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I can't remember the name of this Movie/Cartoon/Song/etc.

Wrath2X said:
No but it was a really similar to this, come on guys I really need help with this.

This one is not really a popular show. I think it was an 80's show but I'm not sure. It had this super hero with curly blonde hair and he wore red, the show didn't last long from what I remember.

Thundarr the Barbarian?


Wrath2X said:
Now there's this cartoon I'm trying to remember. I remember this guy riding his motorcycle with his dog, and he used to do something and turn into this herculean warrior and his dog turns into a lion, it may or may not look similar to He-Man.

This sounds familiar.

And there was this other old cartoon I remember loving, it had this greek family living in ancient greek times and it was in the same sit-commish cartoon style that the flintstones and jetsons had
Apologies if beaten on this as well:
The Roman Holidays


Damn I didn't check this thread out in a while, I actually got responses this time:lol
Count Dookkake said:
Thundarr the Barbarian?
No it was set in modern times, well what was considered modern back then.
Apologies if beaten on this as well:
The Roman Holidays
Holy shit man thanks!


Anyone know the name of some japanese anime where it had people wearing inlines to fight and it had a fish robot. my memory is fading and I can't remember any more details.


There was a cartoon, a movie I think, about old toys and rats maybe? It's hard for me to remember it, but I know it wasn't Nihm. I think it took place in a junk yard? I'm sorry for being so vague, but if anyone can remember this title, I would be eternally grateful.
I really hate to bump such an old thread, but in my defense, it's a useful thread. I read this back when it was first made, but unfortunately I didn't have an account yet.
Anyway, this is vague. Really vague. But it's been bothering me for years. When I was a kid we had a bunch of blank VHS tapes of random shows, movies, cartoons that my family had recorded over the years. Anyway, one in particular sticks with me, and I have no idea what it was called.
I'm not sure if it was a series or a movie, but it was animated and from what I recall had an 80s kind of style, though it could have been the 70s. The main characters were a couple of kids. I remember there was a baby and at least one boy and one girl. They're in their back yard, and I think their mom complains about laundry disappearing or something. They see a smurf-like creature taking something and they follow him into a cave/portal or something. This leads them to the civilization of the creatures, which had a goofy name like "golly-wogs" or "wally-gogs" or something like that. I remember the baby gets lost and there's a really ominous shot of a tunnel where they think it went. I don't remember much after that, but it ends with the kid's leaving and their mom talks to them, while one of the creatures steals something behind her.
That's all I can remember, and it's been bugging me for a very long time. Somebody please ease my pain.
Lionel Mandrake said:
I really hate to bump such an old thread, but in my defense, it's a useful thread. I read this back when it was first made, but unfortunately I didn't have an account yet.
Anyway, this is vague. Really vague. But it's been bothering me for years. When I was a kid we had a bunch of blank VHS tapes of random shows, movies, cartoons that my family had recorded over the years. Anyway, one in particular sticks with me, and I have no idea what it was called.
I'm not sure if it was a series or a movie, but it was animated and from what I recall had an 80s kind of style, though it could have been the 70s. The main characters were a couple of kids. I remember there was a baby and at least one boy and one girl. They're in their back yard, and I think their mom complains about laundry disappearing or something. They see a smurf-like creature taking something and they follow him into a cave/portal or something. This leads them to the civilization of the creatures, which had a goofy name like "golly-wogs" or "wally-gogs" or something like that. I remember the baby gets lost and there's a really ominous shot of a tunnel where they think it went. I don't remember much after that, but it ends with the kid's leaving and their mom talks to them, while one of the creatures steals something behind her.
That's all I can remember, and it's been bugging me for a very long time. Somebody please ease my pain.

The Secret World of Og



Wrath2X said:
This one is not really a popular show. I think it was an 80's show but I'm not sure. It had this super hero with curly blonde hair and he wore red, the show didn't last long from what I remember.

