphized numbers.
Does anyone know the name of this cartoon.
I don't remember if it was a series, a movie, or just an episode. I saw it when I was very young.
All I remember is this boy gets sucked into a chalkboard and becomes a part of the chalk world, everything is drawn 2D and very squiggly, and ends up getting into a sword fight with anthropomorphized numbers.
Road Rovers?
Simon? It used to come on Saturday mornings ...
Trying to remember an early 00's animated music video. It was made in a 8 or 16 bit style as a kind of side scroller, the graphics were blocky / pixelated but not unsophisticated and with a fairly high 'resolution' if you will. Setting was fairly simple, like moving through city streets. Electronic music probably. Can't even remember if I actually liked it, but I would love to see it again. I think it released around the time of Faithless' 'we come one' track (though could be anywhere from '01 to late '03 maybe).
It is not 'move your feet' by Junior Junior.
It is not either 'scratched' or 'am i wrong' by Etienne de Crecy.
(It is also not one of the songs in this thread: )
I am trying to think of a manga that may have been a anime as well but I dunno. It seemed kinda cool but I lost track of it and now I can't remember much.
There was a girl walking somewhere (home maybe)? and she and a few other people see these weird fish flying through the air, and everyone who sees them develops superpowers right after but have a hard time controlling them. She gets the ability to phase through things and her dad? i think have magneto powers and there was one or two others.
I remember her dad was freaking out and made this big metal shell around himself out of cars and she phased into the center to calm him down so he didn't wreck the town but not much else. I don't think it's that old, definitely 2000+