author of that article comes off as a grade A douchebag
I think color grading is often abused, but I would absolutely disagree about Fury Road being an example of that. That's a heightened, wild world. It's full of extremes.Haven't seen it yet, but I totally relate to what he's saying about excessive color grading and post production detracting from a film's naturalism. I felt the same way about Fury Road. It looked like tons of CG even though I knew from the internet that 90 percent of it was on-camera. When the behind-the-scenes footage looks more impressive than the actual movie, you have a problem.
Color grading gets abused so much. It's an instant turn-off for me in a film. It's like instagram filters: they're supposed to add authenticity, but has the opposite effect instead.
The number of people writing off the author with ad hominems instead of addressing the point he's making is embarrassing.
I too agree that movies shouldn't be rewarded just because they are challenging to make. If the end product is fantastic, that's what should be rewarded. Sometimes movies need to go to difficult lengths to get there, but those things don't make the film inherently better.
I don't think he's saying that you can't like the movie. I think he's saying don't praise it for the behind-the-scenes trials the production overcame.
The number of people writing off the author with ad hominems instead of addressing the point he's making is embarrassing.
Boyhoods whole 'it took twelve years!!' campaign was much more in your face than the Rev's yet did not influence my opinion of the film. Haven't seen Leos latest yet
yeah, it's a great movie but that's not the point of the thread.The Revenant is a great movie, deserves all the accolades, from the cinematography, director, actors, etc. suspenseful, thrilling from beginning to end.
I hope it got as many Oscar as possible
Read a GQ interview with Leo about this movie and I pretty much agree with the point of the article. You would think they spent months alone in the wilderness filming this instead of a huge crew with medical staff and probably first class accommodations.
Most of Leo's types in Malibu and Brentwood would pay out the ass for grass feed bison liver.
come to think about it. this is probably the reason why birdman won best picture over boyhood last year.
birdman had a more film-related narrative going on with the "the movie was made as if it was one long take!!" and "this is michael keaton's comeback movie!!" whereas boyhood's "it took 12 years to make this"/"what if this actor/actress lost interest in the film mid-production?!?!" narrative (that did not influence the quality of the film) didn't resonate with most of the academy members.
yeah, it's a great movie but that's not the point of the thread.
Suffering for art should be acknowledged in general and appreciated when the product is good. If it was a Survivor situation and the catering guys were just off camera then ya, but I guess that's not the case here.
You know what else was a nightmarish shoot? Waterworld.
Um, of course it was the case here. Do you really think they just went off in the wilderness with a few cameras and subsisted off of nothing but wild berries and captured game for eight months?
and the sad thing about it is leo will prob get an oscar this year because of this 'difficulty' even though he has given much better (and more honest) performances before the revenant.
Why do people keep saying this shit? Wouldn't it be even more sad if he doesn't get the Oscar at all? Obviously it's sad that he didnt get it for a better performance, but it happens. To many actors at that. Doesn't mean he can't earn it with another performance.
I mean hell Denzel got his best actor Oscar for Training Day of all films.
author of that article comes off as a grade A douchebag
Not too well versed in his performances, which ones are even better than Training Day?
Not too well versed in his performances, which ones are even better than Training Day?