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I do believe that Guild Wars has the best art in a game ever.











With full settings, everything takes a hi-contrast, dreamy glow...the characters, designed well. The villiages, amazing. The worlds, captivating.

From every leaf of crabgrass that pokes at your feet to the dynamic skies to the water you can wade in, everything looks amazing...And beautiful.

Extra bonus points for making the elemental look like David Bowie, too!


I've been playing it and I'd have to agree.... the amazing thing is that you even even zoom full in (first person mode) and it lose none of it's quality...

They crafted a very sweet engine for this game


Gold Member
Matlock said:
A very sweet engine, indeed. Gotta love whoever was behind this (Korean?).

Nope. American. They are ex-Blizzard. Lots of old Battle.net and Diablo people working on it.

I like the game a lot. Very pretty. I just don't know if their "no monthy fee" plan will fly. The way it works is it's basically Diablo, but you need to pay additional fees (like $15-20 per area) if you want access to higher level areas. Now, if you're in a guild that already has access you don't have to pay.


Grandma's Chippy
I would like it more if I could figure out how to play it!!

I can't even figure out how to get a weapon...



I just wish I could afford the more expensive shit, haha. But thank god it supports 1280x800. Looks so great at that res, full settings, 4xAA...:D

Mana: where'd you get that info from? Link, please.


gamespy has a few interviews up with the creators for the launch


Interview: ArenaNet Founder Jeff Strain
Strain left Blizzard to redefine the massively multiplayer genre. See if no monthly fees is the way of the future in this interview.

Interview: Designer James Phinney
Phinney (Lead Designer and Producer for StarCraft) speaks with us about the insane skill system in Guild Wars.

i hope there is more char customization in the final game though


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Hmm maybe I need to play it more... but I got bored really really quicky and something about the gameplay felt clunky for some reason. :(

But I agree that the game is beautiful.


Gold Member
Matlock said:
Mana: where'd you get that info from? Link, please.

They discuss it slightly in the official FAQ, but I don't know if how it works is public knowledge yet. The "Chapters" cost money, and you need to pay for them to get access, but if you are in a guild that has access to the "Chapters" you don't have to pay anything. The "Chapters" will be purchased online and automatically streamed down to the client.


Yes. Purchasing the newer chapters of Guild Wars will not make you strictly more powerful. You will have access to many more strategic options, due to the expanding nature of the skills, abilities, items and professions that you enjoy with each chapter. It would be similar to building a deck in Magic: The Gathering™: The more cards you own, the more different playing decks that you can choose from to use in the game. When you buy the chapters of Guild Wars, you will acquire a larger collection of skills and abilities from which to build your skill set, but you will not gain more power. So if you purchase a chapter and your friend does not, you will still be able to play competitively against and with one another.

No. Every purchase you make in the continuation of the Guild Wars saga will be your choice. If you purchase expansion packs you will gain access to new regions of the world, new skills and abilities, new items, new professions, and much more. However, if you choose to not purchase a chapter, you will still be able to play the chapters of Guild Wars that you own, and you will have common areas in which you will be able to play with and against your friends who have purchased the other chapter(s).

Guild Wars will be competitively priced, comparable to the cost of other titles of its quality. The subsequent chapters of Guild Wars will also be priced at a level comparable to other games.
I'd assume so. The focus seems to be on competing with different guilds. In the preview thing they are doing now theres an arena duel thing and a defend the dude competition. Probably alot more. (The game is really boring so I didn't play much :p)


Grandma's Chippy
Post more screens!

Personally I'm impressed with the engine, it looks good and has an almost zero hit on my system compared to games with similar graphics. Hell most of the time when I have max everything it runs choppy in high end games (my card is not the best with AA) but this one runs smooth...even when using FRAPS. Very cool.

As for the game, too much loading right now...hopefully they get rid of the loading screen coming up between each scene and just do some sort of slow down effect or graphical switch. Don't like seeing "downloading" so much.

Not sure yet if this game will work in the mainstream, but it is a cool idea at least.


Well since it's just an internet download I'm guessing they decided it best that it only download new areas when your client calls for them. I would assume that once the game actually hits retail it'll install all the areas at once.

Once you actually have an area on your system switching between them takes only a second.

But I haven't read up much on this game yet so /shrug.


Grandma's Chippy
Yeah it does only take a second or two, which is why I want to get rid of that Downloading screen that pops up...no need...just put some stock animation in there....like a slowdown effect with trailing particles or something. Anything!


