This thread literally starts with the OP calling an entire development studio idiots lolPoints can be made without the personal insults. Dial that back, thank you.
Hey now I'm just pathetic enough to have purchased shit like this.Ah, the the latest thread perfectly illustrating why gamers are cringy dorks is here.
This should be a fun read.
This thread literally starts with the OP calling an entire development studio idiots lol
NeoGAF mods encourage shit-talking behind other people's backs confirmed.The entire dev studio are not members of this community.
You could say it's a.... Mantle of Responsibility.Let’s get back on topic. I’m just a rando, but too much unpleasantness in here
343i bad? 343i good? Weigh in.
Personally, I think Infinite is the last chance to turn it around. If they can deliver something that really lives up to the Halo mantle, or at least does an admirable job, all or most transgressions will be forgiven. If they don’t, though...
NeoGAF mods encourage shit-talking behind other people's backs confirmed.
I actually think Death Stranding looks very good. There is some serious cringe but eh, I like the story from what I know of it and I'm cool with weird walking sims like Kholat.Are people really that sensitive?
You don't see me bitching about Anti-Kojima thread, do you?
ackshually.....Are people really that sensitive?
You don't see me bitching about Anti-Kojima thread, do you?
Are people really that sensitive?
You don't see me bitching about Anti-Kojima thread, do you?
Was the MP any good? I never tried it and only played some of the unfortunate campaign.I’m gonna be frank, I’m a biased Halo fan, and I’ve gotten some crazy perks from 343 (Trips to E3, A RvB cameo, PAX parties, early play tests etc) 343 has really treated me well as an individual and I will ALWAYS defend Halo 4. It was a solid first attempt, and they really put their hearts into it.
That said.
Halo 5 was a colossal failure.
The MP in Halo 5 was actually very good, and I hope they don’t deviate far from it. We don’t need another a CoD or Battlefield. We need a good Arena shooter and H5 was as good as it gets this gen.Was the MP any good? I never tried it and only played some of the unfortunate campaign.
Is it really a $500 million budget? I heard this before but it seemed like rumor.I am VERY cautious for Infinite. Halo 5 suckered me in with Forge and custom games, but I can't dismiss the awful choices made by 343. The bait-and-switch marketing. Removal of splitscreen. The undoing of the emotional ending of Halo 4 by bringing Cortana back as the villain.
343 have had this track record of coming SO close to getting it right, but they keep missing the mark fundamentally one way or another. I think their biggest sin with Halo 4 and 5 have been the chasing of industry trends. I'm a little more hopeful for now after the latest "We Are 343 Industries" video (is this part of the first wave of marketing hype for Infinite?). There's a line in the video about respecting the legacy of the series "to help make sure that Halo doesn't just become an amalgamation of what the market is currently doing". Looking at this quote with Halo 4 and Halo 5 in mind, it seems obvious that they've realized their past mistakes with trend-chasing. Halo 4's Call-of-Duty-ized multiplayer is an obvious point, with killstreaks, custom classes, perks, and of course sprint by default. Then we see Halo 5 pursuing the advanced mobility trend made popular by, who would have guessed, Call of Duty! as well as Titanfall. Furthermore was the inclusion of microtransactions which the community seems to overlook.
Hopefully this all means that 343 really have realized their past stewardship of the Halo franchise have in fact been amalgamations of what the market was doing. They really need to get it right this time, because I feel like Microsoft is going all-out with the $500 million budget, and another dud could mean that Halo might be gone forever.
OP is way too emotional over the quality of a videogame. If it ends up being shit, play something else. Don't see why people drown in rage because some random fucking videogame sucks.
Lower than Life Is Strange, Final Fantasy X, Gears 4, Gears 5, and Broken Chief collection. But Halo is back?
OP is way too emotional over the quality of a videogame. If it ends up being shit, play something else. Don't see why people drown in rage because some random fucking videogame sucks.
You do realise the MCC was fixed last year and is now easily one of the best game collections from any generation.
