Preach it to the freakin' heavens and back, OP. Oh, Reboot!Lara Croft! You are the broken pedestal of a gift that just always keeps on giving. It's been years, and I'm still not over the loss of one of the few larger than life female power fantasy characters we had in gaming. Buh-bye Lara, enjoy Crystal Dynamics' Island of Horrors. See ya, Samus, you were Other M'd. Now two of the most iconic women in gaming are 'vulnerable', what a unique concept, that's never been done with a female character before. All we have left in the female power fantasy department is Bayonetta, and as much as I adore her, she's definitely still got her issues.
I fully acknowledge that Tomb Raider has always had a really dodgy relationship with women/sexualisation/violence. (There is an interesting
essay from Cara Ellison about the original TR and the reboot from when the controversial reboot trailer came out). At the end of it all, what really disturbs me about the rebooted series is that it's become so incredibly insidious about how Lara is treated. But, hey, she's practically dressed now, all is saved!
I think one of the things I perpetually find so disturbing about the treatment of Reboot!Lara, is how it's all sunshine and roses on the surface, with more insidious steps made with the character the whole way through. Lara's gone from an adventurer that was disowned by her parents because they disagreed with her becoming an archaeologist... to being rebooted into yet another female character whose origins involve living up to her father's legacy. She's gone from smug, confident and cocky, to someone who is nondescript and uncertain. (There is nothing wrong with the latter, and it can be genuinely compelling with development. Pity Reboot!Lara is lacking in the development department.) Old School!Lara was a snarky, confident anti-hero. Reboot!Lara is a non-offensive, cookie-cutter straight forward hero with very little in the way of personality - CD very briefly explores her anti-hero element in Rise. Lara's gone from being an aggressive, proactive in your face duel-wielding pistol gun-show to a more passive heroine who has been billed as a survivor with her bow and arrow. I still think it's interesting that a bow is the weapon CD stuck Lara with, in both marketing and narrative, as opposed to a shotgun or a pistol. We were so lacking in archer women archetypes, we absolutely needed another one! Meanwhile, how 'bout that female lead with a pistol or a shotgun? Anyone? Bueller?
Speaking of bows, can we talk about that time the Reboot!Lara brought a bow to gun fight?
...seriously, CD, that was one of the stupidest things ever.
Old School!Lara was not remotely perfect, nor was the treatment of her in relation to sexuality and violence, but the series had no pretence to what it was. The rebooted Tomb Raider pretends it's stepped away from these roots, all the while Reboot!Lara goes through such a beating it's like there is a competition with the Crystal Dynamic devs to see what hell they can put her through next. She takes a few steps, something breaks. Here's another body of water with air pockets specifically placed so that she'll always be struggling and gasping for air by the time she gets to the other side. If there's a way for her to get scraped and beaten up by the environment, CD is all over it. There's also a continual dissonance with her injuries, just so she can get hurt more. From the 2013 game, she gets a gut wound early on and swims through revoltingly unhygienic water. It's a complete non-issue. Later on, she clips a tree, and now suddenly it's a huge deal where she can no longer jump and limps around the world for a few levels. She constantly falls from heights that would break bones, but, no, she's fine, she'll just moan for awhile, so she can fall from another height, and moan again.
I absolutely agree that playing Uncharted is also a perpetual suspension of disbelief as to how Nathan Drake is alive - but Uncharted's pulpy adventure tone fits this well. Nate might slip and slide, and have the odd long drop, but it isn't every other move he makes. Poor Reboot!Lara's world is designed for the most amount of pain they can put her through without seriously injuring her. Crystal Dynamics, for better or worse, is trying to have their gritty survival game with pulpy adventure tropes all at the same time. Unfortunately the end result is a female character with a long-standing history of sexualising/violence getting hurt, over and over and over. If CD wanted to truly make a gritty survival game, they needed to be realistic about how and when Lara gets hurt. Lara would have died about ten minutes into reboot, and probably every ten minutes after. I've always found the 'it's realistic!' excuse to be rubbish. CD want their pulpy adventure take alongside the grit. I always feel like the series unsuccessfully wrestles with both genres, and Lara (literally) suffers instead.
I want to emphasise my complaints are also not an issue of a female character getting hurt. That's fine, she's in life or death situations, it's going to happen. I'd expect the same thing of a male character. The difference is how Lara is treated during all of this, the sexualised element that is lacking with a male lead, and the ludicrous frequency of it all.
One of the issues that ties into the above is that Lara's vocalisations are still an absolute disturbing train wreck, even in Rise. I don't know if it's just Camilla Luddington not being the strongest actress, or if she's under specific direction from CD. The sounds Lara makes in game continue to blur the already fucked-up line the series has with women, sexualisation, and violence. They're not sounds actual women make when they are in pain, or doing something that requires physical exertion. They're at the Vanille-tier of The Slightest Move Is Making Me Orgasm. My favourite example for doing vocalisations correctly is Bayonetta. Her grunts in combat are realistic and guttural, and when she's hit, her yells are never sexual in nature. Bayonetta gets this right, of all ironic sexualised characters! Bayonetta! Her
Smash reveal is probably one of the easiest vids to demonstrate her combat sounds.
Bayonetta gets a lot of things right that Tomb Raider has never been able to, and I frequently find myself comparing the two series, despite the drastically different genres. Snarky, sexualised, British female larger than life leads, how could you not compare? Platinum keeps Bayonetta's sexuality and any objectification of her far, far away from violence. Never the twain shall meet. The villains never comment on any aspect of her sexuality, never are sexual in response to her, and never use it against her. As above, her combat noises aren't sexualised, and when she's fighting, it's 100% all business. It's because of this approach from Platinum, I have only once felt uncomfortable playing as Bayonetta*, and playing the series is general a relaxing power fantasy jaunt. Playing the Tomb Raider reboot is a constant teeth-grit of CD's insidious treatment towards Lara. I think it's absurd that a game where the female lead loses her clothing-hair to summon demons in combat respects its female character better than the touted empowering Tomb Raider reboot.
*Platinum dropped the ball with the sequel's Rodin boss fight, though. Naked, foetal Bayonetta. Yep. Awful.
There are some great discussions in this thread about how Strong Female Characters should be allowed to show strength in ways outside the cliched norms, which I 1000% agree with. The Strong Female Character trope that's popped up in the last few years has been supremely frustrating, especially since these Strong Female Characters are generally just shallow attempts that often have very little use or relevance in the story. Strength isn't just being able to punch someone in the face. I also don't want to diminish what Reboot!Lara goes through - she's an absolute fucking badass. I would have drowned the first minute into the game. (If I was the Tomb Raider lead, the game would only be worth one dollar, because that's how long the runtime would be.) My primary, frustrated complaints are just how much Reboot!Lara has lost so much from her original incarnation. There are very few redeemable things that have been left in Old School!Lara's place, both with her as a character, and with Reboot!Lara's disturbing treatment in game. any rate, it had been a few months since my last
'save me from Reboot!Lara, and take notes from the Book of Bayonetta' essay, I apologise for another one. (I have a pipe dream that CD will reboot the reboot, completely change their treatment of Lara, and magically give Tomb Raider to Cara Ellison when she's finished on Dishonored 2. Every time I re-read one of her Tomb Raider essays I remember the Lara that I looked up to as a kid - bizarre pointy triangular breasts and all - and then the reality of Reboot!Lara comes crashing back.)