I can't believe this one never got identified - pretty sure its Greatest American Hero. "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air..."
Machine said:
I can't believe this one never got identified - pretty sure its Greatest American Hero. "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air..."

Shit, I never realized he was talking about a live-action show. Derr.


Forgotten in his cell
I remember an older cartoon (late-era WB because it used a very 60ish logo IIRC) where it was a man looking for a new ear trumpet, and by the end of the cartoon he goes back to his old broken one and it pleased. Anyone remember that?
GoutPatrol said:
I remember an older cartoon (late-era WB because it used a very 60ish logo IIRC) where it was a man looking for a new ear trumpet, and by the end of the cartoon he goes back to his old broken one and it pleased. Anyone remember that?

Now Hear This


I saw this show in the early 90s that had these three glam rock looking guys.
Each one wore outfits of a different color; red, blue, and green. It was live-action.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?


This is a documentary I think it was shown on Bravo about the history of kung fu cinema and I think Samuel L Jackson hosted it. I can't remember the name of it though.


What was this one fantasy movie from the 80's or early 90's with really scary looking wolf-like servant monsters?
And also what was this other movie where a guy was wearing a diving suit in a marine facility and some sea monster bit him in half, and they showed the bloody underside of his torso?
DonMigs85 said:
What was this one fantasy movie from the 80's or early 90's with really scary looking wolf-like servant monsters?
And also what was this other movie where a guy was wearing a diving suit in a marine facility and some sea monster bit him in half, and they showed the bloody underside of his torso?

Company of Wolves

Jaws 3, Leviathan or Deep Star 6


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Tedesco! said:
There was a cartoon, a movie I think, about old toys and rats maybe? It's hard for me to remember it, but I know it wasn't Nihm. I think it took place in a junk yard? I'm sorry for being so vague, but if anyone can remember this title, I would be eternally grateful.

That kinda sounds like the nutcracker, but i cant be sure


There was a cartoon movie, I believe, late 70's early 80's. It involved toys or maybe just a character was a toy. Maybe a stuffed bear. I seem to remember a rat being a character of the film. I think maybe the whole thing took place in a junk yard. It's been bugging me for years. Does anyone know?

EDIT - Shit, I completely forgot I posted in this thread. Double dumbass on me.
Aaargh I remember some cartoon series that I used to watch ages ago. It was a story about some lady in black, and her brother was a black panther or something. Any idea what this might be?

EDIT: Found the answer after some wikipedia sleuthing, Cybersix.


I got one:

I'm pretty sure it was a cartoon and was run in English(maybe on that armed forces channel) in Germany sometime between '85 to '89. Anyways, it was set underwater in a submarine and I think the crew were looking for something or explorers and I thought it had really pretty art, pretty sure they found a lost city in at least one episode and I think there was at least one hostile force that was out to stop them.. That's actually about all I can remember.


OK GAF these aren't going to be easy but if someone can answer them i will be eternally grateful. Seriously these movies have been at the back of my head for years and i have spent to many hours trying to find out what there called

the first film was made in the middle to late 90's or early 00's i remember watching the film on TV around 03 or 04. Its a Scandinavian film i think, it has a similar tone and subject matter to pusher. The film focuses on a group of young boys around the ages of 12 to 15 who sell heroin. Basic synopsis of what i remember they are drug dealers, for some stupid reasons one of the boys steals a bunch of drugs(heroin) from some much older and harder drug dealers they then struggle with what to do. One of the boys is then caught and beaten to a pulp

The climax of the film sees one of the boys (the tallest one) being brutally beaten by the older drug dealers and his friend finding him and driving the beaten up boy to hospital. The film then transitions to a scene with the two in a hospital, the beaten boy now has severe brain damage and can no longer talk

In one scene the boys are walking at night along the train tracks, the tall one walking ahead of the group with headphones on listening to music. a train comes and the boys think their friend can't hear the train.