I don't have to "give them a chance".. when the game comes out I'll read reviews like every other game. And not like I have to buy the game... GamePass exists.
Mommy needs to change your diapy.
You have to be retarded or not a real Halo fan to see that 343i are headed in the right direction with the wide open maps / open world.
They are going back to the roots of Halo.
OP sounds like a fanboy who hasn't even played the games or was never going to get Halo Infinite. I'm happy 343i are at the helm.
Doom is 60 fps and looks better than halo 5, battlefield, call of duty are both 60 fps have 100x the graphics than halo 5, your excuses are meaningless 343 are losers the last good halo game i played was 3 and after that they couldnt catch the vibe of the first 2 games.
People still take this guy's bait? Lol
Before joining, just seeing his posts then i already had a legit concern for his mental health![]()
They even screwed up what you call the one good game. The way the introduction to the Flood is completely ruined, really is quite something.
Not old enough obviously and may never be. That post was 30 seconds I will never get back because I stopped reading the drivel before I wasted any more time.
If Halo Infinite isn't up to snuff the entire high level studio management needs to be replaced. 3 strikes and you're out.
The salt and jealousy in here among the PlayStation fanboys is thick. While 343 isn't the best, Halo 5 still sold north of 5 million units and with PC and XB1 combined, MCC will probably reach north of 5 million as well. While not Bungie level or Halo 4 level of mega-hit, still really solid numbers. PlayStation fanboys are legit shook that Killzone is dead and Series X launches with Halo Infinite.![]()
This thread literally starts with the OP calling an entire development studio idiots lol
NeoGAF mods encourage shit-talking behind other people's backs confirmed.
OP is way too emotional over the quality of a videogame. If it ends up being shit, play something else. Don't see why people drown in rage because some random fucking videogame sucks.
Yes and if the score was 98 you could list games with a 99 or 100. Not sure what your point is.
It’s a Voost Kain thread. Don’t take any of it literal. It’s like the court jester or village idiot to honeypot shittakes.
Didn'tLikely never played an Xbox One. But came here anyway.
They could win but are just stubborn. Player population is low and sales keep declining. Fans have been telling them they don't want this new style of Halo.Like I said in the other thread, 343 are screwed... damned if they do, damned if they don’t. They can’t make the game ultra realistic looking because it’s halo, so people will cry it looks shit. They can’t make it look stylised, because other people will loan it looks shit.
Change the gameplay? Fuckers!! Keep it the same? Do something original!
They just can’t win with this, as they will piss some group off...
Was the MP any good? I never tried it and only played some of the unfortunate campaign.
Your a joke of a mod.The entire dev studio are not members of this community.
You're a joke of a memberYour a joke of a mod.
Your a joke of a mod.
Dude banned me for a facetious remark lel.Your a joke of a mod.
I reluctantly agree, despite halo 4 being a straight-up CoD clone, it atleast had decent maps which for me is the biggest sin of halo 5’s mp. Frankly the concept of spartan abilities doesnt really bug me but what they had to do with the maps to get them to work irks me the wrong way. The new midship for example plays nothing like the original and now small maps still feel to big and open due to increased movement speed/versatility.I see people defend the MP but I don’t think they are really Halo fans.
The MP maps were atrocious (Both gameplay wise and aesthetically), adding Aim Down Sights isn’t Halo, Sprint sucks, Ground Pound/Spartan Charge/Thruster/Clamber are the biggest deal breakers to me, they are God awful mechanics.
Halo 5 is an ugly game, especially the MP. The armors are sooooooo bad, the environments are trash, and the weapons/vehicles are ugly. Aesthetically it just isn’t a pleasant game to look at.
Agree, i would rather suck a dick than give them one more chance.
Are people really that sensitive?
You don't see me bitching about Anti-Kojima thread, do you?
Tell this our beloved Duke Nukem ForeverAfter 5 years of 343i working on Halo Infinite... I don't think they will screw up this time.