Voost Kain
People are excited by the false promises and trailers that the 343 Idiots call HALO INFINITE, but I can see through them right quick. They grab you with all the flash but then when you receive the game you have nothing but lies, poor design, and poor experiences.
I gave them numerous chances. The one tolerable game they have made is their first, Halo Anniversary for the Xbox 360. They did alright for a new studio and I liked the touchups they added, but then it all went down hill from there. Halo 4 almost destroyed the franchise, they completely rewrote the plot and introduced new enemies that are still universally panned today. They damaged the multiplayer so badly that the population died only a few months after launch. They decided to remove key mechanics that fans loved, replacing them with mechanics seen in Call of Duty and several of its cash-in clones. Then after a few sub-par mobile games, they put out the Master Chief Collection. Couldn't even handle that, and it took almost 2 years to fix the damn thing and it's still not fixed today.
Then there's Halo 5! Halo 5, Halo 5, Halo 5. They got us good. They showed us fake gameplay not even running on an Xbox One, even gave us this exciting plot about a Master Chief on the run from a new adversary while trying to clear his name. They claimed to have hired new writers, and stated they listened to fan feedback, people who were fooled posted online saying Halo was back! No, it wasn't back, it was worse than ever before! All that gameplay was fake, the story was fake, the choices we were told we could make were also fake. We got a piss poor single player campaign and a slightly superior multiplayer campaign compared 4. It was still bad, but it was enough to make many people believe Halo 5 was actually heading in the right direction. Little did they know they only thought that because Halo 4 fucked up the franchise so badly anything else seemed better in comparison. Halo 5 was a Titanfall Call of Duty hybrid with tacked on single player. A single player mind you, where you play as Master Chief only 5% of the time.
Now they are doing it again, do you actually believe everything they have been showing us about Halo Infinite? You think all of it is actually going to be in the game? Do you think that's how the game is going to play? They got you good. You gave 343 one more chance to kill off the franchise for good. If you guys weren't so indoctrinated we could have gotten Microsoft to shutter 343idiots in 2015, but you fell for Halo 5 and now you are falling for their Infinite marketing.
When Halo Infinite inevitably turns out to be a disgrace, what's left for Halo? I like the Xbox One, it has some of the top games this generation, but I barely mention Halo and there's a reason for that, 343 is a shitfire and needs to be extinguished.
But fine, allow 343 to convince you Halo is coming back by making a phony cross-gen game called Infinite, in collaboration with the studio that brought us Kinect National Geographic?
By partnering with this studio for Infinite, you think Halo is back? A studio that hasn't yet produced a real game? You all have doomed yourselves, there is no possible way this can workout. 343 couldn't put out a simple collection with 3 competent studios, and you think that having them partner with a nobody studio is going to change things for the better?
I guess it's too late now, RIP Halo. At least we still have Gears.
I gave them numerous chances. The one tolerable game they have made is their first, Halo Anniversary for the Xbox 360. They did alright for a new studio and I liked the touchups they added, but then it all went down hill from there. Halo 4 almost destroyed the franchise, they completely rewrote the plot and introduced new enemies that are still universally panned today. They damaged the multiplayer so badly that the population died only a few months after launch. They decided to remove key mechanics that fans loved, replacing them with mechanics seen in Call of Duty and several of its cash-in clones. Then after a few sub-par mobile games, they put out the Master Chief Collection. Couldn't even handle that, and it took almost 2 years to fix the damn thing and it's still not fixed today.
Then there's Halo 5! Halo 5, Halo 5, Halo 5. They got us good. They showed us fake gameplay not even running on an Xbox One, even gave us this exciting plot about a Master Chief on the run from a new adversary while trying to clear his name. They claimed to have hired new writers, and stated they listened to fan feedback, people who were fooled posted online saying Halo was back! No, it wasn't back, it was worse than ever before! All that gameplay was fake, the story was fake, the choices we were told we could make were also fake. We got a piss poor single player campaign and a slightly superior multiplayer campaign compared 4. It was still bad, but it was enough to make many people believe Halo 5 was actually heading in the right direction. Little did they know they only thought that because Halo 4 fucked up the franchise so badly anything else seemed better in comparison. Halo 5 was a Titanfall Call of Duty hybrid with tacked on single player. A single player mind you, where you play as Master Chief only 5% of the time.
Now they are doing it again, do you actually believe everything they have been showing us about Halo Infinite? You think all of it is actually going to be in the game? Do you think that's how the game is going to play? They got you good. You gave 343 one more chance to kill off the franchise for good. If you guys weren't so indoctrinated we could have gotten Microsoft to shutter 343idiots in 2015, but you fell for Halo 5 and now you are falling for their Infinite marketing.
When Halo Infinite inevitably turns out to be a disgrace, what's left for Halo? I like the Xbox One, it has some of the top games this generation, but I barely mention Halo and there's a reason for that, 343 is a shitfire and needs to be extinguished.
But fine, allow 343 to convince you Halo is coming back by making a phony cross-gen game called Infinite, in collaboration with the studio that brought us Kinect National Geographic?

By partnering with this studio for Infinite, you think Halo is back? A studio that hasn't yet produced a real game? You all have doomed yourselves, there is no possible way this can workout. 343 couldn't put out a simple collection with 3 competent studios, and you think that having them partner with a nobody studio is going to change things for the better?
I guess it's too late now, RIP Halo. At least we still have Gears.