The other movie is a black and white Italian film (Italian language too) from the 50's or 40's about a young boy under the age of 10 trying to find his mother. The boy travels by sea to buenos aires, argentina in buenos aires he meets some fellow italians from genoa in one scene with these men the boy makes them pasta with pesto. The boy eventually finds his mother in an monistry in peru i think, his mother has became a nun.

The the movie is really long definitely over 2 hours and i think it is set around the turn of last century or around 1910


I'm sure no one is going to be able to help me with this, but I figure I'll try:

I remember seeing this movie on Halloween, probably sometime in the 90s, on the USA network or TNT, or something. Being that it was Halloween, there was a thriller/horror movie marathon and this movie was in it. It featured a woman working for a family who ends up killing them all one by one. An example is there's an old woman who, I think, begins to catch on to the maid/nanny, and so the maid/nanny fucks with the woman's insulin or something and kills her. She then buries the woman in the garden. The climax of the film comes when the mother of the family finds the grandmother's dead body in the garden, and then the mother and the nanny battle it out. The nanny ends up dead.

It may have been (probably was) a made for tv movie.


corporate swill
Been trying to remember this movie for a couple of years now, it's about a kid trying to rescue his little brother from some sort of monster world. The older brother manages to turn into a monster somehow during the movie and teams up with other monsters to rescue his little brother. Near the end they all end up on some game show to rescue the little brother but he has some sort of slime poured on him and he turns into a monster and the two brothers have to fight.

I've ruled out Little Monsters.


Ok this is a thriller/horror from the beginning of the 2000s ot maybe the late nineties I'm not sure.
This is about the leader of a medieval cult who put his soul into an old woman(who is an expert on said cult) and he commit crimes and put his soul into the main character's adopted little girl at the end of the movie.
The main character is a psychologist,but it isn't really important for the movie plot.
He has hallucinations where the cult leader(in his medieval form) takes his blood.
If someone recognize this movie please give me the title.
One time there is a murder with a scale model of a train.
It scared the shit out me when I was a kid and I don't remember shit except for the scary part :(
There's a sci-fi movie I caught late one night and I don't for the life of me remember what it is.

It starts with the crew of an interstellar spaceship waking out of cryo prematurely. There's flashbacks throughout that show you the crazy psychological tests they underwent before taking this mission. One by one they stumble upon a transmission from Earth, a video of the nuclear holocaust. Everyone who sees it goes mad, except for the last two who figure out that this is just another psychological test and that they are still on Earth. They escape out of the ship only to find that although this was a psychological test, Earth really has suffered a nuclear holocaust and everybody is dead. Fin.


I don't know if this was a Twillight Zone/Outer Limits Episode or a movie. It's more than 15 years old. I've been trying to find this but had no luck.

I'ts about a farm in the desert and a woman living there with her husband (or father I don't remember). There is a well that's dried. But someday the bucket to pull the water up is filled with gold/jewels and every time they let it down it's filled up again. The man gets greedy and decides to suit up in his army suit and a gun and gets down there. When the woman pulls him back up it's only the suit filled with gold/jewels.

Plus where is this from? Has been posted before on GAF.
Damn, these last few sound so effin familiar. Well, except for the Scandinavian one!

But I can help with the last one...



what cartoon am i talking about here? there were werewolves in it, and i remember an episode where the characters would be stuck in a room because there was a wall behind every door. it was actually pretty scary, definitely not funny.

one of the main characters was wearing a brown leather coat

it either took place in a modern-day world or in the future.

i saw it about thirteen years ago, i think.


What was the song in the (European?) Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction commercial? It sounded kind of like a weird version of Epic (by Faith no More) but I know that's not the song.


Gold Member
Does anyone remember a Giant Robot cartoon circa 1985 maybe or 1987 It was like Voltron, but not.

It would come on Early in the morning, like 6 or 7 am. It was so bad ass, but I cant rememeber the name.


Nexus Zero said:
There's a sci-fi movie I caught late one night and I don't for the life of me remember what it is.

