Actually, Jonah clutches for only 5-10 seconds but his default animation is with his arms to his sides, while Lara's default animation is the clutching throughout
even when they're protected from the wind.
It's telling when you contrast this to the original Tomb Raider when Lara doesn't need the help of a man during traversal. If reboot Lara was as confident in her traversal capabilities, she wouldn't need to rely on Jonah's hand-grab but would know how to make the jump by herself.
How many more games will it take until Crystal Dynamics Lara is as confident as Core Design Lara? lol
I think that is, pardon the pun, a bit reaching. It's been used a ton in UC as well. Personally I think it is about developers and story writers trying to "forge" a bond between characters, and also open up more dare defying stunts/jumps. I mean we always know our main character however close they come to death (outside of
game deaths), they will always
just scramble up the cliff edge. With help or without.
It is kind of the trope of death defying jumps, to be saved by another persons hand pulling you up.
Also if you really want to be technical about it happening in games where it didn't before, AI in games used to be absolutely shit, as did animation. Nowadays we actually have computer AI/animation that acts somewhat realistically to how you, the player, are reacting. Companion NPCs were pretty much non-existent in the early TR games outside of cutscenes ~ Primarily if you ask me because devs didn't have the resources or know how to really nail companion AI to have a persistent on-screen partner (or a partner there for long spells, and not just in cutscenes). They even still struggle now, and it's understandable. UC4 still needed a lot of cuts to Drake only.
So nah, I'm sorry to say, I find it mind bending to somehow buy Lara having the same kind of "saved you at the last minute!" helping hands from NPCs is derogatory to women and/or paints them as weak ¯\_(ツ

_/¯ It is simply not a one game phenomena, neither a gender phenomena. The proof is out there. Happens in many games, and to all genders and types of characters.
If anything in games it just makes me roll my eyes when they do it
500 times, the effect gets overused. Not sure how many times it happened in UC4, but it was definitely a few (Drake being saved, or Drake saving someone with a hand grab). At this point I just feel like it's totally obvious a main character is not dying from a "simple" fall, and once or twice the "saved you" gotcha in a game is okay, but not once in every 5 jumps. It's overused, it is not a statement of inferiority complex to a gender...
This is personal opinion, but really, I just think some of the expectations of TR, and some of the massive political agendas some attach to it, are just way overreaching from what a game like this is trying to deliver. It's at least becoming a bit more reality and less teenage boy fantasy since becoming more realistic, which is good, and there is still room for improvement, but again, some expectations for the purpose of TR and Lara as a character really need to be scaled back a bit. I said it earlier in this topic, but save some of that passion and expectation for real life actors, and the scripts and content they produce. Gaming will largely never reach the heights of having a real actor act and react to a situation, mainly because for large parts you need to suspend belief/reality, in so far as Lara, Drake and whoever else can actually survive these falls/jumps and all the shooting scenes.