Has the quality of the environments seen a decline?
The shots in this thread do everything but impress.

Some old shots.



olimario said:
Has the quality of the environments seen a decline?
The shots in this thread do everything but impress.

Some old shots.


Yes, Oli, because there's screenshots in this thread that directly compare to those. :p


Character design is eww nasty and makes the game look like generic Korean shit (I was shocked when I read up above that it was made by ex-Blizzard guys), but the backgrounds look stunning


I played the beta for 30 minutes and immediately uninstalled the EQ2 beta. This looks WORLDS better and runs at a much better frame rate. It's just incredible how much better looking this is without relying so heavily on all the DX9 features that EQ2 uses.


I like the look. I can uderstand what you guys mean by good art. But the game does have drawback such as the technical side of the graphics. Add the technical side and boom.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I think demon Stone has better designs overall from what ive seen. How is that game anyway? the videos look freaging amazing.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Great Wasabi Man said:
hey so it's an mmorpgish game and

whos a what?!

Think of it as Diablo II. Only the chat rooms are the town, but all the adventure areas are 6 players instances, same as any diablo match or round of PSO. They are going to be releasing tons of content on a fairly regular basis though, which is how they will make their money. $20 expansion packs every 6 months or so.


Schafer said:
Think of it as Diablo II. Only the chat rooms are the town, but all the adventure areas are 6 players instances, same as any diablo match or round of PSO. They are going to be releasing tons of content on a fairly regular basis though, which is how they will make their money. $20 expansion packs every 6 months or so.

That's much more reasonable than what Mana was selling it as.


Gold Member
Matlock said:
That's much more reasonable than what Mana was selling it as.

It's going to be more often than every six months. If they had their way, there'd be a new chapter every month. But it'll probably be every two months or so.

I've heard that they like the SWG publishing schedule and want to try to match it. Basically you do one big theme patch (which will be the $20 chapter) every month and then smaller update patches/fixes in-between with sometimes tossing in a free new dungeon etc. SWG does this for free due to the monthly fee, but they do big theme patches "Imperial Crackdown", "Droid Invasion", "Droids Rebuilt", "Secrets of the Force", and "The Jedi Trials" each month or so. Then every two weeks after that are mini-patches that add a minor new feature like a new dungeon etc. This is aside form the regular bug fix patches.


ManaByte said:
It's going to be more often than every six months. If they had their way, there'd be a new chapter every month. But it'll probably be every two months or so.

And if Sony had their way, they'd be charging damn near $20 a month for online games. Oh wai


Gold Member
Matlock said:
And if Sony had their way, they'd be charging damn near $20 a month for online games. Oh wai

Actually, it'd be $40 a month. People at SOE actually have a detailed breakdown on how they can justify $40 a month for a MMO.

Grey Fox

I've been playing quite a bit,got to 20 with my Ele/Monk.One thing though,this weapon/armor system is really pissing me off.All the early magic weapons have a major negative stat along with a good one,so it makes using it pointless.Also,don't get me started on collecting crafting materials.And why does whenever a cloth salvage drops,a frickin warrior gets it?Also the new skill system is stupid.You have to find NPCs to train you now,unlike in beta where you had to get skill runes or whatever they were called(basically charms) and NPCs would teach you that skill.Also,removing that system has made named monsters useless(only they dropped the skill items).They often drop nothing or crap now,so there's really no excitement in fighting them anymore.("Yay 5 bones and 2 gold!")Also a lot of the later missions are really the same.Tired of fighting the same monsters,was glad when
the white mantle turned out to be bad,gave me something new to fight.

Oh yeah and here's a interesting visual bug for you all.


Added some more shots of early areas to the first post. Awesome shit all around, loved the girl with the skull shirt.
These shots are ass. On my new computer with a 6800 Ultra the game looks insanely detailed. I may take a few shots later tonight and post them.


Animation is a bit off, but it looks quite nice. Not sure if I'm really big on the gameplay though. Seems a bit simple?

Anyway, glad to got a chance to try it for bit.



CrimsonSkies said:
These shots are ass. On my new computer with a 6800 Ultra the game looks insanely detailed. I may take a few shots later tonight and post them.

I'm running 4xAA with full settings, so I dunno what else there's past that.


Is it just me or is it near impossible to solo in this game? I took a quest in Lion's Arch that had me travel to some town to deliver a box and I got owned. It takes like 5 minutes to kill something lower level than you and when there is more than one mob at a time....forget about it.
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