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I dont want any more World War II games.

I was looking at an article for that Soldiers PC game and realized im so over WWII. Even if BF1943 came out I wouldnt wanna play it.

we should move onto korea next. THEN vietnam. then..... the soviet afghan war? nicaragua? war on drugs? gulf war? kosovo? we need more wars here......


I'm pretty sure everything was covered. History lesson over.

I wouldn't mind some WWI games. Crappy 1st gen tanks, crappy guns, crappy planes. French actually fighting. Fresh stuff :).


I was thinking the same thing a year ago.

Bold Prediction: Brothers in Arms is going to get COMPLETELY strafed next year.

MaddenNFL64 said:
I'm pretty sure everything was covered. History lesson over.

I wouldn't mind some WWI games. Crappy 1st gen tanks, crappy guns, crappy planes. French actually fighting. Fresh stuff :).

WW1 was a crappy war in general.

Get in the trench and get disease and walk right into your next buddy shit while you're at it!!!
French and their shitty Weapons: The Game.

Level 1: Succeed in allowing firearm to explode in face.

Level 2: Survive first war only to build the largest and most obsolete trench network in europe. Bonus points for surviving long enough to watch german tanks roll over your trench network.

Level 3: Give Up.

Level 4: Decide Not to Give up, bonus points for running faulty guns to american so they may succeed in allowing the firearms to blow up in their faces and/or jam for no good reason.

Level 5 Secret Level: French Fries take over america, fight Freedom fries. Get Stinky.


Airport Security: The Game.

Spend fun-filled hours scanning luggage while keeping a lookout for "people of interest"


hyperbolically metafictive
if i ran a development company, i'd develop GRITTY TACTICAL WAR SIMULATIONS based on wars that are about to happen. like BATTLEFIELD IRAN: PREEMPTIVE FREEDOM, or ISRAEL VS. THE ARAB WORLD: DREAM MATCH 2006. i'd have prime market positioning, i'd beat my competitors to the shelves by months if not years, and i doubt the games would be any worse than all the other awful military shooters clogging the market. it'd be a goldmine.


Defensor said:
Agreed. We need more Cold War games.



WarPig said:
Bold Prediction: Brothers in Arms is going to get COMPLETELY strafed next year.
Hopefully not or too bad for the people that will overlook this game. It's a very good game that brings something new to the whole WWII FPS era.

Controlling your troops and having them flank and occupy the ennemy is a blast.
The only exception would be for a Black-Suited Mafioso who Skateboards thru Time.

Crime + War + Extreme Sports = Must Win!

The soundtrack will only contain Rap of the Dirty South and Polka.
Modern gaming in a nutshell: because it's important to accurately model the trajectory of ejected casings from a Kalishnikov down to the nearest sub-cosine, all the while letting the player hop around the battlefield like a freshly fucked kangaroo.

Military gaming doesn't even TRY these days: it's all weapons fetishism and vicarious chest-beating, and the basic mechanics be damned.


Drinky Crow said:
...all the while letting the player hop around the battlefield like a freshly fucked kangaroo.

I hate jumping in "realistic" FPS games. Who the fuck jumps in the middle of a firefight anyway?


Well theres the Vietnam game coming using the Killzone engine. Theres battlefield vietnam. Theres some games based on the Gulf War. But I agree, WW2 games are a bit overdone.


Time ta STEP IT UP
I agree, WWII FPS games are getting stale, but I can't stop buying them. I WILL buy Call of Duty: United Offensivel. And I WILL buy Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault -- because I've never played a WWII game that had a Pacific theatre scenario in it. Very cool. I know BF1942 had it, but that doesn't count. Neither does Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, because I never played it and I heard it sucked.


I want Civil War games. I dont care if the weapons are slow and antiquated.. I want something new. This is something I've been clamoring for some time about. Vietnam and WW2 games simply tired.. you're not going to top Call of Duty in WW2 titles, so quit trying!


Drinky Crow said:
Modern gaming in a nutshell: because it's important to accurately model the trajectory of ejected casings from a Kalishnikov down to the nearest sub-cosine, all the while letting the player hop around the battlefield like a freshly fucked kangaroo.
I just spit out what I was drinking.
we need an iran/contra game. you'd play as ollie north and would have to travel to iran to cozy up with the ayatollah and try to sell weapons at the higherst prices possible and then travel to nicaragua(in your own custom plane) and give money to the contras. plus points for weaseling out of senate hearings and telling the contras to kill nuns.


What we need is a Civil War FPS. The controversy alone would shake the USA to its core. Bonus points for playing as a black guy in the Confederate Army.

You may proceed to hit me with hardtack now *runz!*.

EDIT; A GOOD FPS MIND YOU, Gods and Generals is dead to me. And you.


i don't think i've played a single world war 2 game in the last few years. in fact, i can't remember if i've ever played a world war 2 game. i rule.


Developers will always make games about WWII because it has an incredible setting for a game plus the fact that many people are still really really interested in that era. If you're sick of them, just don't buy them anymore that's all.

I still enjoy them, hell, my GOTY last year was one and its expansion is coming out soon (Call of Duty) and from the little of Brother in Arms I've played, it will be an excellent game for sure.
MaddenNFL64 said:
I'm pretty sure everything was covered. History lesson over.

I wouldn't mind some WWI games. Crappy 1st gen tanks, crappy guns, crappy planes. French actually fighting. Fresh stuff :).

Crappy nothing. Killing machines.


A WWI game would own. but really give me a war game during the ancient age where you hop on elphants and horses and have some serious sword fighting, catapolts, archery, castle seiges..all done with the amount of effort put into modern war games.
Meier said:
I want Civil War games. I dont care if the weapons are slow and antiquated.. I want something new. This is something I've been clamoring for some time about. Vietnam and WW2 games simply tired.. you're not going to top Call of Duty in WW2 titles, so quit trying!

I couldn't agree more and i am 100% serious when i say the coolest part would be the heart-pounding banjo soundtrack -- clawhammer frenzy.
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