It starts with the crew of an interstellar spaceship waking out of cryo prematurely. There's flashbacks throughout that show you the crazy psychological tests they underwent before taking this mission. One by one they stumble upon a transmission from Earth, a video of the nuclear holocaust. Everyone who sees it goes mad, except for the last two who figure out that this is just another psychological test and that they are still on Earth. They escape out of the ship only to find that although this was a psychological test, Earth really has suffered a nuclear holocaust and everybody is dead. Fin.

Woah sounds awesome.


What is the movie title called where it is a little kid, who obtains a computer game and starts playing it. But it turns out its a government program used to direct missiles or something, and the whole movie is agents in suits chasing the kid. Its def an 80's movie. (Fred Savage isn't in this one)


Lach said:
I don't know if this was a Twillight Zone/Outer Limits Episode or a movie. It's more than 15 years old. I've been trying to find this but had no luck.

I'ts about a farm in the desert and a woman living there with her husband (or father I don't remember). There is a well that's dried. But someday the bucket to pull the water up is filled with gold/jewels and every time they let it down it's filled up again. The man gets greedy and decides to suit up in his army suit and a gun and gets down there. When the woman pulls him back up it's only the suit filled with gold/jewels.
Amazing Stories


I swear I saw this movie years and years ago on Showtime, though I've never been able to find out anything about it.

It was basically a ripoff of the The Bad Seed, where a kid is a killer except that it's a boy. It wasn't very old, late 80's or early 90's probably. It's not The Good Son because I saw Nostalgia Critic's review of it and it wasn't it. Some of the scenes that I remember are:

The kid and a friend of his are walking through a graveyard at the kid is laying on the ground in front of a tombstone and his friend is freaked out.

The kid puts a ball under his arm because it cuts off his pulse, so when he pretends to be dead his babysitter (I think she was his babysitter) can't feel his pulse.

The kid uses a bow and arrow to kill someone.

The ending is a ripoff of The Omen with the kid still alive and no one suspecting a thing.

Again, I haven't heard anyone ever mention a movie like this on any forum or movie site. If I dreamed this it was pretty damn lucid one.


Slizz said:
What is the movie title called where it is a little kid, who obtains a computer game and starts playing it. But it turns out its a government program used to direct missiles or something, and the whole movie is agents in suits chasing the kid. Its def an 80's movie. (Fred Savage isn't in this one)

Sounds like WarGames with Matthew Broderick


Fritz said:
Sounds like WarGames with Matthew Broderick
I guess your right, but for some reason I remember the kids being much younger. There is a boat scene where he is on a ferry and agents follow him there and they play like musical chairs for a little bit because the boy is trying to escape. Is that scene in Wargames?


How about another one.

Me and a friend used to hire this anime movie all the time. It involved some sort of space where the main characters wore white suits, and there are possibly aliens involved. I remember the movie involving a fair bit of blood with some characters dying.

Anyone? Anyone?


Slizz said:
I guess your right, but for some reason I remember the kids being much younger. There is a boat scene where he is on a ferry and agents follow him there and they play like musical chairs for a little bit because the boy is trying to escape. Is that scene in Wargames?
sorry, no idea. Its been ages since I last watched the movie myself.


looking for a horror movie (60s/70s/80s) with a pack of wolves (not werewolf).

only part i remember is "there's a chick and a guy making out in a horses stable, the wolves came and ate them, the police/detectives" and that's all i remember.

help me GAF


shesha said:
Does anyone remember a Giant Robot cartoon circa 1985 maybe or 1987 It was like Voltron, but not.

It would come on Early in the morning, like 6 or 7 am. It was so bad ass, but I cant rememeber the name.
Mighty Orbots?


I have one which is really tough and probably nobody knows... especially because I know so little about it.

It was at least 20 years ago (but prolly more)
It was anime
It was in space
It had a scene where they boarded a ship... and to my horror (I was about 10 years old) everybody on the ship (kids included).... was dead.

It left a hardcore impression... I've only seen it once. Anybody knows?
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